

  • I did weight myself first thing in the morning
  • Thank you for the encouragement!! I't really makes me feel a lot better....I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing and hopefully next week I'll see a difference
  • I am really do watch my sodium intake. I also take a prescription water pill for my blood pressure, so I dont think I'm retaining water. I don't know I'm trying to stay under my calorie intake everyday and exercise as much as possible. I haven't taken my measurements, I think because I dont want to even see then, it was…
  • I was really trying to stay positive after last week....but was so disgusted this morning to see i gained 3 pounds
  • How do i open my diary? Is that so people can see what I'm eating etc?
  • Thanks for all the advice, I can see that many of you have seen results and congrats to all. I have cut out all junk food, fast food and trying really hard to reach my goals each day. Thanks to all of you
  • I just find it really hard to manage the calories and fat goals on top of eating back the calories from exercise. I'm gonna keep at it and just do the best I can
  • MFP? I've seen that mentioned what exactly is it?
  • Thanks for the encouragement. I just was so depressed. After two weeks of eating healthy and under my calorie goal and exercising and not ONE pound!
  • what should i be eating that has fiber?
  • my husband goes sometimes 3 times a day. I've always been like this and have been told by friends that they go at least once a day. idk. like i said im gonna try the fiber stuff from the store and see what happens
  • no i haven't tried them. I have to buy some and see if it works. But honeslty I think im gonna try to buy something at the store. Going once a week cant be normal.
  • I too dont have regular bowel movements. Sometimes once a week. I don't know what the right thing to do is, take fiber? I'm sure it must have something to do with it. I know this is gross to talk about....but maybe someone knows the answer
  • Im too am discouraged, ive been at it two weeks and the first week i lost 5 pounds, this week i weighed in and gained 3. I have been under my caliorie intake for the day and have been excercising 80 minutes a day on an exercise bike. Its hard for me to do anything else because i have herniated disks in my back and find the…