


  • I too dont have regular bowel movements. Sometimes once a week. I don't know what the right thing to do is, take fiber? I'm sure it must have something to do with it. I know this is gross to talk about....but maybe someone knows the answer

    This should not be a gross thing to talk about (well kinda) but i think you need more fiber in your diet. have you tried the Fiber One Bars.... they are really good......
    i havent tried those. ill have to grab some at the store later
  • no i haven't tried them. I have to buy some and see if it works. But honeslty I think im gonna try to buy something at the store. Going once a week cant be normal.
  • no i haven't tried them. I have to buy some and see if it works. But honeslty I think im gonna try to buy something at the store. Going once a week cant be normal.
    i was always told that 1-2 times a day is "ideal" (not sure how true that is) but i never did that (i used to only go 1x/wk too) until i started watching what i ate and drinking more water. then i did go 1-2x/day. IDK what is up with this week though.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Don't give up. Just take it one day at a time. Make today a great day! . . . And definitely eat some fiber girl!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I noticed that you said that you "lowered" your calories to 1600 a day. That seems quite low, especially if you're not eating back your exercise calories. What were your calories at when you were losing? Maybe you should try to eat at that level again.

    I'm 143 and eat around 1800 calories a day (which includes my exercise calories), so I imagine your RMR would be higher and you'd therefore need more food.
  • my husband goes sometimes 3 times a day. I've always been like this and have been told by friends that they go at least once a day. idk. like i said im gonna try the fiber stuff from the store and see what happens
  • what should i be eating that has fiber?
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