Beach Ready Challenge



  • skinnyack
    skinnyack Posts: 683
    Challenges sooo not met. What an unbelieveably difficult week. Everything sort of fell by the wayside. Both of my vehicles broke down, TOM visited and I've lost most of the pennies in my bank account (to the broken vehicles naturally). I'm at the tail-end of TOM and I wan't planning on weighing in (depression and all that), but I did it anyway. Mostly to keep me focused and remind me where I do NOT want to go again. This weight WILL come off. I'm getting back into the swing of things...Zumba today and then Day 3, level 2 30DS. Had to start that one over too - but it will get done!

    Current weight: 171
    SUNDAY FEBRUARY 27TH (Let the challenge begin!)
    Chest: 34.5
    Bust: 43
    Hips: 41
    High Waist: 34
    Low Waist: 37
    Arm: 12.5
    Leg: 25
    Neck: 14.5
    SUNDAY MARCH 20TH (Progress to date)
    Chest: 34.5
    Bust: 42
    Hips: 41
    High Waist: 34.5
    Low Waist: 36.75
    Arm: 12
    Leg: 24.5
    Neck: 14.25

    Hey girl! Congrats! These are some great changes!!!
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    I'm attempting another "no meat" day today. :noway:

    So far so good! I've planned this one out better than Monday. I have lots of snacks! :happy:
  • So I've totally fallen off the wagon here. I came down with a horrible upper respiratory infection last Monday but by Thursday the worst was over. I haven't done a damn thing good for me since, let's see...2 weeks ago? I've even been avoiding logging on here b/c I feel guilty but don't want to do anything about it. Boredom at work may just be my saving grace though. I'm back on here and hopefully I can find the energy and motivation to get back on track...just not feeling it :/
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    So I've totally fallen off the wagon here. I came down with a horrible upper respiratory infection last Monday but by Thursday the worst was over. I haven't done a damn thing good for me since, let's see...2 weeks ago? I've even been avoiding logging on here b/c I feel guilty but don't want to do anything about it. Boredom at work may just be my saving grace though. I'm back on here and hopefully I can find the energy and motivation to get back on track...just not feeling it :/

    You didn't fall off the wagon yet... You just have a leg hanging over the edge. :tongue: You were sick and that will kick your butt! Getting back on track is hard but just go about it slowly. Just get in 15 minutes of cardio...heck 5 or 10 minutes is fine. You just need a little kick start. Go look at pics of the celeb you think is the hottest! I love to look at pics of celebs for motivation.
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    I did a program on the Elliptical again this morning and my legs are killing me! I managed to have another "no meat" day yesterday. So, that was no meat on Monday and Wednesday. I've gained a pound though :angry: Hopefully by Sunday it will be gone. No meat 2 days and working out hard every day....maybe its muscle?
  • No meat challenge met yesterday. I weighed myself this morning and I'm down two pounds - WHAT??!! I'm excited because I'm FINALLY under 170, but I weigh in Sunday morning for record...hopefully it stays off!
    I suck at eating fruit and I haven't been working out like I should...hubby is coming home soon and I'm just beside myself with anticipation! Can't concentrate on anything.
  • Goals for this week: 3,500 calories burned, 20 miles run and 2 lbs lost! :bigsmile:

    Monday: Rest Day
    Tuesday: 52 minutes - 584 calories - 4 miles run
    Wednesday: 73 minutes - 722 calories 4 miles run and strength training
    Thursday: 65 minutes - 577 calories 4 miles run and strength training

    1,617 calories and 8 miles to go

    SW: 144 (March 1)
    CW: 137. 4
    GW: 135 (March 27)
  • I finally got a workout in last night after sitting on my butt for like 2 weeks! I went to my apartment weight room and got on the elliptical like usual. I set it for an hour but after 30 minutes I was so bored, I quit. Once back in my apartment I was feeling guilty about that so I thought I would check out the fitness channel. I did the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. Just a 20 minute work out - holy hell am I sore! I never thought jumping jacks could be so hard! Goes to show I am way too comfortable with the elliptical and I need to switch things up - feels good!
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    No meat challenge met, water... not so much.. Will try better this week.

    It's sunday, so here's my weigh in!

    SW (March 7): 163.6
    (March 13): 163.2
    (March 20): 160
    CW: 160.4
    GW1 (March 31): 158
    GWSummer: (June 25): 140ish...

