Ab Exersises - when having Belly Fat - Advice

Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
So I have a Budoir photo shoot on April 30th (day before my half marathon) I booked it Feb 1st when I started training, cuz I figured I'd be able to drop a few lbs and get into toned looks before the shoot - it's a GREAT motivator let me tell you!

Well 4 weeks in, up 4 lbs but down 7.5 inches all over my body Great right? Well it's odd cuz none of my clothes fit 'better' ... but I guess that will come in time?

So my question is (sorry for the background)

I still have belly fat, and love handles on the side and back - nothing is defined there.
I was thinking of doing the P90X Ab Ripper X DVD everyday until my shoot - (16 minute over 300 ab rep video)

Do you think it will even help?! I hear a theory there is no point in doing ab exersises if you have excess fat around the belly . . but I'm deparate here ...

My current training is logging 60 KM's a week running 4 X a week (Runs vary from 50 - 100 minutes) You would think the weight would just be FALLING off, but the scale is a stready increase


  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    don't worry about the scale my BC friend. down 7.5 inches is fantastic. you are doing great.

    the AbRipper is awesome and very challenging, but one cannot spot reduce fat. I would keep doing what you are doing, sounds like the inches are melting away!

    60 Km a week running as well - that's incredible!
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    ARX is not to be done every day. You need to give yourself time in between to rest.

    Also, you will not lose belly fat just doing ab routines. Spot fat loss does not work. EDIT: Oops...missed the spot about you running. That should help.
  • My thoughts are that doing ab exercies should always be a part of your routine, but I understand your concerns related to the photo shoot. The only thing I can pass on to you is what I heard a trainer tell her boot camp class one day: "I can show you the exercises to give you a washboard stomach, but only cardio will get the laundry off the top of it." Good luck with the photo shoot and the half-marathon.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Watch what you eat...! Processed foods, Sodium, FAST food, JUNK food...

    You need to workout your whole core area - you can't just focus just on abs...Cardio & Strength trainin'...

    As Tony Horton says in the Ab Ripper X - It's not meant to do everyday...

    I'm becomin' a Power90 Graduate this weekend...It took me all these days to get my Abs in my profile picture...
  • dino_morgan
    dino_morgan Posts: 57 Member
    When I did Ab Ripper, I loved! I could see a difference within a week, so I think you should go for it (especially if you're doing all that running!)
  • With ab exercises you'll get abs for sure, the problem is they'll be under the belly fat making them non visable. It also depends how much fat you have on your stomach. But since as you're doing cardio as well you should definately see results. Don't over work your muscles everyday because they need time to rest and repair. Work them out every other day or every two days. During the in between days do resistance training on something else like your arms or legs. Also try drinking a smoothie with whey powder after your ab workout. Protein is crucial to building muscle, also get lots of sleep! Best of luck, keep up the good work!
  • My thoughts are that doing ab exercies should always be a part of your routine, but I understand your concerns related to the photo shoot. The only thing I can pass on to you is what I heard a trainer tell her boot camp class one day: "I can show you the exercises to give you a washboard stomach, but only cardio will get the laundry off the top of it." Good luck with the photo shoot and the half-marathon.
    That's a great way of putting it!
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    My thoughts are that doing ab exercies should always be a part of your routine, but I understand your concerns related to the photo shoot. The only thing I can pass on to you is what I heard a trainer tell her boot camp class one day: "I can show you the exercises to give you a washboard stomach, but only cardio will get the laundry off the top of it." Good luck with the photo shoot and the half-marathon.
    That's a great way of putting it!

    That is a great way of putting it ! :) Thank you everyone, I guess my concern is ... I don't mind not having a washboard stomach ... But I would like that area to look a bit more shapely. Right now I have a spare tire, and it makes me look bigger than I am ... it's my only trouble area... Cardio I have down, for some reason I could run for hours and hours if my legs would let me!

    On my off days i throw on Core Synergetics, or Arms and Shoulders DVD to try to work some other areas

    Sleep is an issue for me, I'm having to induce myself into a Neocitran sleep (or nyquil) or else I'll only get 2-3 hours a night . sad but true.

    I agree you can't troubleshoot an area of fat, I was just wondering if anyone thought it would help with the mid section somewhat ... but maybe I'll focus more on Core work outs than direct abs and do ARX a few times a week (3?)

    tonight is my off running night I was going to do Jillian Michaels Yoga DVD with ARX
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    "I can show you the exercises to give you a washboard stomach, but only cardio will get the laundry off the top of it."

    i love that quote!
  • "I can show you the exercises to give you a washboard stomach, but only cardio will get the laundry off the top of it."

    i love that quote!

    The trainer that said that is nicknamed - "Satan" - She is the only trainer to ever make me cry!
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