Like Minded Lushes March 2011



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    hell yeah, what a great thread! I think beer is the culprit for a lot of my weight gain. I've stopped drinking beer, but still have other drinks. I've been trying to just drink red wine during the week and allow myself something a little stronger on the weekend. It does play hell with my calorie intake, but after a long day at work I like to unwind!
    I was trying the wine during the week too! sunday I had 2 beers, Monday I had one glass of red, Tuesday no drinks, last night I had a glass of red, then two beers. tonight I will probably have a glass of wine, going to dinner with a friend.
    Is it wrong that I this song on my ipod that really gets me pumped up is about drinking tequila, "who wanna get f***ed up, go and get a drink, get your hands on a cup, how many round till you can't stand up, me and my girls bout to tear the club up..."
    so funny! makes me want to drink tequila til I can't stand up:tongue:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Ohhhh, a thread for me!

    I definitely struggle with alcohol hindering my weight loss. I have recently tried to limit myself to only having wine on the weekends.

    I have managed to steer clear this whole week! (I slipped one day last week :embarassed: )
  • NoWomb4More
    NoWomb4More Posts: 30 Member
    Love this thread!!
    Since working evenings (Mon-Fri) I don't drink during the week anymore...but weekends are rough. I go to a bar to watch the UFC fights...I drink. Go to the bar to watch the hockey game....I drink. Sunday afternoon on the couch watching Nascar....I drink.

    hmmmm....maybe I should give up watching sports???? :laugh: That'll never happen!!

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Love this thread!!
    Since working evenings (Mon-Fri) I don't drink during the week anymore...but weekends are rough. I go to a bar to watch the UFC fights...I drink. Go to the bar to watch the hockey game....I drink. Sunday afternoon on the couch watching Nascar....I drink.

    hmmmm....maybe I should give up watching sports???? :laugh: That'll never happen!!

    Cheers! :drinker:

    Heck I don't even watch sports...Tv is on?? :drinker: :embarassed:

  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Hello fellow lushes! What is it about alcohol anyway... I want it when I'm stressed, unhappy, celebrating, spending time with friends, family, watching wheel of fortune.... LOL

    I keep telling myself I won't have anything to drink for a month, and then a few days later I drink a bottle of wine. And the "just one drink" NEVER works for me. If I have one, I have at least three.

    Right now I'm controlling it by not having any booze in the house. But this weekend I'm going to my sister's house (in another city) and she's got a pub night planned. SO , what the hell, I'm going to have fun and drink some wine. :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Hello fellow lushes! What is it about alcohol anyway... I want it when I'm stressed, unhappy, celebrating, spending time with friends, family, watching wheel of fortune.... LOL

    I keep telling myself I won't have anything to drink for a month, and then a few days later I drink a bottle of wine. And the "just one drink" NEVER works for me. If I have one, I have at least three.

    Right now I'm controlling it by not having any booze in the house. But this weekend I'm going to my sister's house (in another city) and she's got a pub night planned. SO , what the hell, I'm going to have fun and drink some wine. :)
    I know, I have a bad attitude like I am going to drink to get a buzz, one drink is like a 15-minute nap-just enough to piss me off!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Have any of you thought about why you drink? Or at least recorded the circumstances when you do indulge?

    I realize that this is a 'no-judgment' thread, and I'm not trying to be Judgey Mc Judgerson. But I also realize that most of the participants are attempting to lower alcohol consumption and somehow ending up binge drinking against their best intent.

    Have you looked at drinking the way you do your eating? Figuring out when and why you eat is not that different from figuring out when and why you drink, and it's similarly important to making changes. I'd guess that everyone put some thought into when and why they ate and then made changes, as I see everyone has lost some weight. I see a lot of 'when' analysis on the drinking, but not much 'why' analysis. Maybe that would help in meeting goals to change? Simply a suggestion for those who are seeking to change alcohol consumption.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    The LQ (it' s what hubs and I call the liquor it's code or something) knows my hubby by name. :laugh:

    ETA: I would like to say something to person that just posted giving us lushes "something to think about" but I learned in Kindergarten that if I can't say something keep my trap shut.

    By the way (again, to the "helpful" person that just posted,) I'm really not looking to cut my lushy ways because I'm trying to lose weight. Nor do I think I have a problem with drinking. If I really don't want to drink, I don't. I CAN stop at one. So, your sweeping assumption that those us of here need to "think" about the reasons why we drink is not only off-target and insulting.

    Those of us that do struggle with the calories that our lushy ways bring to our daily counts RECOGNIZE that fact. It's why we're here on MFP. Many people know damn well why they drink to excess sometimes. Having some complete "stranger" pop over to tell us something that, for the most part, we already know is, again, insulting.

    While I appreciate the fact that you were "just trying to help"...we're doing just fine. Thanks.


