
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    wow you guys are A-holes. If you guys don't want to join her then don't respond! And she is not shaming it, she's just stating what doesn't work for HER. So lay off.


    the way i see it, she is exhibiting terribly orthorexic thinking and inviting others to join her in this terribly orthorexic thinking.

    people are responding the way they are because 1) that mindset will hurt her chance of long term success, 2) it's unnecessary, and 3) there is a very high probability that she will binge the minute the 2 weeks are over.

    we'd like to help her see that by changing her relationship with food, she can still enjoy all sorts of foods in moderation and still lose weight.

    wanna know what the surest recipe for failure is when trying to lose weight?'s to attack the problem by following a deprivation diet mentality.

    are you freakin serious????? she cheated maybe over did it! and wants to make a freakin pledge to keep her motivated and instead get all kinds of irrelevant freakin bull!! it has nothing to do with mind set relationship with food and wtv else bull u people came up with!! im so sick of this every time i come in a thread i have to get pissed with holier then though know it alls! get over yourselves and live and let live!!

    you sound hungry
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Wow, after so long, I find myself cheating and going over my calories more often than not. I was looking for a nice motivational challenge to help focus again. I can't believe how this thread turned out... So disappointing. You'd think people around here would be more positive and supporting instead of being so quick to tear people down.

    Regardless, I'm going to give it a go and pledge to remain on track for two weeks. :)

    A world view in which someone views people who give a poster good advice, and are attacked by that poster for doing so, as "quick to tear people down" never fails to amaze me. I truly wonder what type of person develops this world view, but the longer I spend on MFP, the more it becomes crystal clear who these people are.

    MFP seems increasingly divided into two ways of looking into things, and they are definitely at odds:

    (1) Those that have the mind set to change, are willing to do their research with a critical eye, and listen to others who have gone before them. Many of these folks have struggled their entire lives with their weight and other issues, but finally had something "click" and have changed and/or are in the process of changing. This camp has little to do with what dietary limitations these people have or specific approach they take, and far more to do with a mindset that says "I will succeed," and

    (2) those who simply won't change because, all evidence to the contrary, they think they know better than anyone else. These are the ones who constantly use terms and phrases such as "haters," "sabotage," "they're just jealous," etc. They do not seem to understand that others who are now fit and healthy could have ever been where they are today. I personally think that their problem is not the rest of the world, but their own mindset that holds them back and keeps them where they are. Many in camp (1) were once here and through a lot of "tough love" they finally "got it" and moved on.

    I truly enjoy MFP, and I truly feel sorry for the group stuck in (2), but they also seem to waste an inordinate amount of everyone else's time and sympathy, while enflaming the forums with rather obnoxious attacks and blaming everyone else as the ones doing the attacking.

    Feel free to flame away, but remember that your excuses and anger hurt no one but yourself. Calm your mind and the rest of you will follow.

    OP wasn't looking for yours or anyone else's advice. But you are so wise, and you know all. Please.....teach us more.

    More anger . . .

    ETA: There was no reason for the OP, or anyone else, to get as angry as has been shown here. Advice was provided with good intentions. She doesn't have to implement any of it, but attacking people for it is way over the top, and there are forum rules here. Of course, you certainly are as entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I get you.

    Blow the know it all trolls off because you certainly don't want anyone to be bringing you down.

    - you should look up the definition of troll - you are misinformed
    - a lot of these 'know it alls' have had quite a lot of success in weight loss - they might have more useful information to offer than you think.

    I learned a lot - a LOT - on this site just by observing and listening to the folks with the huge losses on their tickers. It helped me - you might want to try it.
    Get back on it! Don't beat yourself up.

    You can do this.

    ^^^ This part I agree with - whole-heartedly.
  • calpeachmfp
    calpeachmfp Posts: 57 Member
    Owieee . . . so many people in so much pain . . . and it seems the more we push against someone, the more they push back . . . makes sense, right? Kindness always seems to be a much better choice . . .

    OP, I think you know what you are talking about as far as knowing your trigger foods. Hmmm . . . I still recall my first encounter with bingeing . . . I was just 5 years old, climbed up onto the kitchen counter, and sneaked into the cookie jar in the early AM, eating half the jar of chocolate chip cookies, because I just couldn't stop. Sugar and fat together have been my triggers ever since. The more I avoid them, the better I feel.

