Like Minded Lushes March 2011



  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I figure if I am lifting weights or hip hopping my abs then I won't be lifting a wine glass to my mouth!:wink:

    Umm I managed to do yoga once with a glass of wine in my hand :blushing: It was certainly an incentive to stretch and reach out for the glass.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    Just want to say ....... I love it here! !!!!!
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Just want to say ....... I love it here! !!!!!
    I dooo toooo :laugh: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Flowers for everybody! :heart:
  • sooooo thursday is gonna be a big test im brewing another batch of beer its a double batch gonna bottle together a boysenberry hef mixed with a dark stout we call it the "" purple people seater "" i loooooove this beer
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Ooh, ^that^ sounds good...and I'm not a big beer fan!

    If there was ever a night I needed/wanted a drink, it was tonight. I came home from picking up the boy from day care, when to check on the load of laundry that should have been done, and discovered that the "hot water" hose/pipe thingy sprung a leak. :noway: It was a matter of time--the maker of our pipes were involved in a class action suit several years ago, but I somehow missed it. Anyway, after much cussing and screaming, and a neighbor coming over (thankfully) who had been through the same thing...we got it "fixed" enough that we should have hot and cold water until the weekend. Guess who's replumbing her house this weekend??

    Sunday=0 drinks
    Monday=0 drinks
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    Hello all! I'm new to this thread and also to this site. I just registered on Tuesday I think. Anyway, I love my beer too and never have just one. However, since starting to work out a lot again...I have been good. I have only drank like 6 times this year so far. When I do, I tend to go overboard, so I have been trying to just avoid it altogether. I'm thinking about having a few for St. Patricks Day, but would rather not. I would like to just say....none for all of March!! Let's see if I can do far, so good! It's so nice to know that I'm not alone! Good luck everyone on your weight loss journey!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    This weeks mantra: Liquor is bad, liquor is the devil

    Sunday, 0 drinks
    Monday, 0 drins, working from 3 to 11
    Wednesday, 0 drinks

    I am going to bed now after working a's 7A, good night...there will be no liquor tonight as I get to be back here on Wednesday morning...ugh
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Hey Kim what happened to Tuesday? and what's a "drin" ha ha you must have been tired. I just had to give you some shlt for it. :laugh:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Happy Fat Tuesday Everyone!

    Today is going to be hard...I usually want a daiquiri to celebrate Mardi Gras since I can't be at home. :sad: (along with Red Beans and Rice or a Shrimp Po-boy) :embarassed:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Hello Lushes, looks like you have been busy in March! Welcome to all the new people. Someone asked about making allowances in your calories for alcohol and losing weight and yes, it really does work if you include your alcohol calories and stay under your goal for the day. Works great. However, for me I would end up only eating about 400 calories a day, the rest would be liquor. :laugh:

    Cruise with grandboy went great. We really cut back on the drinks the first few days but then he got sick of the dining room and said he wasn't going again and wanted to go with the kids club to dinner each night. Do you know they will keep the kids until midnight, up to 3am on some nights? So after that started we were back to our 6pm -9pm happy hour and then stuffing faces with fabulous food all made for us. (sweet) AND desert which we rarely eat. AND one night in the Lido at midnight scarfing down cheeseburgers and two ice cream cones. Luckily only put on 2 pounds and lost 1 right way, must have been water retention. (rum retention?)

    Kitchen cabinets were replaced while we were gone and look great but the countertops won't be done for another week so we are living without a sink. Very awkward. Thank goodness we still have the icemaker hooked up. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    The lady who visited and wanted us all to think about "why" we drink did get me to thinking. I used to think drinking was just a habit and if I could only change my habits I could stop drinking and then I would be skinny and beautiful and probably rich and famous and life would be wonderful. Now I realize I drink because I like to get a buzz and drinking is NOT the cause of all my problems nor will not drinking solve all my problems. And oddly enough, drinking gets me engergized to do things around the house in the evening. Does that happen to any of you? Nights when we don't drink we can barely get dinner together and then just lay around in bed and read.

    Happy Mardi Gras! I think that calls for a drink! :drinker:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    ah, yes! Fat Tuesday! I guess I should have a hurricane instead of the usual beer watching Weeds tonight!
    Last night I ran 4 miles on the treadmill then I went to Tokyo Joe's and had a Sapporo, I don't even know why?! looked good. When I got home after shopping I used some leftover wine mixed with orange juice and orange vodka for a psuedo-sangria and drank that while I finished up a baby quilt for a friend.
    debbie, how do you like cruising? I want to try a cruise but I worry I am too sensitive to motion-sickness.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I had Tokyo Joe's yesterday too...but for lunch, so no beer for me.

