Like Minded Lushes March 2011



  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Survived another night! :drinker:

    Monday= 0
    Tuesday= Don't even wanna think about it. :embarassed:

    I am sure I can make it today but tomorrow is going to be hard. The ladies are going to Buffalo Wild Wings after work and they have Blue Moon on draft. :sad: Maybe I can get 1 of those and 1 light beer to consume fewer calories but get my craving.

    Let's hope!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Thanks to the handful of helpful folks that redirected me here after I posted in last month's thread. You rock!

    I've avoided alcohol since I found this site and started keeping a food diary and it seems like it has been a hell of a long 2 weeks! I know I'm going to want to drink at a party on Saturday so first I need a reference guide to know how many calories are in the things I like to drink. Then I need a strategy. How do you all handle it - not eat? do extra exercise? save up calories through the week and splurge on drinks? Help! Don't wanna lose the little bit of weight loss progress I've made but I sure need some liquid stress release!

    Thanks in advance!
    I pretty much know about what cals are in what I want to drink. I like beer so that's hard because light beer is not the same. But I drink club soda (0 cals) instead of tonic with vodka, with lemon AND lime, just because. Red wine is good for me because I don't drink so much. Last night 4 of us split 2 bottles, it didn't seem like a lot but it got me through a long, amazing dinner at Cho Lan. so indescribable, my Denver MFPs need to check it out!

    The vodka tonic sounds like a good idea!! I love my beer but I always feel guilty after drinking them. :frown:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Amy, where is Cho Lan?

    I have a 12 pack of Blue Moon bottles in my beer fridge, but on tap is so much better!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Vodka Soda! tonic has the same cals as sprite...
    And Cho Lan is at 1555 Blake, mm, soup dumplings and egg cloud...
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Okay, I know about where that is...must try on next date night.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Hey Lushes,

    Got thru last sleep pattern is still a bit messed up from working that double the other day. I ended up napping from 4:30 to 6:00. I was able to refrain last night and hoping the same for tonight. Friday, is up in the air. I work Sat and Sun eves; so, no booze on those nights.

    @Natasha, BWW can be DANGEROUS; but, have fun

    This is a much better week....Total drinks = 4
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Everybody is doing so well this week!!! Congrats! I'm at my old every night. I say I won't but then I do. I was alot stronger a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, staying good on the calories; losing the 3 lb gain from last week. Foodwise is not a problem, even if I overdrink....somehow I don't go crazy eating after drinking. Too full of beer maybe! :laugh:

    Another subject: When you start losing weight, does your mate help or hinder? Mine seems to all of a sudden buy sweets, which we normally don't have (I'm not big on that). Or, corn chips will show up, with the jarred spinach dip. Or, he wants red meat and a potato every night. I'm trying not to eat potatoes (with butter and sour cream-I do love it!) and cutting down on the red meat. He doesn't want chic or fish. :grumble: Just wondering. I do tell him sweetly that I don't really have the taste for the sweets, etc. though. And that I'm saving my calories for BEER!!! lol :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I do tell him sweetly that I don't really have the taste for the sweets, etc. though. And that I'm saving my calories for BEER!!! lol :bigsmile: :drinker:

    That's perfect - When he's not looking, politely throw that stuff away.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I'm so lucky that hubs is okay with whatever we eat...hell, I'm the one cooking! Neither of us are big "sweet" people...I still have a package of "Winter Oreos" in the pantry that are only about halfway gone. :laugh: Our downfall is all the savory stuff: chips, cheese, fried stuff, wings, etc.

    Pam, have you tried baked potatoes with lowfat cottage cheese? That's how we eat them at our house. Love them!

    Kim, you are doing awesome this week! See, if you don't let a bad week send you into a "bad spiral" that's huge! I had a crappy week last week--between drinks and fast food, but I'm back on track this week. It's a learning curve, y'all! :wink:
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Kim, that's exactly what I was plotting! He brought home 3 boxes of Girl Scout cookies about 3 weeks ago. I had 2 (yuk actually) and he's had 2 boxes. And he's not fat at all. Err. Anyway, I'm going to throw the 3rd box out; it is now in hiding just to make sure he doesn't miss them (and let him think I ate them), then in the trash they go! Keep going on your goal Kim! You are doing great! :smile:

    I do love cheese and really try to keep it out of the house. When he bought 3 huge hunks of cheese, I was proud that I'd measure 1oz. and not eat the whole thing! I noticed he didn't eat any. That cheese lasted a month and a half!

    Amy, I haven't tried the cottage cheese topping in years and years! I'm going to do that next time we have potatoes. Thanks!
    And glad you are having a better week. :happy:

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Kim, that's exactly what I was plotting! He brought home 3 boxes of Girl Scout cookies about 3 weeks ago.

