Does anyone eat the same breakfast and lunch?



  • lauraesh0384
    lauraesh0384 Posts: 463 Member
    I'm horribly predictable. I eat almost the same thing for breakfast and lunch for months on end. It makes it easy to prep and stick to. It's just my personality that it doesn't get old, I know a lot of people couldn't do this. But when I don't like changing things up. Even when not logging, I have generally stick to the same list of things. We mix it up more at dinner, but still have a fairly small rotation.

    I'm the same way. I think my poor boyfriend is getting tired of having chicken for dinner every night lol. I like dinners that are easy to make and aren't time consuming. The only time I don't eat the same thing for lunch is on the weekends or if there's left overs I want to eat.

  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Almost every day. keeps things simple.
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    I usually eat the same breakfast every day for weeks on end. These days its PB and Banana on whole wheat toast. Last month I ate home made Spanikopita every day.
    For lunches I eat the same things every day at work - two hard boiled eggs, two hours later I eat a greek yogurt, two hours later I have a Nescafe cappuccino.
    I don't get bored - I am too busy.
    My husband cooks wonderful suppers, he is retired, lucky me.
    Weekends very from that plan but not much. I replace the yogurt with a cup of soup and crackers.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Yes. I eat no breakfast and pretty much the same lunch every day for at least 5 days out of the week. I found something that works, I enjoy, and leaves room for dessert so I could care less about variety.
  • cherellebundziak
    cherellebundziak Posts: 28 Member
    I eat the same breakfast most mornings.
    Half a cup of natural yogurt with 2 tbsp granola and a handful of chopped berries or banana. Or both.
    I find the days I don't have my regular breakfast I overeat throughout the day and tend to feel hungrier.
  • fifijoaney
    fifijoaney Posts: 21 Member
    My breakfast, lunch and snacks even are pretty much the same every day. Dinner is different and I might have a different snack now and again. I find it easy and I don't get bored. I have an open diary if u want to look.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I cook a huge variety of foods and freeze them in single portions. If I go down to my freezer I can probably choose from 20 or so different meals to eat and they're all in the same calorie range. That way I can have variety and I have it at my fingertips. Plus, logging one serving of a recipe is super easy.
  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    I eat the same breakfast and lunch and never get tired of them. I have eaten them for a couple of years. Breakfast is roasted vegetable egg white casserole topped with chicken verde and salsa. Lunch is a spicy chicken and vegetable Mexican soup.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I eat the same kinds of things, but vary the details. Breakfast and lunch are normally crispbread and milk, or porridge with butter, or pita with filling, and fruit and vegetable. Lunch has more variety, can be salad or unplanned leftovers, or anything, really. Dinner follows a rotation plan, and is usually just protein+starch+vegetable or soup/stew, and usually something new/different once a week. Evening meal is nuts, fruit and vegetables, maybe with a dairy add-on in the form of yogurt, cheese or smoothie. I don't think variety is difficult at all - in fact, I would struggle a lot if I'd eat the same things over and over - and I only prep components of meals and cook from fresh.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    During the work week I always eat the same things for Breakfast and Lunch. I don't track my food anymore so it's not because of that. As a Nurse it's hard to get away and eat when I'm hungry so I bring foods that are easy to eat on the run.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    Monday to saturday I eat the same breeakfast and usually the same lunch. Lunch is prepared the night before and breakfast is simple. Lunch may vary on days that I am away for work, but I know my limit now, at least most of the time.
    Sundays have a pattern of food too, but is quite different from the rest of the week. It has to do with how we spend our sunday and also ensure a little variation to not have boredom with the food
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    On Sundays I make and prepare all my breakfasts and lunches for the work week. So Monday through Friday I have the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day. It doesn't bother me at all and it's so convenient. It also keeps me from going out and spending money at lunch. I cook different dinners every night.