    Debbie, I'm with you. Many times when hubby and I need to get motivated, we mix a huge vodka-red bull and sip away while we clean/cook/what have you. Also, yep, I like the buzz...
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Hey Kim what happened to Tuesday? and what's a "drin" ha ha you must have been tired. I just had to give you some shlt for it. :laugh:

    *kitten* well deserved...I was tired!!

    McDebbie, the cruise sounded awesome...I've been on a couple and longing to go again

    Well, longing for an ice cold beer this afternoon...we will see what it brings...maybe 1 or 2, I've got a 12 hour shift tomorrow AM...then, 2 glorious days OFF....whot, whot
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    :sad: Gained 2.5 lbs from the weekend of debauchery. Well, meaning food and drink. :wink: I will be tightening down again. But, for 30 days did real good, for me. Only 5 cold ones last night within my calories. Aiming for less tonight and zero Wed, Thurs. Time for fish, chicken and vegetables for a couple of days! Guess I better go to the store! :bigsmile:

    Lush, lush, lush, lushing away. :drinker: Cheers to all!
    Did I say I was also quitting smoking at this time? I am doing REAL good with that! :bigsmile:
  • This is what I've been looking for! I put up a post about my love for beer when I first started on here and was told I'd better cut out all alcohol if I want to be successful. I haven't cut out alcohol and I've lost 6 lbs, so there! Haha...I'm trying to not drink during the week since one drink leads to...10, 12..20. Luckily I'm pretty good at keeping myself from eating a lot when I drink, but it's the drink itself that's the problem...damn, I want a drink haha...not till the weekend!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Hello Lushes, looks like you have been busy in March! Welcome to all the new people. Someone asked about making allowances in your calories for alcohol and losing weight and yes, it really does work if you include your alcohol calories and stay under your goal for the day. Works great. However, for me I would end up only eating about 400 calories a day, the rest would be liquor. :laugh:

    And oddly enough, drinking gets me engergized to do things around the house in the evening. Does that happen to any of you? Nights when we don't drink we can barely get dinner together and then just lay around in bed and read.

    yup that was me I think. I do the same thing..replace all my food calories with alcohol.
    I think where i get in trouble is the next day. I feel like crap and just lay around and tend to eat like crap.

    I've decided I just need to not drink for a while I think. We shall see how it goes..but yeah..i do get energized while drinking.
    but the next day really is hell for me. haha
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    Hello everyone,
    I'm new here, joined last week and have already lost one lb. Until last night I think....I got all upset after talking with my sister (our Dad is basically a vegetable, pretty incoherent and is not doing well at all) He's in a really nice assisted living place and my sis went to check out a nursing home and found out it's horrible! Me, being the wussy one anyway, started crying and couldn't stop. Soooo....out came the wine. Stupid me, said screw it, I'm having a glass of wine! One turned into 7, 8 or 9, can't remember.....I usually don't drink that much, although I did enjoy beer at one time.....Now, lately, since beer is so fattening and flares up my roscea, when I do drink ,it's wine. Chardonnay to be exact. Hopefully I didn't do too much damage :ohwell:
    It's better for me if I just abstain most of the time. I'm glad I found this thread, lets me know I'm not the only lushy, who battles with this! The reason I've gained this 25 lbs, in the first place, was from beer! Not food. Not real bright here....:tongue:
    If life was perfect, with NO stress, there would be no reasone for wine! Uh...yeah...good luck with that one!! I'm glad to have found you guys!
  • alcohol makes you lean!!!!!!! no worries my friends .... lean against cars walls and doorframes and for me walls that are not there sometimes
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    :sad: Gained 2.5 lbs from the weekend of debauchery. Well, meaning food and drink. :wink: I will be tightening down again. But, for 30 days did real good, for me. Only 5 cold ones last night within my calories. Aiming for less tonight and zero Wed, Thurs. Time for fish, chicken and vegetables for a couple of days! Guess I better go to the store! :bigsmile:

    Lush, lush, lush, lushing away. :drinker: Cheers to all!
    Did I say I was also quitting smoking at this time? I am doing REAL good with that! :bigsmile:
    Good for you on the quitting smoking! I quit 5 years ago and people said, don't drink because then you will want to smoke, but I figured-i'll drink all the time and then drinking won't remind me of smoking anymore:tongue:
    Now it just reminds of being young and having fun:grumble:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    alcohol makes you lean!!!!!!! no worries my friends .... lean against cars walls and doorframes and for me walls that are not there sometimes

    LOVE IT!!! :laugh: :laugh: :sad:
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