
Belle_Fille Posts: 469
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
In the past month I have been losing between 1-3 pounds/week. Sunday I lowered my calories to 1600 and my sodium to 1500. all week ive been walking at least a mile a day, except for 1 day, and that was because it was too cold. 2 days this week (yesterday and then the day it was too cold to walk) i basically did the 30 day shred but ONLY the cardio and abs parts. (the lunges and squats are too much on my knees).
Yesterday I weighed in even though it wasnt my normal weigh in day. I just wanted to see if i was on track for the week or not. NOPE. I gained a pound and some odd ounces. I weighed again today just to see what the scale would say, and I gained another 0.4 ounces. what the hell is going on?! yes, i have went over my 1500mg/day of sodium ive allowed, but i KNOW i have not been over 2500, which is what it has been set at up until sunday. so i dont think its just retaining water.

I've seen a loss every week since ive started! now i think on sunday im going to see a gain.

What gives?!


  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    It could be water weight, it could be muscle mass, it could be normal fluctuations not based on fat at all.
    Don't get discouraged! (as I am! :laugh: )
    Keep at it and try not to let the scale bully you.
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    stop jumping on the scale sweetheart!!

    it is the most evil thing in the house..
    take your measurements.. and track that way and just weigh in on your weigh in day
    Each day the body will fluxuate with water weight and waste .

    dont get disgouraged, this does take time. If this was a quick fix everyone would be thin. :)
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    maybe TMI but is TOM on it's way? I see a 3-5lbs gain the week before TOM.
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    I would also encourage you to take some other measurements to track in addition to weight on the scale. It can really keep you sane when you don't see weight loss for a few weeks if you can see other positive changes.

    Don't be discouraged. Our bodies fluctuate and a few pounds +/- is normal. Over time, you will definitely see improvement, but in the short term (daily) you will see lots of ups and downs.

  • maybe TMI but is TOM on it's way? I see a 3-5lbs gain the week before TOM.
    i have about a week and a half until TOM i think.
  • I would also encourage you to take some other measurements to track in addition to weight on the scale. It can really keep you sane when you don't see weight loss for a few weeks if you can see other positive changes.

    Don't be discouraged. Our bodies fluctuate and a few pounds +/- is normal. Over time, you will definitely see improvement, but in the short term (daily) you will see lots of ups and downs.

    I just did measurements on the 20th...would 4 days make a difference?
  • CherylYMerritt
    CherylYMerritt Posts: 114 Member
    i'm going through the same thing! I am now just past my one month mark and can't seem to move past the 8 lb loss marker. I run three times a week and have been doing weigh training -different part each day for two weeks. I eat 1200 cals a day. No weight change;
    however, I am noticing my stomach going down and I am definitely looking more in shape in general.

    so...I decided to ditch the blasted scale!!

    you should consider doing that and maybe weighing in once a week or once every two weeks and like everyone else is saying,, buy a measuring tape and go by inches :)
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Dont ever get on the scale AFTER a workout- your muscles retain water for repair. Jenn^^ is right- step away from the scale and stick to your weigh in days.

    If you are tempted to weigh in more than your regular weigh ins remember to seprately record and compare the number to only the previous week- Don't compare a Wednesday weigh in to a Saturday one- there's too many cycles your body goes through in terms of processing food and water, especially as a woman, for these to be anything but frustrating comparisons- instead take your weight next Wednesday and compare it to yesterday's weight. If you do this, you will really start to be able to see if you are "on track" (Wed FYI is my 2nd heaviest day of the week- after Monday) because you will be able to see the weight fluctuations as part of your normal weekly cycles and not just "I magically put on 3lbs!?!?".
  • sycorreale
    sycorreale Posts: 17 Member
    Don't get discouraged! We've all been there and it will pass. There are many factors that are involved here: you're a woman - we have fluctuations during the month, we retain water even though we stay under our sodium intake. FYI - I've gained 7 pounds over a weekend due to water retention - no lie! Some woman are prone to retain water. I am and have to take water pills. Also, you are exercising so you are gaining muscle. It took me a long time to realize that muscle weighs more than fat. I would work out every single day and stay under my calorie intake and still not loose any weight. Then one day, 4 months later, I got on the scale and had lost 4 pounds, then the next week 3 pounds, etc. Stay positive and be patient and what ever you do, DON'T GIVE UP!
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    Another thought: When you weigh in, are you doing it at about the same time every time? Everything I'm reading says first thing in the morning, after you visit the loo but before you eat, is far and away the best time to weigh. I believe this absolutely, as before I started MFP I'd weigh at different times of day and was astounded that my weight could vary as much as 3-4 pounds from day to day! So now it's early mornings only -- and maybe once a week max -- for me.

