Rklane Member


  • I do a kettlebell bootcamp 4 days a week. I average 9-10 calories a minute depending on what we are doing. Higher if it is snatches or swings verses lower if it is rows or presses. Also depends on the force and weight you are using. Love my kettlebells!
  • I need to try this! Thanks for sharing
  • When I was pregnant with my son, I only gained 11 pounds but went up a half size from a 7 1/2 to an 8. Now, 10 years later I've lost 35 pounds and have gone back down to a 7 1/2.
  • I'm 5' 4.5" my initial goal is 138. I got down to 142 before the holidays and vacation now I'm sitting at 146. I want to keep the muscle I've gained, but the rest of my pooch has got to go! I wear a size 6 and have a medium build. I agree with everyone else, the number on the scale is less important than your composition.
  • I always get the Paradise Chicken salad when I go. It too is on the under 550 calorie menu.
  • We have 2 Rocco Dispirito cookbooks that we love "Now Eat This" and Now Eat This Diet".
  • I've gotten a couple different things from the skinnylicious menu. All of them have been really good. The Tuscan Chicken is my favorite. It is chicken breast with a balsamic vinegar glaze/sauce and tons of tomatoes. Super yummy and too much food. I bring part of it home. I've also had the beet and goat cheese salad. It's…
  • Do you have a heart rate monitor? I would eat them back if I knew it was an accurate burn. If you're going off what the machines tell you, I wouldn't eat all of them back since they typically over estimate significantly.
  • I do kettlebells 3-4 times a week. HIghly recommend the heart rate monitor. Our workouts vary between 300-500 calories for a 45 minute bootcamp.
  • I do a kettlebell bootcamp 3-4 days a week. On average I burn about 300-400 for a 45 session with normally an 18 or 26 lb kettlebell. When we do more strength training, like deadlifts and press, it drops to the 200 range. I have gotten as high as 600 on a Saturday session really busting it. Like someone else said, the HRM…
  • I'm sure others will disagree, but I do an Egg McMuffin from McDonalds almost everyday. 300 calories and keeps me full till lunch. The sodium is a little high, but works for me.
  • I've been doing a kettlebell bootcamp at 5:15. When I first started, I ate something small beforehand and would feel completely sick. I found not eating and making sure I cooled down after workout helped me.
  • I'm 4 weeks into a kettlebell bootcamp. I started with an 18 pound kb for most things. I would take the set back and go heavier. I use either the 18 or 26 lb for swings. For snatch and cleans I do 18.
  • Try the MIO sweet tea. It's yummy! Also, try adding Splenda instead. I used to get a large sweet tea from McDonalds every day. I've switched to getting unsweet with 4 splenda. It's close, not quite the same, but will do. It does take a little bit of time to get used to it. But, at 300 calories per visit it was worth it to…
  • Thanks everyone! Makes a girl feel better! I'm doing this for me. Just need to remember there are people in this world that speak without regard to others' feelings. :smile:
  • I had an IUD inserted a month ago and am still losing weight. Not sure if it is slowed because I haven't been working out as much with my schedule or because of the BC. I'm guessing its the brownies and lack of workouts! I think everyone is different. There was a similar thread I read on here before I had mine done. You…
  • The Taylor home scale is higher than the gym. Tonight was 5% higher than the gym two weeks ago.
  • I have the Taylor body fat/hydration scale. I'm comfortable with the weight on it, but not the body fat %. It was probably 3-4% different than the hand held machine at the gym told me.
  • We plan our meals for the week by picking items from the Rocco Dispirito cookbook. All the recipes are low cal and very tasty! It helps to keep me on track during the week. Weekends are another thing though! Unfortunately we eat out a lot on weekends which makes it tough.
  • I am gettting Mirena tomorrow. I'll scream if I put all the weight back on! I've lost 26 pounds and still have 14 to go.
  • Eat more. I just finally had the scale start moving again. Relax for a few days and eat 1400-1500 calories. I know it was hard for me to allow myself to do it, but it worked.
  • Has anyone tried them in a waffle iron? They sound yummy!
  • No answers here, as I am always cold too!
    in Always Cold! Comment by Rklane July 2011
  • You can look at mine. I'm 5'4" and currently weigh 155. My starting weight was 178. I eat a lot more protein than it appears you do. Also, are you working out? I just started lifting weights and like it so far along with some cardio.
  • We are having Rocco Dispirito's Chicken Alfredo. If I remember correctly, its 350 calories or under.
  • Try the Flintstone chewable for kids. I know it sounds silly, but they don't make my husband or I sick while the others did.
    in Vitamins? Comment by Rklane June 2011
  • I'm in the same boat. We had our "big" event Friday night that I was wanting to lose for. It's over now, and my motivation went with it. I've lost 20, and have 20 more to go.
  • One of my favorite salads is 5oz romaine, fresh tomato, one single serving mandarin oranges no sugar added drained, 3 oz of diced chicken breast, and 1 tbsp of Ken's lite poppyseed dressing. Total of 266 calories. Light, sweet and refreshing!
  • Go in a part of your house where you can't see the kitchen. I find for me, if I'm out of the kitchen I have way more control.