    With the symptoms you described, have you ever been tested for Celiac Disease? It's all about the gluten. Perhaps you might check into that.

    I just found an amazing article you all may want to check out that would solve a lot of this controversy. It's called: "Physical Craving and Food Addiction: A Scientific Review."
    Here's the link:
    It's long but SO worth the time. It answers lots of questions that have been posted here.

    Here's just one of many interesting excerpts:

    "The new science about physical craving and food addiction has important implications for treatment. For other substances which cause physical craving, the first principle for treatment is complete abstinence from the toxic substance. Some say that you can’t abstain from food(s) because “you have to eat,” but this misses the recovery point. Alcoholics abstain from “drinking”, but this does not mean they do not drink anything; alcoholics just don’t drink – or eat foods containing – alcohol. Similarly, food addicts do not stop eating all foods; they just eliminate those foods which are toxic for them. This can be simply using a food plan that takes out the most commonly addictive foods or creating a food plan with a health professional which does not contain any individual binge foods. Other times it is more complex: Some food addicts need to eliminate foods like sugar in more rigorous ways than others; sometimes it takes time to discover exactly what foods are toxic and a food plan that works; and sometimes it takes dealing with emotional, mental, and spiritual issues along with staying physically abstinent before one finds stable recovery."

    In addition, I agree that setting a deadline is a good thing. It's important to have that long-term goal, but it's also critical to set smaller goals (like two weeks or something similar) so you can feel a sense of accomplishment. For me, it's today! Then today . . . then today . . . etc. I do have a long-term goal, then a shorter term goal, then, you guessed it, today! : )

    So, OP, I wish you well! It sounds like you have already had some great success . . . keep on going! I agree it's important to listen to other views, but ignore the not-so-great attitudes, wish those folks well, deep breath in and out, and move along. : ) I have found that anger just fuels those pesky binges of mine. Jeez, I wish I would take my own advice a little more often. : )

    Be well, All.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Wow, after so long, I find myself cheating and going over my calories more often than not. I was looking for a nice motivational challenge to help focus again. I can't believe how this thread turned out... So disappointing. You'd think people around here would be more positive and supporting instead of being so quick to tear people down.

    Regardless, I'm going to give it a go and pledge to remain on track for two weeks. :)

    A world view in which someone views people who give a poster good advice, and are attacked by that poster for doing so, as "quick to tear people down" never fails to amaze me. I truly wonder what type of person develops this world view, but the longer I spend on MFP, the more it becomes crystal clear who these people are.

    MFP seems increasingly divided into two ways of looking into things, and they are definitely at odds:

    (1) Those that have the mind set to change, are willing to do their research with a critical eye, and listen to others who have gone before them. Many of these folks have struggled their entire lives with their weight and other issues, but finally had something "click" and have changed and/or are in the process of changing. This camp has little to do with what dietary limitations these people have or specific approach they take, and far more to do with a mindset that says "I will succeed," and

    (2) those who simply won't change because, all evidence to the contrary, they think they know better than anyone else. These are the ones who constantly use terms and phrases such as "haters," "sabotage," "they're just jealous," etc. They do not seem to understand that others who are now fit and healthy could have ever been where they are today. I personally think that their problem is not the rest of the world, but their own mindset that holds them back and keeps them where they are. Many in camp (1) were once here and through a lot of "tough love" they finally "got it" and moved on.

    I truly enjoy MFP, and I truly feel sorry for the group stuck in (2), but they also seem to waste an inordinate amount of everyone else's time and sympathy, while enflaming the forums with rather obnoxious attacks and blaming everyone else as the ones doing the attacking.

    Feel free to flame away, but remember that your excuses and anger hurt no one but yourself. Calm your mind and the rest of you will follow.

    OP wasn't looking for yours or anyone else's advice. But you are so wise, and you know all. Please.....teach us more.

    I just audibly heard the 'whoosh' this made as it went over your head.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member

    I just found an amazing article you all may want to check out that would solve a lot of this controversy. It's called: "Physical Craving and Food Addiction: A Scientific Review."
    Here's the link:
    It's long but SO worth the time. It answers lots of questions that have been posted here.

    That site looks legit and not like it has any kind of agenda to promote.

    Wait. The....other thing.
  • Zuzanna100
    Zuzanna100 Posts: 39 Member
    I get you.

