Like Minded Lushes March 2011



  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Amy, great attitude, thats how I approach special events too.
    Yvonne, what a wonderful day. I could feel the love you have for you father all the way over here.
    kim, I hope you can stick with your plan. You will enjoy the margs tomorrow!
    welcome back stellcorb

    IT IS FRIDAY!!!!!!!

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    skinny margaritas please explain sound too good

    I buy mine premixed...but, basically, some really good tequila, agave nectar and fresh lime can google a recipe on line...anyways, the whole bottle 25 oz is only 600 calories....

    I actually have all the ingrediants...just easier to buy the bottle:blushing: I am a lazy lush:yawn:
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    It's so funny to me that I look sooo forward to the weekend and have been ending up drinking way less than I budget for! Last night, I budgeted for 4 bud55's and 2 shots of vodka - leaving me like 335 calories extra - just in case I drank the whole 6er or had a "few" more shots.
    Had a beer and a 1/2 shot at 6 pm with hubby when he got home from work - got dinner ready to go in the oven, and went to a friends for an anual clothing swap (fun!) I bought a bottle of wine and had a glass when I got there - thought that was ok since I had the "extra" home, had a beer and a 1/2 shot - dinner, and it was getting late, hubby was tired, I was tired, had another 1/2 shot - big glass of water and went to bed.
    I just look forward so much during the week for my drinks, and find it amusing that most friday nights I get about 5 in me.......which is SO little compared to what I used to drink, hell - I used to drink at least 5 on a weeknight!
    Happy weekend everyone!
  • Bob1062
    Bob1062 Posts: 38
    If I exercised like I drink beer, I would be the fittest person around.
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Yvette, celebrating memories is the best; they never go away. Another Hug for you! :flowerforyou:

    Last night beers won out, so I do believe there will be none tonight! Eat my calories instead of drink them! Have a great Saturday all! :drinker:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Went to a work party last night...2 vanilla vodka, diet cokes.
    Went bowling with some friends. 2 (large) cherry vodka, diet cokes.

    I really didn't eat dinner though...I snacked at the party, but nothing major so I'm assuming I stayed within calories last night but I really have no idea. :laugh:

    We have an awards dinner to go to principal will be there, so I might have a cocktail or two, but nothing too crazy.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hey, lushes

    I broke down last night and drank some beers...probably 6...which is funny since I was not going to drink anyway...I haven't had beer in a long time. It was tasty. I like an ice cold Sam Adams. Hell, I'll drink them warm as well

    Didn't even come close to goal this week...just hoping I maintained for Monday's weigh in:frown:

    Happy Saturday lushes!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hey, lushes

    I broke down last night and drank some beers...probably 6...which is funny since I was not going to drink anyway...I haven't had beer in a long time. It was tasty. I like an ice cold Sam Adams. Hell, I'll drink them warm as well

    Didn't even come close to goal this week...just hoping I maintained for Monday's weigh in:frown:

    Happy Saturday lushes!!
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Mon - 2 bottles of wine
    Tues - 0
    Wed - 0
    Thurs - 0
    Fri - 0
    Sat - 0
    Sunday - 0

    I really miss getting drunk. Day 2 of 6 day work week and I want a day off already. :sad: Hope you are all having a great weekend :laugh:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Mon - 2 bottles of wine
    Tues - 0
    Wed - 0
    Thurs - 0
    Fri - 0
    Sat - 0
    Sunday - 0

    I really miss getting drunk. Day 2 of 6 day work week and I want a day off already. Hope you are all having a great weekend :laugh:

    Your doing remarkable!!! I'm going to pay penance at the gym now for last night...ugh:frown:
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    :drinker: Ha ha ha ha ha! Well, tonight didn't work out like I thought I planned. Met an old friend from up North, and we had the bestest time....and, a friend from here stopped by, soooo the beers went on for a "little" longer than I had planned for. :blushing: Actually, I did say I wouldn't tonight. See how quickly things can change??? :ohwell: Still within my calories, but I think the fridge is calling me for a snack! :smile:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Ok..first post on this website. Couldn't resist. I found this thread..feel at home and love it <3. You guys crack me up..and yesssss..I'm sitting here on a Sat night with a glass of merlot.
  • monkeyboy881
    two terminator stouts and 1 22 oz barley wine for my cheat night but i still have 3000 plus cals left bec i played basketball for 2 hrs today
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    ok...i'm on glass 3.
    i'm thinking i belong here.

