discouraged totally!!!

nikkileo6 Posts: 16
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Ive been doing mpf for about two weeks and have seen no results. I stay under my calorie goal each day and exercise between 40 and 80 minutes per day on an exercise bike. I am limited as to what I can do for exercise because I have herniated disks in my back and find that the bike is the only thing I can do without pain. Also, I am having a hard time eating back the calories I burned and to be honest I dont understand why it seems counter productive to do that. When I got on the scale this morning and seen that there was nothing lost I just about cried, because I have been working so hard. I have cut out all junk food, no soda etc. Just want to give up and try something else.


  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    This is my MY personal opinion, but I don't buy the eating back exercise calories (I don't lose wt when I do that) Be patient, we all lose wt at different speeds and 2 weeks really isn't long enough to be worried about no wt loss. Again JMO.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Don't give up! Two weeks of hard work does feel like a long time, and not seeing the type of progress we want can be disheartening. But look at it this way: you didn't GAIN any weight, and you have become more active and healthy in the process.

    In the big picture, two weeks isn't a whole lot of time, so stick it out for a little longer and see wht happens!
  • nikkileo6
    nikkileo6 Posts: 16
    Thanks for the encouragement. I just was so depressed. After two weeks of eating healthy and under my calorie goal and exercising and not ONE pound!
  • Try not exercising every day. I know it's weird, but when I worked out every day I gained weight! I started working out 3-4 days a week and have lost almost 5 pounds since I started. I don't like to eat back my exercise calories either, it doesn't make sense to me. Try a spinning class! It's biking but it burns a lot more calories.
    Good luck to you, I know how hard it is. When I started exercising, I gained 10 pounds. I was truly astonished and hurt. But since then, I've gotten a nutritionist and MFP. Both work so great.
  • Well, not sure what your meal plan is like, but what you eat effects your weight too. I know you said you have back issues, but adding weight lifting to your work outs would help a great deal as you continue to burn calories after you are done.
    Eating clean is super important and eating 5 small meals a day with each meal consisting of complex carbs, protein and fat. This helps to boost your metabolism and keeps you energized throughout the day without mid-day slumps.

    Let me know what your routine is and maybe we can tweak it a little.
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    #1 You did not gain all of the weight in 2 weeks, so you will not lose all of the weight in 2 weeks, either.
    #2 With that being said, have you taken your measurements? Sometimes you will see results in measurements rather than the scale.
    #3 Are you taking photos? I don't "see" my losses without photos- because my scale has not moved much, either. I've been doing this for 100 days.
    #4 DO NOT QUIT.
    #5 You can do what you want when it comes to eating back your exercise calories, but if you aren't losing when you are not eating back your calories, I think your body is trying to tell you something. Before I started eating back my calories, the scale wasn't moving. After I started eating some of the calories back, I started losing. It's magic! Food for thought...
    #6 Refer back to #4
    #7 You can do it! Just stick with it.
  • mdhobson
    mdhobson Posts: 8 Member
    Be strong. I had a girlfriend that jogged everyday for a month and she didn't see any results at all, so she stopped. One day it was like all the weight just fell off her. Not sure how that happened, but she started to jog again to tone. Sometimes your body has to catch up with your plan. Don't give up you can do it.
  • nikkileo6
    nikkileo6 Posts: 16
    MFP? I've seen that mentioned what exactly is it?
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Well whether you understand it or not, it seems like NOT eating enough of your calories back IS in fact possibly stalling your weightloss. Why not try eating more (there are plenty of healthy, calorie dense foods- avacado, nuts, seeds, meats, milk, beans just to name some). And be patient- esp if you havent been eating enough (and I'm betting you are probably netting somewhere about 700-800 calories a day) you body will gain for a few weeks while the metabolism readjusts to the increase in food.
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    today is day 15 of me logging in and i only lost 1 pound in two weeks. and i too eat good and work out burning a avg of 500 calories a day . but im not giving up... that is my mind playing tricks on me.
    It does take time to lose and its more healthy to lose it slowly so it DONT come back..
    add some friends and we can all help each other on this journey
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    If you don't eat enough calories to fuel the energy that you expend in a day, then your body stores calories as fat instead of burning them off. That's why it's important to make sure you are eating enough. That doesn't mean that HAVE to eat back all of your exercise calories, but you should be eating SOME of them. At the very least, don't come under your calories goal (goal before exercise added); eat at minimum the daily recommended calories that MFP sets for you.
  • BrendaBlis
    BrendaBlis Posts: 165 Member
    @nikkileo6 - my fitness pal
  • MFP = myfitnesspal.com
  • Just remember that 3500 calories is one pound. So at weeks end you need to determine if your deficit averaged 500 less per day. Weighing in every day can be very frustrating. Once a week is plenty.
  • mapnerd2005
    mapnerd2005 Posts: 363
    I don't lose weight when I don't eat back the calories. I think you just have to find what works for you. Try increasing your water intake and make sure that your portion sizes are correct. Measure everything! If you haven't already, invest in a food scale and a good set of measuring cups and spoons (I don't know why people always say "a good set", they're all pretty much the same, right?). You CAN do this!
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Remember that muscle weighs more than fat. You could actually be gaining weight while losing inches. Have you tried tracking your measurements?