    Blow the know it all trolls off because you certainly don't want anyone to be bringing you down.

    - you should look up the definition of troll - you are misinformed
    - a lot of these 'know it alls' have had quite a lot of success in weight loss - they might have more useful information to offer than you think.

    I learned a lot - a LOT - on this site just by observing and listening to the folks with the huge losses on their tickers. It helped me - you might want to try it.
    Get back on it! Don't beat yourself up.

    You can do this.

    ^^^ This part I agree with - whole-heartedly.

    Hey, I get there are gems in what some people say but it is certainly not correct to tear down someone else's plan while they are on it! There is no reason for the snarky attitudes from some of the "know it alls". There are some people that for whatever reason has to take a different path down the journey and it doesn't mean they can't also be successful.

    For ME, I have auto-immune problems and I will not state this in most of my posts. I've done many diets and gluten free, so many I don't want to name them. For ME ATKINS works the best and improves my mobility greatly. So, for someone to state restrictions is BAD as a cover for every single person on this forum is rubbish! 2% of people have what I have, that's 2 in 100 and there are many other things that fall into the catagory, so that means there may be 10 out of 100 people that come on here that have other needs and special things they need to do for THEIR own plan. Who wants to write all this out in every single post? Not me, this is it. I'm doing it to make you aware that you gung-ho attitude will help a lot of people on this site but will also hurt more than a few others. Basically, ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL.

    Maybe, YOU guys can learn from this post. Believe me, we do take the gems from yours that work within our lives. No need for the snarky tone.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Hehe. The "Food Addiction Institute". Spoken with a straight face and everything
  • BossReyes
    BossReyes Posts: 117 Member
    You cannot change anyone, you can merely give enough information and hope they will change themselves.

    Everyone here that has been seen as a troll is simply trying to help, you will learn the hard way if you decide to ignore valid comments.
  • Zuzanna100
    Zuzanna100 Posts: 39 Member
    No, trolling is trying to tear down someones plan for weight loss.

    Some people are just giving there point of view or advice.

    It's the way the message is told that differentiates the trolls from the "trying to help" ers. It still doesn't make the trying to helpers correct for everyone (as in my personal problem with carbs/illness).
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    No, trolling is trying to tear down someones plan for weight loss.

    Some people are just giving there point of view or advice.

    It's the way the message is told that differentiates the trolls from the "trying to help" ers. It still doesn't make the trying to helpers correct for everyone (as in my personal problem with carbs/illness).

    a troll is a person who says something outrageous or controversial, knowing that it will lead to angry responses. the troll does that solely for their own amusement.

    there is no trolling in this thread.
  • Zuzanna100
    Zuzanna100 Posts: 39 Member
    Yeah this.
    I can't make a no cheat pledge because my plan has no way to cheat. I haven't cut out anything because that would set me up for certain failure.


    No reason for this to be posted. Ignore thread if it doesn't fit but this was snark insinuating failure of people your restrict.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Yeah this.
    I can't make a no cheat pledge because my plan has no way to cheat. I haven't cut out anything because that would set me up for certain failure.


    No reason for this to be posted. Ignore thread if it doesn't fit but this was snark insinuating failure of people your restrict.

    So, you can read minds then?
  • Zuzanna100
    Zuzanna100 Posts: 39 Member
    Yeah this.
    I can't make a no cheat pledge because my plan has no way to cheat. I haven't cut out anything because that would set me up for certain failure.


    No reason for this to be posted. Ignore thread if it doesn't fit but this was snark insinuating failure of people your restrict.

    So, you can read minds then?

    The post speaks for itself. If a topic doesn't apply to you why go in and talk about failure?
    I have joint issues, I don't go into running threads and start talking about how that doesn't work for me.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Yeah this.
    I can't make a no cheat pledge because my plan has no way to cheat. I haven't cut out anything because that would set me up for certain failure.


    No reason for this to be posted. Ignore thread if it doesn't fit but this was snark insinuating failure of people your restrict.

    So, you can read minds then?

    The post speaks for itself. If a topic doesn't apply to you why go in and talk about failure?
    I have joint issues, I don't go into running threads and start talking about how that doesn't work for me.

    Geez. Thick skulls, some of you.

    Try some self reflection rather than insulting other people.

