

  • Leave it to me to start TOM the day before I start a challenge...I'm still down though, just gonna be rough tomorrow!
  • I don't have the DVD yet but I can do level one on cable until I do get it. I've tried it twice and the first time damn near killed me! The second time I wasn't near as sore but it definitely gets you sweating! The biggest challenge for me will be to get it done every single day...I've been slacking lately so Friday, it's…
  • I finally got a workout in last night after sitting on my butt for like 2 weeks! I went to my apartment weight room and got on the elliptical like usual. I set it for an hour but after 30 minutes I was so bored, I quit. Once back in my apartment I was feeling guilty about that so I thought I would check out the fitness…
  • so I've totally fallen off the wagon here. Came down with a horrible upper respiratory infection last Monday but by Thursday the worst was over. I haven't done a damn thing good for me since, let's see...2 weeks ago? I've even been avoiding logging on here b/c I feel guilty but don't want to do anything about it. Boredom…
  • So I've totally fallen off the wagon here. I came down with a horrible upper respiratory infection last Monday but by Thursday the worst was over. I haven't done a damn thing good for me since, let's see...2 weeks ago? I've even been avoiding logging on here b/c I feel guilty but don't want to do anything about it. Boredom…
  • That was close - thought I had to work till 9 tonight but found out I didn't at the last minute. So, I poured some wine with my salad already deciding i wasn't going to work out. This must be a breakthrough because I felt so bad about it that I had to go workout. I burned 570 calories doing an hour on the elliptical. I may…
  • Ok, so I hadn't had any alcohol since Sunday...until last night. A whole 2 days! Here were my justifications for doing so: 1. I walked to and from the store to buy beer. 2. I only bought a six pack of Bud Light 55s. 3. I didn't eat dinner. 4. I worked out twice yesterday. Now, I did not wake up and work out like my 5th…
  • Managed to burn 610 calories today, part in the morning and part after work. That leaves 2,890 to go....yikes!
  • I've been slacking :/ I didn't work out at all Monday or Tuesday and had no reason not to! So, this morning I got up and burned 420 calories. I wonder, would it be less productive for me to burn 400 in the morning and 300 in the evening since I now need to burn 700 every day this week to meet 3500? Gotta get my butt in…
  • Well, it took me a week and a half to get up and workout before work but I finally did it! Now, if I can get in my day 2 for week 2 tomorrow, I'll be on the right track. I have to do that tomorrow if I want to get a work out in at all anyway.
  • This is what I've been looking for! I put up a post about my love for beer when I first started on here and was told I'd better cut out all alcohol if I want to be successful. I haven't cut out alcohol and I've lost 6 lbs, so there! Haha...I'm trying to not drink during the week since one drink leads to...10, 12..20.…
  • Monday through Thursday I did awesome....then I drank my *kitten* off all weekend and totally feel off the wagon. Fun weekend but didn't do what I was supposed to. At least I didn't gain anything back though.
  • Totally get that! Mexican food, margaritas and beer are my worst enemies and I love them all so much :sad:
  • That's a great way of putting it!
  • Cool! I still haven't managed it grr....even though I set my alarm, I've been ignoring it and I know I'll regret it in the weight room tonight. Tomorrow is another day!
  • 598 tonight! Definitely more than I've ever burned! Took forever though.
  • I like the way you think! This helped me a lot -thanks!
  • Come on - I wanted you all to have a magic answer and tell me I can drink all the beer I want! Haha...I guess I just have to really bite the bullet and cut way back as well as switching to a super low cal beer. On the upside, before I started using MPF I was drinking a lot and not working out at all. Now I'm working out…
  • I'm in - I definitely need a reason to do more than set my alarm for my morning work out. Last night, I set my alarm to get up at 5:30 so I wouldn't have to wait around on the treadmill to get to the only elliptical at our apt weight room tonight. 5:30 came around and I said screw it, I'll go tonight. I would love to…
  • I managed to burn 555 cals in 75 minutes last night. The night before I burned 569 in 65 minutes...not sure why it was so much harder last night! Of course, I am going by the machine's numbers. I plan to get a HRM soon but regardless of the numbers, I'm burning more than in the past with this challenge for sure!
  • Thank you all for the votes of confidence!
  • I saw this challenge at work today - sounds great! Current Weight: 172.5 One week goal: 171 June goal: 155 I am off to a great start! With this goal in mind I burned 569 calories which is up from my normal range of 440. These numbers are according to the elliptical machine so I'm not sure how accurate it is, but I know for…