I love beer!



  • ande2994
    ande2994 Posts: 136
    I'm such a micro-brewed porter/stout snob! I've been surprised at the variation in calories (and the selection!) on mfp. I'm trying to stay away from Imperial Stouts, since they usually have way more calories than a regular stout. Guinness is surprisingly low in calories, and it feels filling so I don't (usually) want six in a night. One or two is plenty.

    As for the super low calorie beers, Michelob Ultra Amber isn't bad. It's harder to find than normal Michelob Ultra, but it actually does have some flavor.

    I _try_ to restrict my beer intake to days I'm physically active. They sort of cancel each other out. Beer and bowling -- sure! Beer and dancing -- yeah! What I'm really trying to cut down on is drinking beer on the couch after a day at the office.
  • Come on - I wanted you all to have a magic answer and tell me I can drink all the beer I want! Haha...I guess I just have to really bite the bullet and cut way back as well as switching to a super low cal beer. On the upside, before I started using MPF I was drinking a lot and not working out at all. Now I'm working out most days and paying more attention to what I eat so I'm sure I'll see some improvement. It's just shocking when I do drink what I want and then log it - that's no fun!
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