totally disgusted

nikkileo6 Posts: 16
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I've been doing MFP for 23 days now. I have kept under my calorie goal everyday, eating healthier and exercising six days a week. I am limited on the exercise that I can do due to herniated dics in my back, so I have been riding a stationary bike, it's the only thing I can find that I can do without pain. Last week I lost 5 pounds and was very excited.....I get on the scale today and I gained 3!!! I really had high hopes when I started this program but feel so defeated!!!


  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Open your diary- you may be making inadvertant mistakes that an MFPer would catch beign able to see your diary.
  • nikkileo6
    nikkileo6 Posts: 16
    How do i open my diary? Is that so people can see what I'm eating etc?
  • SuperBowlVikings
    SuperBowlVikings Posts: 42 Member
    Look for other positives, I didn't lose any weight for the first 7 weeks on this site but found myself more comfortable in clothing and feeling healthier. Weight loss WILL come eventually, it did for me :-) Stay positive.
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    dont expect instant results. it will happen but its not a quick process. just keep at it and stay focused!
  • ewegner
    ewegner Posts: 48 Member
    Losing 5 lbs in one week is a big loss - so that may have contributed as to why you saw what you did on the scale. Your body has to get used to the changes you are making and unfortunately, it acts in mysterious ways sometimes. DO NOT FEEL DEFEATED. I did the same thing to myself this past week and I felt horrible - actually made myself sick to my stomach, didn't want to go to work -but then I realized that is not going to help me. I just need to press on and keep doing what I'm doing because no matter what I'm making myself healthier. It sucks to not see your progress on the scale - I've been doing this for 50+ days now and have been stuck at one number for 2 weeks. It blows, point blank, but I'm not giving up and neither should you!!! :)
  • ewegner
    ewegner Posts: 48 Member
    you go to settings and change it I believe.
  • nikkileo6
    nikkileo6 Posts: 16
    I was really trying to stay positive after last week....but was so disgusted this morning to see i gained 3 pounds
  • aroonie1
    aroonie1 Posts: 6
    Check your fluid intake and also you may be trading fat pounds for muscle. Seems like I heard somewhere that muscle weighs more than fat. Also take your measurements, you can often see good results there when you don't on the scale.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    5 lbs in a weeks ounds high to me. I lose about a pound a week, by keeping under my calorie count (about 1200 a day) and exercising 2-5 times a week depending on my schedule. Body weght fluctuates all day everyday for a number of reasons so don't get too stressed over the number on the scale. I recommend keeping track of inches lost as well. Losing high amounts of weight at once isn't the way to do it. Slow and steady wins the race. It's a life style change not a weight loss goal. You have to make your weeks something you can live with forever not just something to deal with until the weight is gone.
    Also, women's bodies, hormones, PMS, all make weight a tricky thing to track. Choose healthy, exercise, maybe do some light weight lifting to build muscle. Muscle burns fat quicker so.......
    Good luck in your journey!!!!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Also, did you weigh yourself at the same time of day? Most of us will do our official weigh in in the morning. I've noticed I will gain 3 pounds on the scale later that same evening.
  • cmusil
    cmusil Posts: 4
    Have you been drinking enough water? This makes a huge difference day to day I found. If you don't drink enough you will retain water which you will see on the scale, it can be up to 5 pounds or more! During my TOM I gain at 4 pounds but it's just water weight.
    If you watch your water and sodium intake you should see those pounds disappear!

    Hope this helps!
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    How do i open my diary? Is that so people can see what I'm eating etc?

    under settings, then diary settings, you can make your diary public to all or friends only or keep it private. If you would like for people to help out with food intake, opening up your diary will be your best bet. Its hard for most of us to tell you how to change your habits... sometimes you may not realize how much processed foods you are actually eating or maybe you aren't watching your sodium intake and that is keeping you from losing weight. There are a lot of factors but realize that this is will take time and it will happen if you keep up with it. Good luck.
  • MrsPalek
    MrsPalek Posts: 17 Member
    I agree- we are here to help each other and give encouragement.

    Dover, FL
  • The weight you gained could be water and waste. Drink some extra water to help flush the extra out and continue to eat healthy and give your body time to adjust to the new you. The extra weight will come off plus more as you keep on the right track. Good Luck!!
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    Try weighing on the same day and same time once a week, your body can change anywhere from 1-5 pounds in one day!!! Especially when you're dealing with pain and meds. And keep with it, the overall results are what counts.

    You are doing great!!!!! My mom and my husband have had disc problems and they are not fun!!!!
  • nikkileo6
    nikkileo6 Posts: 16
    I am really do watch my sodium intake. I also take a prescription water pill for my blood pressure, so I dont think I'm retaining water. I don't know I'm trying to stay under my calorie intake everyday and exercise as much as possible. I haven't taken my measurements, I think because I dont want to even see then, it was hard enough to get on the scale when I started this program. I see that many of you have been losing weight and people say dont give up, its just hard.
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    I hear you, but don't give up. I'm on day 26 today. Like you, I lost a fair amount quickly -- 9 lbs. in my case -- then all of the sudden (and for no good reason whatsoever, considering what I was eating and how I was exercising), gained 3 of them back. "Annoyed" doesn't begin to cover how I was feeling (you you already know that). :)

    I've no proof for why that happened, but here are my theories. Mom Nature stepped in with her regular visit (she is SO annoying!). Plus, I was eating a LOT of yogurt ... which I'm thinking futzed with my digestion quite a bit. My usual ... patterns ... weren't as usual as they were before, if you know what I mean. I stayed at the annoying higher weight for what seemed like forever, but was in reality about 8 days. Now I'm back to losing again regularly and am down 15 as of today.

    Not sure how much you want to lose -- me, I need to lose a heck of a lot. So our situations may be quite different. What kept me going during those 8 days were two things: losing ANY pounds at all is a win, and losing 5 lbs. or more in one month is INSANELY GREAT.

    So hang in there. Avoid the scales for a while (if you can) and focus on inches instead. Bet you'll be in a whole different place -- a lovely good place -- in another week or so. You can do it.
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    Also, did you weigh yourself at the same time of day? Most of us will do our official weigh in in the morning. I've noticed I will gain 3 pounds on the scale later that same evening.
    This was my first thought also. I've tried weighing myself (out of curiosity) throughout the day, and my weight fluctuates up to 5 pounds throughout the day, no joke. It's generally lowest in the morning. So make sure you weigh yourself at the same time of day, same clothes (or none), etc. Also, since mine consistently (but reliably!) varies by 5 pounds, I keep a target "weight range" in mind, rather than a specific weight as a goal. "My low weight is 155 and my high weight is 160" -- as long as I'm in there, and the range as a whole is decreasing, I call it success.

    But bear in mind, weight loss is a long process and doesn't happen over night or in one month. Stick with it and always keep looking for ways you can improve your habits and better decisions you can make:smile:
  • nikkileo6
    nikkileo6 Posts: 16
    Thank you for the encouragement!! I't really makes me feel a lot better....I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing and hopefully next week I'll see a difference
  • nikkileo6
    nikkileo6 Posts: 16
    I did weight myself first thing in the morning
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