    SO...I pretty much just started on here...and have stayed on track with my daily calorie intake..i add exercise just so i can have a glass of wine (or maybe some center cut bacon in the am) maybe 3 times a week.
    i know..not the healthiest way.
    but i'm on 1200 calories/day...i actually eat fairly well.
    do you all find that if you adjust your food intake to accomodate your alcohol intake..that it all works out? it seems like it doesnt always work out. *sigh*

    i'm pretty good about not bingeing on food if i drink. for some reason i get less hungry if i drink. BUT..i'm good for nothing the next day..and don't exercise and tend to eat crap.
  • monkeyboy881
    ok...i'm on glass 3.
    i'm thinking i belong here.

    SO...I pretty much just started on here...and have stayed on track with my daily calorie intake..i add exercise just so i can have a glass of wine (or maybe some center cut bacon in the am) maybe 3 times a week.
    i know..not the healthiest way.
    but i'm on 1200 calories/day...i actually eat fairly well.
    do you all find that if you adjust your food intake to accomodate your alcohol intake..that it all works out? it seems like it doesnt always work out. *sigh*

    i'm pretty good about not bingeing on food if i drink. for some reason i get less hungry if i drink. BUT..i'm good for nothing the next day..and don't exercise and tend to eat crap.

    im not really sure im really fat 350 and i get a ton of calories alotted
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    lol monkey boy..i aint no slim jane either.
    i got plenty to lose.
    but my metabolism sucks. i eat fairly well but sit on my fat *kitten* a lot. ;)

    oh and thanks for replying to was my first post so i felt alone. monkeyboy rocks!!
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    do you all find that if you adjust your food intake to accomodate your alcohol intake..that it all works out? it seems like it doesnt always work out. *sigh*

    I try to just drink on Friday and Saturdays, lately I feel like I've been "cheated" out of a weekend - I don't really get to drink too much for one reason or another and have been throwing some Sunday beers in there.........way better than it used to be (every single night). I do work out a little harder in the morning, with the goal of being able to drink at night - I don't really like to skimp on food (I love to eat!) so I just try to acomidate the extra calories into my workout.

    Welcome!!!! You'll fit in just fine!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I work out to get extra calories for my drinks I still try to eat a good 1200 cals of good nutrition even on days I drink. I just have to spend more time burning calories to be able to enjoy the wine.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Another lushy night for me...hubs was gone with the 2 younger boys, my daughter spent the night at a friend's house and my 20 year old doesn't bother, it was a glorious peaceful night alone with my man, Samuel Adams:love:

    Welcome SoCal...I think you are def'ly in the right place:drinker: your right, monkeyboy does rock

    Robin, yep, I burned calories like a mo fo yesterday to earn those bad boys!!!:sad:

    I'm glad this week is over...I'm going on the WAGON :frown:oh, not a beer wagon either
  • mamawildbear
    mamawildbear Posts: 93 Member
    Have any of you thought about why you drink? Or at least recorded the circumstances when you do indulge?

    I realize that this is a 'no-judgment' thread, and I'm not trying to be Judgey Mc Judgerson. But I also realize that most of the participants are attempting to lower alcohol consumption and somehow ending up binge drinking against their best intent.

    Have you looked at drinking the way you do your eating? Figuring out when and why you eat is not that different from figuring out when and why you drink, and it's similarly important to making changes. I'd guess that everyone put some thought into when and why they ate and then made changes, as I see everyone has lost some weight. I see a lot of 'when' analysis on the drinking, but not much 'why' analysis. Maybe that would help in meeting goals to change? Simply a suggestion for those who are seeking to change alcohol consumption.

    Holy cow! I didn't read this thead like that at all. Alcohol is nothing but empty calories so for me, it's how to fit in some wine, drinks whatever, without blowing the daily calorie goal. What I read from this thread is how people are doing that, not a support thread for raving alcoholics. From the moment you used the words "no-judgement thread" you were instantly judging. Forget that it's alcohol and treat it as just another food and that's what we're talking about. Substitute food and eating for every time you said alcohol and drink and you'll see the struggle we all have with meeting our daily goal.