    Sorry, lushes, I guess I did have a response!
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    The only reason I am attempting to limit my alcohol is because of the calorie factor. I have ten pounds to lose, and there is not that much wiggle room when it comes to excess calories. I definetly don't have a drinking problem.

    I've known people with drinking problems- definetly not me.

    So I am quite sure I don't need to analyse why I drink. Thanks for you concern though

    Hey Soccerdot: Here in Ontario, the liquor store is the "Liquor Control Board of Ontario", short form, LCBO, short short form for us lushes, 'the LC"

    Damn, now I want a drinK! LMAO
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    For the love of everything good, NO, I was not saying that folks in this thread had 'drinking problems' other than that they were drinking more than they had planned for. Not substantially different from folks who are struggling to meet a sugar goal, a sodium goal, a fat goal or a calorie goal.

    I didn't say anyone had a 'problem' in the mental health or medical sense, nor did I imply it. I only noted that the overwhelming majority of folks in this thread wanted to cut down on drinks and hadn't managed that goal. I made a suggestion of another way to approach that goal and now I am being castigated.

    Your response to a harmless suggestion is what suggests that there may be a deeper issue...that's on you, not on me.

    You all do whatever the hell you want. I won't be back. Wish you all the best of luck and I hope you wish the same for me.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Ummmmm... I'm sure the advice and observations were meant well but it is never good to generalise. We are a very diverse group of people, some have been members of this thread for a long time others are newer and to assume that most of us end up binge drinking is very unfair.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Oh Robin :frown: I really hope things start moving again for you soon and you get out of this funk. Remember you are still at it and that's what counts. That in itself is an achievement :flowerforyou:

    You are so right Pam about how less lushy you are and how awesome that is. I am also a lot less lushy and it's great. I can't imagine how my trackers would look if I was what I used to be. :embarassed:

    Amy I'm glad you enjoyed your mac more than I did. :laugh: I'm put off them now!

    Atlantique - I personally binge drink anyway. Why? Cause I gosh darn love being wasted and feeling nothing. If years of shrinks and being on meds for years can't fix me, then even more beating myself up about it and self analysis won't either. I like it, I do it. I can stop at one but I don't wan't to, hence I abstain then indulge. That's what keeps mine lower. I pretty much would drink whenever I have the following day off work. :laugh: I love how it makes me feel relaxed, it resets my brain. I listen to music extremely loud and enjoy it immensely.

    I figure if we drink instead of eat our calories some days, so be it. :drinker:

    Mon - 2 bottles of wine
    Tues - 0
    Wed - 0
    Thurs - 0
    Fri - 0

    I'm about to start a 6 days of working straight so I don't see any drinking any time soon. Hope to do 60 mins of exercise again today so that scale moves next week!
  • monkeyboy881
    this is going to be my hardest part of losing weight i brew beer i have a passion for it and one day i hope to open a brewpub i need to find a way to control my aspirations with my fatness grrrrrrrrrrr i hate this dilema
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Sorry that I went all ranty there for a minute... :drinker:
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I like to save my calories so I can have the wine! I have cut out the beer, (and being from the land of microbrews that is exceptionally hard.) I like to have a couple glasses with dinner, and am glad I'm not the only one!
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    I think for most it's like having breakfast, it's just a chosen lifestyle to enjoy a wine or two. That is the real point of this thread I think. Now if there was a cheese thread around here somewhere.....I definitely have a cheese problem :laugh:
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    For the love of everything good, NO, I was not saying that folks in this thread had 'drinking problems' other than that they were drinking more than they had planned for. Not substantially different from folks who are struggling to meet a sugar goal, a sodium goal, a fat goal or a calorie goal.

    I didn't say anyone had a 'problem' in the mental health or medical sense, nor did I imply it. I only noted that the overwhelming majority of folks in this thread wanted to cut down on drinks and hadn't managed that goal. I made a suggestion of another way to approach that goal and now I am being castigated.

    Your response to a harmless suggestion is what suggests that there may be a deeper issue...that's on you, not on me.

    You all do whatever the hell you want. I won't be back. Wish you all the best of luck and I hope you wish the same for me.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    thanks for the positive thoughts sent my way. I know I will figure this all out. Sorry someone got on here and judged us. It happens and we just move on. None of are the same, we have different goals, different struggles and different triggers. What we have in common is that we enjoy alcohol, wether or not we consume less, more, none or the same. I just wanted to say thank you all for being a part of this thread.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Ditto Robin!
  • Bob1062
    Bob1062 Posts: 38
    Happy almost Friday everyone!! If you have gone the whole week without breaking the "have a drink" seal, congratulations. Saturday is my cheat day which also includes tossing back a few. Lately I have been starting my cheat day drinking on Friday. I'm sure that has been the undoing of a lot good work and discipline during the week. It is tough to go down to the mancave at night, open the fridge and see all that temptation. The good demon says grab the powerade zero, the bad demon says it's been one helluva day and you deserve that coors original. 24 hours from now, I shall know which demon wins. Stay tuned.