    That post literally states: " I can't make a no cheat pledge because my plan has no way to cheat. I haven't cut out anything because that would set me up for certain failure."

    The poster uses the words "I" and "me," as in "set me up for certain failure." It is sharing experience and an approach that may differs from the OP's, but that does not make it "snarky" or proof that it shouldn't have been posted.

    It is from another member of the community sharing advice and, very likely, genuinely trying to help.
  • Zuzanna100
    Zuzanna100 Posts: 39 Member
    Yeah this.
    I can't make a no cheat pledge because my plan has no way to cheat. I haven't cut out anything because that would set me up for certain failure.


    No reason for this to be posted. Ignore thread if it doesn't fit but this was snark insinuating failure of people your restrict.

    So, you can read minds then?

    The post speaks for itself. If a topic doesn't apply to you why go in and talk about failure?
    I have joint issues, I don't go into running threads and start talking about how that doesn't work for me.

    Geez. Thick skulls, some of you.

    Try some self reflection rather than insulting other people.

    That post literally states: " I can't make a no cheat pledge because my plan has no way to cheat. I haven't cut out anything because that would set me up for certain failure."

    The poster uses the words "I" and "me," as in "set me up for certain failure." It is sharing experience and an approach that may differs from the OP's, but that does not make it "snarky" or proof that it shouldn't have been posted.

    It is from another member of the community sharing advice and, very likely, genuinely trying to help.

    How is entering a thread, talking about failure going to help anyone? Heart in right place, wrong outcome.
    Still, if it doesn't apply, don't post. No reason to bring OP down-what's the purpose to glorify one's own success's? Good for you but sometimes people can harm more than help.
  • Zuzanna100
    Zuzanna100 Posts: 39 Member
    OH, and believe me. I've done some major self-reflection and that's why I have no problem standing up to people who THINK they are in the right.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Yeah this.
    I can't make a no cheat pledge because my plan has no way to cheat. I haven't cut out anything because that would set me up for certain failure.


    No reason for this to be posted. Ignore thread if it doesn't fit but this was snark insinuating failure of people your restrict.

    So, you can read minds then?

    The post speaks for itself. If a topic doesn't apply to you why go in and talk about failure?
    I have joint issues, I don't go into running threads and start talking about how that doesn't work for me.

    Geez. Thick skulls, some of you.

    Try some self reflection rather than insulting other people.

    That post literally states: " I can't make a no cheat pledge because my plan has no way to cheat. I haven't cut out anything because that would set me up for certain failure."

    The poster uses the words "I" and "me," as in "set me up for certain failure." It is sharing experience and an approach that may differs from the OP's, but that does not make it "snarky" or proof that it shouldn't have been posted.

    It is from another member of the community sharing advice and, very likely, genuinely trying to help.

    How is entering a thread, talking about failure going to help anyone? Heart in right place, wrong outcome.
    Still, if it doesn't apply, don't post. No reason to bring OP down-what's the purpose to glorify one's own success's? Good for you but sometimes people can harm more than help.

    I think that pointing out that a different approach may be better is quite helpful. It's also to be expected on a public message board in which many views are going to naturally be offered. If the OP doesn't like any suggestion, then she can simply skip over it, and move on. Attacking people isn't a good approach, and it is against the forum rules.

    Such an approach also tends to discourage people from helping over time. That attitude has run off way too many people with loads of experience to share. People who have spent many hours of their own time supporting and advising people through their struggles. This is a forum in which people volunteer their ideas and messages of support, and yes, their own experiences. There is a respectful way to disagree and then there is what the OP has done here. You yourself have resorted to direct insults with the "thick skulls" comment.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    OH, and believe me. I've done some major self-reflection and that's why I have no problem standing up to people who THINK they are in the right.

    And in those bouts of self reflection you decided that the way you perceive help and advice is what is best for everyone? I don't know about you, but when I'm setting myself up for failure I like having people around giving me better ideas. If I'm about to run into a brick wall head first a bunch of attaboys and pats on the back don't cushion the blow
  • Zuzanna100
    Zuzanna100 Posts: 39 Member
    That's you.
    We are all different.
    Some people consider that sabotage when you are putting down their plan. Not everything works for everyone.

    There's really no more for me to say. I can acknowledge words and posts can work 2 ways. What I don't understand is why some posters also can't see it.
This discussion has been closed.