discouraged totally!!!



  • two weeks really isn't giving yourself enough time!
    my loss didnt happen overnight. just like my gain didnt happen overnight.

    i know you're eager to see results, we all were when we first got on here too. stay the course and make sure that you are not only eating enough to fuel your body, but also that the QUALITY of what you are eating helps you too. 100 calories of greek yogurt will benefit you alot more than 100 calories of snack pack brownie bites. (or whatever your weakness may be- mine is chocolate)

    stick to water. if there is one thing you don't want to do, it is drinking your calories.

  • nikkileo6
    nikkileo6 Posts: 16
    Thanks for all the advice, I can see that many of you have seen results and congrats to all. I have cut out all junk food, fast food and trying really hard to reach my goals each day. Thanks to all of you
  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152
    Ive been doing mpf for about two weeks and have seen no results. I stay under my calorie goal each day and exercise between 40 and 80 minutes per day on an exercise bike. I am limited as to what I can do for exercise because I have herniated disks in my back and find that the bike is the only thing I can do without pain. Also, I am having a hard time eating back the calories I burned and to be honest I dont understand why it seems counter productive to do that. When I got on the scale this morning and seen that there was nothing lost I just about cried, because I have been working so hard. I have cut out all junk food, no soda etc. Just want to give up and try something else.

    I did not read all the responses so not sure if anyone gave you this advice but try measuring yourself.. arms, chest, waist, hips, thighs, calfs... if you want to re-measure every week then do it. I bet you anything you have lost some inches!
    I measured myself January 1st to do Turbo Jam but ended up not liking the program ... I came to MFP on January 25th and lost 6lbs since then... I re-measured yesterday and even though I was not happy about the 6lbs ... I lost 14.5" !!! And that makes me very happy! So try that : )
  • Hello, what works for me when I stay with my program is eating more for breakfast & lunch and less at dinner and small snacks. I too have back / neck issues (Osteoarthitis / Scoliosis) & hav a very sedentary job, and exercise can be painful, which is why I do very little of it right now. Not sure of your food diary but you might try tweaking it a bit to eat more earlier in the day and less in the evening. I don't eat pass 6 p.m. and this really helps me. Don't give up! You can do this and we can all help each other. =)
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