    This is basically what I do as well except I don't prepare my breakfasts ahead of time. This week I had 2 scrambled eggs with a little cheese and a sliced tomato for breakfast and chili that I made last Sunday for lunch. When it's cool I make a pot of soup and have it throughout the week and when it's warmer I usually have salads of some sort (chicken, tuna and chef's are my go to). I don't eat bread so that factors into my choices.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I don't usually cook breakfast or lunch. I don't always have the same thing but maybe 5 choices.
    Breakfast- Greek yogurt, granola bars, cereal with milk, sandwich, dinner leftovers, fruit (about 200-300 calories)
    Lunch- sandwich, salad, or dinner leftovers (about 300-500 calories) I have dinner leftovers often so that varies from week to week. A sandwich requires little effort and has nutrients.
    Dinner- something different every night of the month. (about 500-600 calories) I have soup once a week usually which is great for leftovers.
    Snacks- things like fruit, chips, popcorn, pretzels, chocolate, cookies, granola bar, carrots, celery, broccoli, trail mix, deviled eggs, pickles (about 100-300 calories)

    Today I'm having cottage cheese and an orange for breakfast. Yesterday I had a granola bar and an orange.
    I don't consider pizza unhealthy unless it is spoiled, contaminated or has a food I am allergic to on it. It has nutrients and can fit my calorie goal- paired with a salad it is a satisfying balanced meal.
  • Troutrouter1968
    Troutrouter1968 Posts: 122 Member
    I eat basically the same lunch every day. A tuna salad sandwich, soup, and fruit. The soups and fruit may vary.
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    I almost always have oatmeal for breakfast. I put spices in it, and each day it just depends what I'm in the mood for. It may sound crazy but I put cinnamon, cayenne, turmeric and/or garlic powder in my breakfast. Sometimes I add 2T PB2 and/or apples or bananas. This morning, I had oatmeal with all of the above spices and PB2.

    For lunches, I've been eating huge green salads that I make at home. I can eat a massive amount of vegetables for very few calories. Sometimes I add higher-calorie stuff (cheese, olives, dressing, nuts, seeds) it just depends on how hungry I am and what my plans are for dinner. I usually eat salads without dressing, or with just red wine vinegar, spices and herbs.

    Dinner is whatever I want, as long as it fits my calories for the day - and I stay mindful of macros, but I'm not confined by them.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I generally have a smoothie for breakfast and a sandwich for lunch. I cook dinner three nights a week, have leftovers three nights a week, and have takeout on Sundays, otherwise known as Walking Dead Night.

    Here's breakfast. It also has 1.5 C of tea for liquid and a pinch of salt.

  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I find it hard staying on track if I don't have anything healthy premade i for some reason eat bad. It's easier to put something in the microwave like pizza then to cook a healthy meal. I was thinking if I ate the same breakfast and lunch I can maybe precook a bit of food every few day. Are there any members who eat the same breakfast and lunch for this reason they find it easier to stay on track.


    yes I do that. I been finding low cal soup recipes online then making a batch that will last me all week. Last week was chicken taco soup and this week is a low cal broccoli cauliflower soup. I pair it with a meat,cheese and lettuce "wrap": or I have a flat out with lettuce and meat or just have the soup only for that day's lunch. Depends how hungry I feel or if I am saving up for a bigger dinner meal. If you loot my diary, it doesnt change up too much but I try to plan and get creative occasionally. Most of my meals are super quick to heat up/prepare and are not that many calories.
  • Btheodore138
    Btheodore138 Posts: 182 Member
    edited April 2016
    I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch. Every once in awhile I will change it up, like if I'm out of town or my husband wants to treat us to Starbucks, but that's about it. It just makes things easier for me. I sometimes have the same dinner a couple times a week, too. Is it boring? Yeah, but I don't want to make food my life anymore. I want to eat to live, not live to eat.

    My breakfast is 3 egg whites scrambled with 1/4 cup cheddar cheese, in a whole wheat tortilla and salsa. Lunch is garbanzo beans mashed with 1/2 avocado, seasoned with lime and Tajin, and served in a whole wheat tortilla. I eat greek yogurt as a snack every day as well, usually a few hours before bed.
  • jaeisla
    jaeisla Posts: 56 Member
    I normally eat a variation of the same foods. For example, breakfast is usually oatmeal or eggs and bacon. Lunch is usually chicken breast with veggies or fish and veggies. I'm a little more lax on dinner but for the most part it's chicken or ground turkey. I may make fajitas, tacos, burgers or spaghetti. I don't like too many options and I don't like being unprepared when I'm hungry. It's definitely a recipe for disaster.