    Gotta change things up, something isn't working right!
  • Didn't meet the fruit challenge, but I did meet the no meat day, burned over 3,500 calories this week, and drank my water.

    Chest: 34.5
    Bust: 43
    Hips: 41
    High Waist: 34
    Low Waist: 37
    Arm: 12.5
    Leg: 25
    Neck: 14.5
    SUNDAY MARCH 27TH - Week 4
    Chest: 34
    Bust: 40
    Hips: 40.5
    High Waist: 33.5
    Low Waist: 35.5
    Arm: 11.5
    Leg: 23.5
    Neck: 14.25

    SW: 173.6
    CW: 169.4
    GW: 145
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Haven't lost any weight in the last two weeks. Very annoying. For the most part I have been eating well and working out a lot. So I don't know whats going on.... Oh well maybe this week. I'll have to add in even more cardio. My goal is to loose something really anything by next week...
  • Goals for this week were: 3,500 calories burned, 20 miles run and 2 lbs lost! :bigsmile:

    Monday: Rest Day
    Tuesday: 52 minutes - 584 calories - 4 miles run
    Wednesday: 73 minutes - 722 calories 4 miles run and strength training
    Thursday: 65 minutes - 577 calories 4 miles run and strength training
    Friday: Rest Day
    Saturday: 0 :frown:
    Sunday: 109 minutes - 1,269 calories - 8 miles run (in the rain :grumble:)

    SW: 144 (March 1)
    CW: 134.6
    GW: 135 (March 27)
    GW: 120 (June)

    Burned 3,152 calories so missed that goal but I ran 20 miles and lost 2.8 pounds!!!!! :happy:
  • I am so in with this! altho im so crap at keeping motivated past like, 2 days :( x
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    ***Weekly challenge***

    50 sit-ups or crunches everyday. :smile:

    Continue with burning 3,500 calories per week, 64oz of water per day, 4 servings of fruit and try to go 1 day per week without meat.
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    I went 2 days this week without meat. I didn't manage 3,500 calories this week and ended up gaining 1 pound. I did eat all my fruit and drink all my water.

    Sw: 167

    Cw: 165

    Gw: 164

    Final goal weight: 150!
  • okay okay okay okay.

    i am back.

    weigh in for week 4 is 150.5

    tonight i'll be reading the directions on my heart rate monitor and using it for the first time. (yay!)

    and then before my run i'll be doing my initial test for the 100 push up challenge. i think tomorrow my arms will be like noodles. haha.
  • oxFaithxo
    oxFaithxo Posts: 160 Member
    ok so i lost this page and then was reminded what it was called... ok so

    yes i went 3 weeks with no weight movement...

    weighed in today at 159! TWO LBS LOST!

    GOAL: 2 more lbs this week...
    go to the gym 2 evenings (on top of my 40 minute Monday through Thursday during lunch)...
    DRINK MORE WATER... i hate water :(
  • skinnyack
    skinnyack Posts: 683
    Height: 5'5

    SW: 158.2
    W1: 155 (-3.2)
    W2: 155.8- I ran a half marathon yesterday- may be holding water.
    W3: 154
    W4: 154.8- TOM and sodium
    W5: 153.5
    June GW: 149.9

    Hey- Hope everyone is hanging in there. I forgot my water bottle today so not off to a good start. Funny thing is I usually eat fairly vegetarian, and since we posted the no meat day, I swear I've had more meat- just by chance- not necessarily on purpose. hehe. Funny how that works! Looking forward to some crunches- and I'm adding in push ups also. Just bought a dress for my engagement pics and I want good arms. Probly won't get them done til May so I've got awhile. Hope you all are doing great!! Can't believe we are already on week 5!?!:drinker: :smooched: :flowerforyou:
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    50 crunches or sit-ups everyday sounds like a great challenge! This would be a great one to keep up w/ every week since swimsuit season is fast approaching!!

    No change for me this week, still at 150, but considering the lack of exercise & eating out a lot, I consider it a great result!
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    SW: 167.6

    W1: 166.2
    W2: 164.2
    W3: 164.2 (TOM)
    W4: 165 (shoot me)

    W5GW: 164

    Final Goal Weight: 150

    I know I posted my weigh in already but I didn't put everything on here. I am not off to a good start this week either. I've gained another freaking pound and my work out today was horrible! I'm starting P90X on April 1st....I hope I can rock it!
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