Rude Comments



  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    I'm sorry about that.

    Maybe his wife is too chubby for his taste and he's jealous of how good you look. Or he's self-conscious about his own weight.

    It's just one of those stupid made-up statistics that "people who diet put the weight back on" within x number of years, some dumb scare tactic so they can peddle their own workout video or diet pill. He's referencing that mindset and judging you accordingly, definitely unfair and obnoxious.

    Just be glad you're not married to him :)
  • Rklane
    Rklane Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks everyone! Makes a girl feel better! I'm doing this for me. Just need to remember there are people in this world that speak without regard to others' feelings. :smile: