

  • I understand what you mean...honestly, mine is the emotional eating thing that I'm still trying to kick. I mean, I don't DO it anymore, but I WANT to. That's the first place my mind turns when I'm really upset about something, and it's really hard to stay out of that mindset. Kudos to you for sticking with it through the…
  • I don't know if there's such a thing as "big boned", but I do know there are different body frame sizes... *oops...someone answered this before my computer cooperated lol*
  • I agree that it's personal preference...I have one, left shoulder blade, it's the Hopi symbol for motherhood. I'm going to get it added to, with my children's names in hexadecimal code around the symbol. Kind of puts all parts of me (Native American, mom, and math nerd :P) together.
  • Thanks...I'll have to see if I can get one! Definitely appreciate the input!
    in Stilts? Comment by elleninez July 2011
  • omg I love it!!!!!! lol
  • Everyone has a vice of some sort. If diet soda is the worst thing a person has, then by all means, GO FOR IT. I mean seriously, if you don't like something, don't drink it - just back off those that do! Those studies may yet be refuted...remember how "bad" eggs were for us, and now they're "good" for us? I love the smoking…
  • I miss my Daddy dearly. He'll have been gone 11 years this July. He and I fought like cats & dogs, but I think it's because I'm just too much like him in a lot of ways. Mix the same temper with differing opinions, and you occasionally get an explosion :) One of my favorite memories is us walking on the creekbank looking…
  • The only one I've ever got was Alanis Morrisette.
  • AMEN. No, it might not be the healthiest thing for me. However, I firmly believe that if I were to give up EVERYTHING that's unhealthy for me, this diet would fail, just like all the rest I've been on. A big THANK YOU to those who touted MODERATION. Granted, I don't do that so much with soda, but it's getting there. I've…
  • One year for my wedding anniversary I got a tube of toothpaste. To be fair, we were completely and totally broke, but...still. Last year for Valentine's day the (now-ex) bf went on & on about how he hated it. I told him I didn't care what he bought me, anything, cheap, whatever, as long as there was SOMETHING just to know…
  • "I died the day you disappeared so why would you be welcome here? Ride the wind that brought you back away" A Fine Frenzy - Elements
  • My first one would be: "One of these days you're actually going to grow up and be a MAN. When that day comes, you think that you can just reach up on that shelf in your mind and have what you've been putting away 'til you're 'ready', but guess what - you might've just blown that to pieces by being a douche." The other one:…
  • I was one of those married young (20), gave up everything I was as a person to please him, and had honestly convinced myself I was content to live like that. I'd made vows, and I planned on sticking with them. 5 days before the birth of our second child, he told me he wasn't happy and wanted to leave me. He walked out on…
    in Marriage. Comment by elleninez May 2011
  • Mine was last week...I dreamed that I was in a paper factory, and it was set up like a video game, where I had to pull on all these ropes in the right sequence to get it to work. There was something about time travel...idk, something about being 15 years in the past. Then the last part of it, I was in a car with the doors…
  • Thanks guys...I really appreciate you all listening and supporting me (even with something so...so...teenager-ish! lol)!
  • OOPS...lol okay, I'm an idiot...I blame my teenage students...haha they drained all of my intelligence :P
  • Um, Jek, I was actually saying he didn't do anything wrong...
  • I fail to see where he's violated any of the rules by posting this....
  • Yes, I am attracted to the good guys. I actually dated a couple...unfortunately, they were at periods in their lives when they didn't want a "serious" relationship, and I did.
  • I've had the reputation of loving "bad boys", but honestly, I'm not drawn to that part of it...not even the thrill. My whole thing is that I give people a chance, whether I should or not, regardless of their past and/or reputation. I've dated an ex-con (huge mistake), ex-druggies (another huge mistake)...but I don't have…
  • I went for my girlie check up, stepped on the scale, and was absolutely stunned at the number I saw. I hadn't gained a single size in like 3 years...so of course by my logic, I was doing just fine. Overweight but fine. Apparently in that 3 year span I'd gained 50+ pounds (don't ask how I didn't gain a size - I have…
  • Watching my babies walk hand in hand down the hallway at school before we go home.
  • A big part of the problem, speaking from a school employee standpoint, is that the administration of most schools is terrified of lawsuits. Anything that can be done to a student to discipline them can (and usually is) fought in the legal system. From a parental standpoint, last year my oldest, who was then in…
    in bullying Comment by elleninez May 2011
  • 1. Must not be/have ever been a drug addict. 2. Must not be an ex-con. 3. Must not be/have ever been a prostitute (yes, I'm talking about men.) 4. Must have a job. 5. Must have some sort of transportation. 6. Must respect me & my children. Is it sad that I have personal stories behind EVERY ONE of these???
  • Southern WV
  • I definitely admire your strength.
  • Yup, I belong here too lol. Very hard to find anyone around here that has a job and isn't an addict :/
  • When my oldest was about a year old, he was notorious for throwing things away. The remote to the surround sound disappeared, and of course we feared that's where it ended up. We looked EVERYWHERE...couldn't find it. Blamed the poor kid for months. A universal remote won't work with it, and the replacement was gonna cost…
  • One of the best things I've read all day!!!! :)