    Amy, I haven't tried the cottage cheese topping in years and years! I'm going to do that next time we have potatoes. Thanks!
    And glad you are having a better week. :happy:

    Cheers! :drinker:

    Pam, devious mind think alike...:devil:

    Amy, I've never tried the cottage cheese topped on a baked potato. But have used it to stuff manicotti and twice baked potatoes. I did just started topping a baked potato with greek yogurt which tastes just like sour cream...lots of protein & no fat.

    Also, I've noticed that I don't drink when I have a bad week...I think the pattern is when I have too much time on my hands, it gets me into trouble. I'm more a social drinker and I'm good company
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I want to try these toppings on baked potatoes. The yogurt and cottage cheese both sound interesting!

    My man is really good about eating whatever I make too (I think because he does not want to have to learn how to cook, he'll just eat whatever I make :laugh:)

    He does however drink a beer before I get home sometimes so when I kiss him I can smell the beer and then it makes me want one. :sad:

    At least he is sweet enough to do it before I get home so I am not tempted. :tongue:
  • Ok, so I hadn't had any alcohol since Sunday...until last night. A whole 2 days! Here were my justifications for doing so:

    1. I walked to and from the store to buy beer.
    2. I only bought a six pack of Bud Light 55s.
    3. I didn't eat dinner.
    4. I worked out twice yesterday.

    Now, I did not wake up and work out like my 5th justification would have had me do. I can't work out tonight because I'll be working until 9 or so...from 8 this morning. At which point, I'll probably go out for drinks with my coworker. And tomorrow is Friday...aye yay yay!

    Oh...and of the 6 beers I bought, I drank did I manage that you ask? Found one in the fridge I somehow missed last time!
  • Debbisue52
    Debbisue52 Posts: 87 Member
    Thirsty Thursday for me! Weighed in this morning and lost another 1.5 lbs! Expected more but I'll take it. Drink of choice today is margarita. I make them myself with 1/2 lime, Jose gold, triple sec, and a shot of margarita mix. I think the calories are about 321. It will be a red number day for me but.....i want margaritassssss! LOL! Tomorrow.....right back on track!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Wow, 2 a day workout? Crazy! Nicely done with the mystery beer though!!

    We have a kegerator in the garage, so it's very easy for the hubs to grab a cold beer--I'm glad I'm not a beer fan or I'd really be in trouble!
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Pam - I live with my ex-husband/ex-boyfriend/now just flatmate and he is skinny as and eats crap all the time. Dinner two nights ago for him was maccas and empty coke cans everywhere. I was making a salad yesterday for lunch and he walked in with 2 hot fresh pizzas. He always has chips, chocolates etc in the fridge and pantry.

    I think it has done me a good service in a way. If I can resist it when it is right in my face that is a good thing. He tells me to suck it up and use my willpower, and in a way he is right. :laugh: I call him a total ****, then walk off with my salad.

    I am more a savoury then a sweet person. On my wine binges I used to have a whole small wheel of brie, gherkins, salami stix, crackers, olives and kabana. Geez those days were awesome. :grumble:

    I don't know how I'll go tonight. I don't see my girls often as I work weekends alot. I actually have today and Sat off, 30th bday dinner. Last time I went out with them I had a big slice of cake after dinner! I will be coming home afterwards and drinking too I'd say.....:blushing:
  • That was close - thought I had to work till 9 tonight but found out I didn't at the last minute. So, I poured some wine with my salad already deciding i wasn't going to work out. This must be a breakthrough because I felt so bad about it that I had to go workout. I burned 570 calories doing an hour on the elliptical. I may have another glass of wine in my hand, but if I hadn't worked out, this would be the 5th rather than the 2nd!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Sunday, 0 drinks
    Monday, 0 drinks,
    Tuesday, 4 drinks
    Wednesday, 0 drinks
    Thursday, 0 drinks...but, I had a Mcdonalds milkshake for over 400 calories...I could have had 3 beers instead...what a waste:cry:
    Friday, I'm gonna get my skinny on
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Kim you are doing great ths week.
    Jenny great decision good for you for taking control.

    I have a plan in mind. I have been really letting myself go this week and I am finally startng to get really disgusted with myself. I am going to work on my head this weekend so that come Monday I really get back into it and reverse all this weight gain I have incurred. I will put my plan out there to be held to when I have it all figured out. I have finally drank enough this week that I don't feel good and healthy any more. I hate crap yesterday (and I didn't enjoy it) so I think I am about ready to kill it again. I will keep you posted.
  • lefrance12
    lefrance12 Posts: 131
    RJ, at least you are aware of it.. I think we all fall off sometimes and mentally have to start over. I just started over this week, so be strong and re-establish the motivation. Dont waste time beating yourself up, just do it. Good Luck MFP!!
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