CareyT Member


  • Smoothies! Blend frozen or fresh fruit with soft tofu, hemp protein powder, or soy yogurt. Sesame seeds and spirulina are both high in protein and minerals as well and blend right up in a smoothie. You may need some liquid like juice or soymilk to make it blend right. Tofu, tempeh or seitan scrambled with veggies and a…
  • No matter what the charts say, if you feel like you need/want to lose some weight, you should. You can be fit and overweight, even obese, but it is certainly better to be fit and a little less heavy. It's easier on your heart, your knees, your veins... everything. And you will probably be happier about the way you look.…
  • Something that helps me is getting a whiskey or some other liquor in a small glass with ice. I buy slightly better stuff and sip it for a long time. Then I have a water before maybe getting another drink. And I only have drinks on Saturday night. I know absolutely that since I quit drinking beer I've lost a LOT more…
  • I've started only drinking on Saturday night. I realized all the bar/restaurants my friends go to serve herbal tea. It's a little dorky, but at least I have something to drink guilt free and I don't get a hangover. If I go out on Saturday, I get a nice whiskey in a glass with ice and sip it. I can actually make it last for…
    in Alcohol Comment by CareyT February 2010
  • Well, I see on this site all the time people saying it feels crazy to eat so much, but it seems to work. My mother and I have similar low metabolism, bottom heavy pear shaped bodies and she lost about 60 pounds by raising her metabolism eating all the time. I have been with this site for only 3 weeks and I've been eating 6…
  • Commercially processed chai (like the ones from a coffee shop) is a mix of black tea, spices, and plain white sugar. Yes, a 12 or 16 ounce chai can probably have as much sugar as a small brownie since milk has sugars in it as well. I also have a hard time watching the sugars and staying out of coffee shops, but my best…
  • I listen to a bunch of different podcasts including the Solid Steel Radio Show out of London, a totally kickin hour of DJ jams.
  • Hello Workout buddies... Choco, you always seem to workout even though you're tired and sick. I totally admire your dedication. I ran for 2 miles, weight lifted for about 45 and I'm on track with the diet. I'll try to squeeze a little walk tonight for an extra boost. Happy Ground hog Day, you in America. I'm, actually…
  • I have done the Master Cleanser 3 times in the last 5 years and I think it has good points and bad. Twice I made it for 7 days, once for 14, and one time I quit after three days because it was my TOM and I felt so exhausted I had to call in sick to work. The most important thing to realize is that this is not about the…
  • Hello workout buddies... walked for 1.5 hours up a hill and back and went to yoga. Ate pretty well, but realized an old snack (Korean fish shaped bean filled cakes) had WAY more calories than I thought! They have to go, but I won't miss them. Rock on, you smoking quitters. Today is my one month tobacco free and I'm telling…
  • Yeah, I get the raw almonds and cashews in a bag and count them into my hand before I eat them. The roasted ones are a lot higher in fat. But, mindless snacking is SO hard to curb if you don't have them measured. Hang in there. Tomorrow is another day.
    in Oh Nuts Comment by CareyT February 2010
  • I went out to the bars Saturday night to see a band and danced all night. It was fun. I only had three drinks: liquor on the rocks. I sipped them and didn't get anymore than buzzed. I also had a hot tea when I didn't feel like blowing anymore calories on booze and it totally didn't seem that weird. Not drinking a ton isn't…
  • Hi workout buddies... I was a little lazy today. I kept putting off working out and now I'm going out to dinner. Well, I've eaten pretty well today and I already decided what I'm having at the restaurant, so I hope I choose wisely. I'm going to squeeze a 30 minute walk in on the way there and go for a walk on the way home,…
  • I have a great book called "Women's Running for Health and Beauty." It recommends walking briskly for 30 minutes every day, then in a week or two adding little 2 minute jogs. You continue walk/running, increasing the running, until you can run for a mile straight. Every time I go back to running after being out for a…
  • Hello workout buddies. Congratulations, Choco. I'm aiming to reach my goal between Halloween and Thanksgiving. I hope the victory is as sweet as I hope. Yesterday I hit the roads behind my school for an hour walk/run and did 30 minutes of core and stretching in the school gym. It wasn't an insanely hard workout, but I…
  • Wow, Choco, you are a stronger lady than I am. I don't think I've ever gone to a restaurant without ordering at least an appetizer. But, I am impressed and I will totally consider sitting and chatting with water as an option next time I'm faced with an unhealthy restaurant situation. I have quit smoking so many times only…
  • OMG, I hear you! Fitday used to drive me up the wall, taking an hour a day to log... it was so slow and irritating, and easy to quit. I'm am so much happier here and I don't have to deal with the spector of all my old start weights and failures : ). Anyway, welcome.
  • That is the most horrible thing. I'm so sorry. Don't talk to that jerk... EVER. He doesn't deserve a woman like you.
  • Hello. I ran for 45 minutes on the treadmill and weight lifted 45 more. I kept to my small meals every 3 hours until dinner when I had a graduation celebration for a former student who always wants to go to fried chicken. But, I put in the chicken in the morning and stayed away from the beer, so I managed to avoid…
  • Hi! I'm new to the site too, but I have had friends on a healthy plan with me that quit. This time I decided I'm going it alone. My boyfriend certainly isn't on board, either. He brought me cookies and ice cream sandwiches the other day! But, I'm trying to remember that there will ALWAYS be temptation to eat poorly, to…
  • Hello, everyone. I'm new here as well and I'd like to join. I'm so impressed with this site! It's actually helpful as opposed to the time consuming and frustrating food diary sites I've tried in the past. Anyway, I'm 29 and working on getting in shape. A year ago I was doing pretty well with my weight loss and then I was…
  • I'm 5' 9.5" and 245. My goal weight is 170, but as an adult I've never been below 185. I certainly know that I want to get below 200 and never cross that line again, but I'm not sure where my weight will ultimately feel right. I have a large frame, wide hips and a large pelvic bone which I definitely inherited. I feel like…