

  • if you like oatmeal it's a great and filling breakfat! I like the fruit and cream oatmeals because well regular oatmeal is kinda gross.
  • No problem! I agree the greatest thing about MFP is all the support from members
  • Thank you all for all the great tips and wonderful support! I definitely love all the suggestions and will try them. I have a bit more energy today so I might take advantage of it! Again thank you all :happy:
  • So very true! In a lot of cases for weight loss people have to attend a sort of therapy to understand why they cannot control ther eating and when and why they began to lead this lifestyle. For pople like me weight is not just an issue of eating and exercise it's a mental game too.
  • I have been there several times...everyone has. It's all a matter of moving on from the bad day. Accept that it happened, know that it could happen again, and move back to your goal. Always keep in mind that while you may seem like you failed all you did was slip up and as humans that what we do. Just learn to accept and…
    in rats! Comment by jrevi001 February 2011
  • I would love to help motivate! I'm 23 and in need of some encouragement as well. I've only been doing this for a few days and already feel like it'll never happen. Bit my goal is to keep it in my mind and log on as often as possible and to TELL THE TRUTH. No lying about what I ate even if it hurts! So feel free to add me…
  • Haha great story! I will keep this in mind as I approach everyday. I had a bad day with the food battle today and I hope just like I decide not to blow the entire weekend because what is just one more day. As soon as I start saying that to myself I stop all together. One more day day turns into one more year.
  • Recap of today: 1.) met my water intake! 2.) took the dogs and baby out for a walk! 3.) was not under my calorie goal :/ For February 19th: 1.) Water- 5 glasses 2.) remain under calorie 3.) have my bags packed by 4 pm to go out of town!
  • Congratulations! I expected to read a story for someone who needed an extra boost, but instead you gave me the extra boost! I can't wait for the day that I too cry in the dressing room because I am in dress size I haven't seen (or don't remember). Thank you for sharing...very inspirational and put a smile on my face…
  • I also have the same worry. I just had my c section 6 weeks ago and I keep hearing that it's VERY hard to get rid of because they're cutting through muscle wich makes the muscles weak. I asked my mom about the numbness and she said it will ever go away but the area that is numb will just get a bit smaller. Also, I've been…
  • Hi I'm new to the site and a new mom of a beautiful girl! She's six weeks old. Feel free to add me. I could use someone to talk to as well to keep me on track and maybe some tips on being mommy! Welcome to the site! I love it already!
  • You look amazing!!!!! Way to go and stick with it! :bigsmile:
  • Congratulations! Major accomplishment! :drinker:
  • Love it! I know I will fail if I look to far ahead. So this sounds like a good posting section for me! I'm new and it's halfway through the month, but it's never to late to start right? Hello everyone! About me: I'm 23. Just graduated college!!!! I accomplished one goal! I am a new mama to a beautiful girl. I need to do…
  • Haha yeah I felt the same way! But I thought about what my boyfriend would always tells me...I'm gorgeous....and figured he was right :blushing: Glad I cllicked!
  • Sounds delicious! can make pretend like it's a treat for the hubby when it's really a treat for me! :P
  • I would love to wear something skimpy for my man But for me I would love to wear tight booty shorts, super high heels, and a tank top...simple but cute :)
  • Welcome! This is my frst day as well. I have the same feelings as you. Tired of rollong out of bed and just being tired all the time! Hope you have a successful journey!
    in New-B Comment by jrevi001 February 2011
  • I started out breastfeeding but stopped about 2 weeks ago due to lactation issues. But I found when I was breastfedding I was even more hungry. would sit there and eat 2 meals back to back. And I crave sweets constantly, which does not help. Thank you for the tip on the beans. I will try that :)