How to control food urges? How to distract my mind?

sheishal Posts: 2 Member
edited April 2016 in Motivation and Support


  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Think of something else....
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Throwing myself into hobbies helps me. I also find that having small portions of the cravings helps me keep from obsessing. Moderation is key
  • CatherineElizabeth13
    CatherineElizabeth13 Posts: 212 Member
    A glass of water usually helps me. It's sometimes thirst rather than hunger :)
    Or brush your teeth/drink pickle water and see if you still have the craving.
  • LCSt68
    LCSt68 Posts: 67 Member
    Medusa is right, hobbies should help. I'm getting some hobbies in place that require focus to distract me. Like knitting (I'm making rag rugs out of a big bag of old t-shirts I had lying in storage), sewing (something always needs to be mended), turning some good music or an audiobook on my phone and doing a chore I've been putting off, making myself something like a pretty necklace or doing my nails or a facial (<--reward factor), taking a walk and getting myself out of arm's reach of my obsession or throwing it away completely so I'm not tempted to cheat (seeing it lying in the middle of drippy garbage goo will put you right off it I promise). Making plans. Making lists. Cleaning a closet. Etc.
  • meredith6645
    meredith6645 Posts: 56 Member
    Well it's not easy I can tell you that I can only tell you what worked for me and that is just simply saying NO and walk away.... Lots of people can't do that they have no willpower or self-discipline I see it every day with my own mother I had to have a talk with my mom and tell her to stop being an enabler with me as far as junk food and stuff so you just say NO that's it.....NO
  • deziray92
    deziray92 Posts: 64 Member
    I actually just bought an adult coloring book...kept my attention for quite a while and didn't even think about food once
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    Start by not having it in your house if it keeps calling your name. Have a no sugar hot cocoa or fruit instead. Drink a big glass of water. Never let yourself get to the hungry/starving stage by preplanning what and when you will eat for the day. Go for a walk with some good music on. Go for a swim. Clean your house. Figure out if its boredom or actual hunger. That is all I got for now.