FindingAmy77 Member


  • Just being aware of what I ate by counting calories and making better food choice and being more active is what helped me lose weight before and this time as well.
  • there is no such thing as a majic pill that helps you lose weight. Only appetite suppressants which are not good for your heart health. You have to face it that you need food to live. You will have to change your eating habits. The best appetite suppressant I have found is exercise. Its free and good for you. Drinking your…
  • this but it will still go brown so eat the next day, no later
  • yes I do that. I been finding low cal soup recipes online then making a batch that will last me all week. Last week was chicken taco soup and this week is a low cal broccoli cauliflower soup. I pair it with a meat,cheese and lettuce "wrap": or I have a flat out with lettuce and meat or just have the soup only for that…
  • Yes you do. MFP will tell you to redo your goals every once in a while. Wait until they do that.
  • peanut butter. I cant be trusted with it in the house. cheese is right after that but I dont have the issue with being compelled to lick the spoon with cheese so I can have preportioned sizes of that in house
  • yes us too but I do it all in a foil packet and put in oven for five to six minutes. or so.. its done when it flakes with fork. doesnt take long really. if you must go with frozen: i suggest the gordons grill filets. they have a tasty blackened one.
  • well Ranch is delicious but I hate wasting the calories on it and low cal is yucky to me. I do make it mandatory to keep italian dressing in my fridge. I use it on alot of things like sandwiches and vegies, etc. I mean for 2 T's its only 15 calories. who can beat that? plus all i need is a tsp or two.
  • Well I just started working there but been a customer for years and yes I can eat at Mcdonalds and still stay within my calories. for one, do not eat anyone's "leftovers" as I call them. Learn and practice saying "No, thank you." So what if it goes in the garbage. Better than in your stomach or clogging your arteries. I…
  • Good luck. Sounds like you have a good plan and goals. Log everything you eat, weigh/measure/portion out all your foods, keep a journal, keep adding new foods/recipes/spices/activities, etc You can do this. MFP is great for keeping track of what you eat and do.
  • "I lost 9 lbs the first week and gained 4 the second week. No change in my diet" yeah that was too big of a loss the first week so essentially it means you lost five lbs and that is awesome. Now move on from there. You got this.
  • it doesn't have to expensive at all. In fact I find its cheaper because less ingredients. One lean meat, vegie and one side or rice or poatoe or I skip the starch/carb and have two vegies with my meat. Dont give up. Plan your days around your working schedule. You can do this. For now if losing weight is too hard for you…
  • Number one: enjoy yourself. Sounds like you dont get to see them often. Try your best to focus on lean meats and vegies, opting out of breads/pastas. Use your hand as a guide for portioning sizes. Google that: your fist, palm, thumb, and idex fingers are indeed good ways to judge portioning sizes. Drink lots of water and…
  • Girl, invest in or use a crockpot. Then go on or and get low cal or easy recipes for the crockpot and tweek the recipes as needed. I also love my rotisseri oven and george foreman grill. This way I can plan a lean meat, two or more vegies, and some type of side with each dinner. I add in more…
  • I only care about calories while I am losing weight. when I get to my goal weight or close to it and start upping my exercise and building muscle is when I may start paying attention to macros. For now my diary is set to only look at calories and it is much simpler that way.
  • I dont think the suggested serving size for oreos and for what calories they will cost me to eat them are worth it but have you tried the oreo yougurts?? omg.. they are yummy and have little oreo bits in them. That is the extent of oreos I eat. If you love them and have the calories to spare... then I guess eat them but I…
  • For sandwiches I like to skip the bread and use lettuce leafs instead. This way I can have a little more protein and vegies/cheese. I actually dont even miss the bread. Of course this wont work with a banana sandwich.. but maybe when you do have that sandwich try a lower calorie/higher fiber choice like a flat out or…
  • fruit smoothies made with almond milk, fruit and ice cubes.
  • I like to make mini breakfast quiches ahead of time. I can whip up a batch in a muffin pan the night before or at the start of the week.. then all I have to do is pop in the mircrowave for a minute, put on a paper plate or napkin and walk out the door with my "muffin". You can get creative with the quiches/muffins and add…
  • not at all. You may get surprised and find that you inspire others to join you. That is what happened to me.
  • yes I from southwest Michigan.. Benton Harbor (Berrien County) but I have been living in Florida on the gulf side for three years now.
  • I only focus on calories. This is why I have my food diary set up to only show calories. I just try to keep a balance with the rest throughout my day without obsessing on numbers.
  • They are both healthy for you. Have one portion of each or choose. I like to add vegies to my egg to make a sort of omelette or with my oatmeal I add in a tablespoon of peanut butter or some fruit. But sometimes I just have one plain egg and a portion of oatmeal. Egg is protein and the oatmeal gives you fiber and carbs.
  • Vanilla almond milk goes really good with hazelnut flavored coffee. The two nutty flavors compIiment each other great. I switched to almond milk instead of creamer and sugar and fake sweeteners and its helped me save a lot of calories this way. I like the way it tastes. It shouldn't change in a flask.. i put my coffee…
  • I like splenda more than stevia. Stevia is too powdery to me. I am on a new mission to cut out all fake sugars and have purchased regular vanilla almond milk to put in my coffee so I can replace sweeteners. I start that tomorrow morning so I am hoping I like it. This way I get sugar and vanilla all in one.
  • Start by not having it in your house if it keeps calling your name. Have a no sugar hot cocoa or fruit instead. Drink a big glass of water. Never let yourself get to the hungry/starving stage by preplanning what and when you will eat for the day. Go for a walk with some good music on. Go for a swim. Clean your house.…
  • I got myself some naturally flavored seltzer water from Publix and it takes a bit to get used to it but I like the carbonation and the slight lime taste. It has no sugars at all. Just natural flavors, water and carbonation according to the ingredients. You could also get regular soda/seltzer water and add in limes or…
  • Try to go for one of those buffets that have a side grill that you can pick out all your fresh raw meant and vegies along with any sauces for the grill cook to whip up for you. I love these kind of buffets. Mostly you find them at asian buffets but occasionally they are at other ones if you are lucky. I judge the best I…
  • Oh yes it is very possible to eat out and still stay on plan. What I do is if its a new restaurant I look online at their menu ahead of time and figure out a couple of choices I can narrow it down to. I stick with simple meals like a lean meat: steak, chicken or fish loaded with lots of vegies on the side. I substitute…