Family visits!

Someone send me some extra will power!

I am going to visit my family in the UK for 1 week including my sisters hen weekend. And then on my flight home i am accompanied by my Parents for 2 weeks and my In-Laws for a long weekend back here in Cyprus.

I have planned meals and ex in for my return.

Any tips on staying on track without being the food kiljoy?
3 weeks of extra will power needed!


  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    Number one: enjoy yourself. Sounds like you dont get to see them often. Try your best to focus on lean meats and vegies, opting out of breads/pastas. Use your hand as a guide for portioning sizes. Google that: your fist, palm, thumb, and idex fingers are indeed good ways to judge portioning sizes. Drink lots of water and get out and be active if you can. See if you can get some of the family to see the sites or walk with you after dinners, etc. Whatever you do: do not announce you are on a "diet" then all of a sudden the family may try and intervention no matter what size or weight you are now because you will seem to them as "starving yourself" and all of sudden everyone becomes some sort of food and nutrition expert. lol.. but seriously. Have fun. and remember we are getting ourselves healthy to enjoy life longer so dont let the real life moments get in the way, when you get back you just get back on track. Its only three weeks, whats the worst that can happen? you maintain or gain a tiny bit that you will get back off?
  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    Try to get in some exercise first thing in the morning before you all start doing things. Make the core of your meals lean protein and vegetables so you can allow yourself to enjoy a glass of wine, a favorite food your mom makes, or a meal from a great restaurant guilt free. Indulge, but not all day long!
  • Ws2016
    Ws2016 Posts: 432 Member
    Small portions, no than you on seconds.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I find I have a very hard time with going back to old bad habits when I am around family. Try to remember your new good habits and not to slip. Find ways to stay active and away from food like taking walks around the neighborhood or visiting a park.