    Are you drinking enough water? How is your salt intake? I've noticed, for myself, that days I consume large amounts of sodium and/or drink less water I gain water weight. I know it sounds backwards that one would gain "water weight" because of lack of water, but when your body thinks there isn't enough water available it retains it. This is especially true when exercising a lot. The muscles you are building need water to repair themselves and the fat you are burning need water to flush out.

    How many calories are you aiming for each day? If you really are getting no results, your body may require less calories than the "normal" recommended for everyone. Try reducing by a little bit for a week and see if that helps. See what works for you!

    Also.... I will NOT eat my exercise calories back. No way anyone can convince me to do that.
  • nikkileo6
    nikkileo6 Posts: 16
    I just find it really hard to manage the calories and fat goals on top of eating back the calories from exercise. I'm gonna keep at it and just do the best I can
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    hang in there! Your body is suddenly being asked to change. at first it may take awhile to get on board. As previously mentioned types of calories and components of food can alter weight loss. I can get a 300 calorie sandwich from Wendy's but is is not going to have the same value as chicken breast and brown rice that I make at home. Also I have found that I can work out for a hour at low impact and not see the same results as working out for 20 minutes with a higher heart rate. I know you are physically limited but when you bike do you find your heart rate increasing and are you breathing harder? No matter what being active will help you achieve your goal but the stress you put on your body will affect the time it takes to see a change.
    You are here and you got started. That is the biggest key. Since you are limited right now, consider your goals and are the realistic on your time line? If necessary seek guidance from a professional as to what you can do safely that may assist you in seeing results sooner. Good luck!
  • picturesing
    picturesing Posts: 228
    I feel what you are saying. I gained a pound after a week on MFP and was discouraged, however - my cloths were def feeling different. I too have back issues. A ruptured disc that is better after an epidural and 2 bulging discs. I had to be VERY careful with my choices for exercise. I started with "Heavy Yoga" by Abby Lintz - she is a larger lady but OMG is she limber. Her workouts are specifically for larger women and modified to allow us to be successful. I'm walking and swimming (swimming is NO impact).
    As peps have suggested take your measurements and photos - you will see the difference - but it will take time. A lifestyle is about learning to live your life w/o fast food and the junk we've become use to. It's a bit of a shock to our system, but with time (more than 2 weeks) our bodies begin to crave the good stuff and rebel against the junk....you'll see several conversations about that.
    Don't give up on MFP and we won't give up on you! But more importantly DON'T give up on you! You are worth it!:flowerforyou:
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    MFP? I've seen that mentioned what exactly is it?
    My Fitness Pal

    And I would suggest making sure to drink plenty of water! Not doing that can make your body retain water.... Also, make sure you're weighing yourself wearing the same clothes (or none at all!) and at the same time of day; preferably first thing in the morning, after going to the bathroom, but before eating.
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