
Hello Everyone, today is my first day on a this site and im very excited to get my weight loss going!!!! I woke up this morning, "well as I tried to roll myself out of bed this morning" i have decided that enough was enough I am tired of being tired all of the time!!! I just want my energy back, there are so many things that I want to do in my life but dont have the energy to!!!!! With today being day one of my diet of course you may know that everything I see I want to eat!!! And for me this is going to be the hardest part of my journey because " I LOVE FOOOOD!!! " Hopefully with me being able to keep track of what Iam eating and how many calories I can get myself together!!!


  • muffintopteri
    Hi New-B. I'm new too. Just logged on yesterday. I am focusing more on the exercise portion of my weight issue because thinking about dieting depresses me :happy: although I am watching what I eat. I'm just trying to navigate the exercise part of the site and get it all straight. Just wanted to say Hi and good luck.
  • ANewton401
    ANewton401 Posts: 118 Member
    Welcome to you both! I joined in January and if you need a friend or encouragement feel free to add me as a friend. WE can do this!
  • jrevi001
    Welcome! This is my frst day as well. I have the same feelings as you. Tired of rollong out of bed and just being tired all the time! Hope you have a successful journey!
  • 02042000
    Hello!! Thank you for the luck and I wish the same for you!!! I know what you mean about exercising, but I found that once I start working out even if its for 10-20 minutes a day it makes a difference, soon youll find yourself wanting to work out even longer!!! you can do I believe that!!! dont hesitate to ask for advice or support thats what im here for!!! :) have a great day and a wonderful weekend!!
  • 02042000
    Hello!!! Thank you for the welcome and for the support!!!! I as well am here for you too!!! congrats on the weight loss!!!! have a great weekend!!!! :)
  • 02042000
    Hello and Welcome to you as well!!!! Thank you and i wish you success as well, but i know that we can do it!!!! if you ever need advice or encouragement dont hesitate to ask ill be here!!!! have a wonderful weekend!!!! :)
  • AndraSales
    Hi, I've only been on here a few weeks as well and it seems to be going well (so far!).

    I'll add you as a friend as we can help motivate each other if you like.

    Hope to 'see' you soon.

  • 02042000
    Hello to you as well!!!!! Yes I would like to be your friend dont hesitate to ask for advice or support and i will do the same!!! today is mt second day and i have to say that i havent felt this good in a long time!! i was able to stay strong and focused yesterday and for ne thats progress!!!! hope to talk to you soon have a wonderful weekend!!! :)