    Hang in there. You can do this.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Sodium may not be the problem but some people are more sensitive to it. I do go over some days but I generally try to keep it as low as possible, no higher than 1400 cause once I hit that mark I am very likely to bloat. 2500 is a safe spot for most people I would think, but its not for everyone.
  • Ok it could be from TOM! It could also be from muscle gain. If you have ever watched biggest looser you will see the people have a week of weight loss and the next week they gain weight. Its not because they are not working hard at loosing weight but retaining water for muscle repair and gaining muscle mass. DON'T GET DISCOURAGED!
  • Another thought: When you weigh in, are you doing it at about the same time every time? Everything I'm reading says first thing in the morning, after you visit the loo but before you eat, is far and away the best time to weigh. I believe this absolutely, as before I started MFP I'd weigh at different times of day and was astounded that my weight could vary as much as 3-4 pounds from day to day! So now it's early mornings only -- and maybe once a week max -- for me.

    Hang in there. You can do this.
    yes i only weigh in first thing in the morning. after using the bathroom...before eating.
  • Ok it could be from TOM! It could also be from muscle gain. If you have ever watched biggest looser you will see the people have a a week of weight loss and the next week they gain weight. Its not because they are not working hard at loosingh weight but retaining water for muscle repair and gaining muscle. DON,T GET DISCOURAGED!
    i just realized (and this is TMI i know) that when i first started all of this my bowels became very regular. but now i havent gone in a few days. i wonder if that has something to do with it.
  • take one day at a time, take your measurements and stop stepping on the scale. you are doing amazing and its not going to happen over night. as you get closer to your goal weight it takes longer but it will stay off longer so keep up the good work and be positive.
  • Im too am discouraged, ive been at it two weeks and the first week i lost 5 pounds, this week i weighed in and gained 3. I have been under my caliorie intake for the day and have been excercising 80 minutes a day on an exercise bike. Its hard for me to do anything else because i have herniated disks in my back and find the bike is the only thing i can do without pain. Im ready to give up!
  • Im too am discouraged, ive been at it two weeks and the first week i lost 5 pounds, this week i weighed in and gained 3. I have been under my caliorie intake for the day and have been excercising 80 minutes a day on an exercise bike. Its hard for me to do anything else because i have herniated disks in my back and find the bike is the only thing i can do without pain. Im ready to give up!
    i wanted to give up this morning too. but thats what ive always done. when it got hard or i didnt see the results i wanted, i gave up.

    so this time im keeping that saying in mind: "if you always do what youve always done, youll always get what you always got" or however it goes.
  • I too dont have regular bowel movements. Sometimes once a week. I don't know what the right thing to do is, take fiber? I'm sure it must have something to do with it. I know this is gross to talk about....but maybe someone knows the answer
  • missie21
    missie21 Posts: 103 Member
    I think it is a lot of us are in the same boat......I also feel unhappy with the lack of results.... I have a bad habit of stepping on the scale EVERY day ... it is the DEVIL.....it never tells me what I want to hear...(lol) Any help will be appreciated....:cry:
  • missie21
    missie21 Posts: 103 Member
    I too dont have regular bowel movements. Sometimes once a week. I don't know what the right thing to do is, take fiber? I'm sure it must have something to do with it. I know this is gross to talk about....but maybe someone knows the answer

    This should not be a gross thing to talk about (well kinda) but i think you need more fiber in your diet. have you tried the Fiber One Bars.... they are really good......
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