New to fitnesspal.. fitday convert

Hi everyone,

I've been a member of for a good long while and found it far too tedious for me to ever keep track of my food. I accidentally stumbled upon this site and LOVE it. I love the fact that everything I get at trader joe's is already in the database, it makes it so easy to log into every night and update.

I just started doing the slim in 6 series (day 2 was tonight) I haven't exercised in years to say the least and I decided to get fit and in shape. I need to convert the bad parts into muscle.

I'm 38, female, married and I work (mostly desk job but I get up and move around as much as possible) I really hope to get a lot of support from the site as well as motivation from you all :)

Glad to have found this place


  • cvtga
    cvtga Posts: 118
    I too stumbled upon this site. I have found it to be a helpful tool. The support here is wonderful I feel close to people whom I have never met all because we share in the same daily challenge. Hope you stick with us and we can all experience success together.
  • mlove1307
    mlove1307 Posts: 151
    Yay welcome to the site!!! I am a Fitday convert as well and I know exactly what you mean about all of the Trader Joe's food being here.. It's amazing! Haha and it saves so much time!

    Good luck on your weight loss journey! Enjoy the ride. :]
  • mmccurrach
    mmccurrach Posts: 50 Member
    I was a fitday convert also....this is user freindly, has an iphone app and is like a facebook for losing weight. I also find that most everything I eat is in the database.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Welcome! I'm from Sac too and I LOVE trader joes, just went there today in fact, welcome to the site!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • jweyand
    jweyand Posts: 13
    thank you all! what a great reception and it's good to know so many ex-fit dayers :) I need to hit Trader Joe's tomorrow to stock up on my bread and lunch meats. I can't get enough of that place.

    I will be here, you're all stuck with me now :) I think the ease of journaling food here will also help with staying on plan. Who wants to spend hours trying to find just the right food to add to their day. Half the time I had to find a 'like' food because they wouldn't have it and I didn't have the label in order to create it.

    And hello to you fellow Sactownie :)

    thanks again for a nice welcome, I have just downloaded the iphone app... GOT to love the portability factor with that. :)
  • dogmeat
    dogmeat Posts: 83
    Also here from FitDay. Gave it up for similar reasons. I'm a big fan of MFP food database.

  • CareyT
    CareyT Posts: 43 Member
    OMG, I hear you! Fitday used to drive me up the wall, taking an hour a day to log... it was so slow and irritating, and easy to quit. I'm am so much happier here and I don't have to deal with the spector of all my old start weights and failures : ).

    Anyway, welcome.
  • saram21
    saram21 Posts: 88
    Welcome to myfitnesspal!
  • tsunamisam
    I have been with MFP since October 2013 suggested by my nutritionist. I was sent to her by my Fam. Doc. because I was diag.
    type 2 at that date. An acquaintance of mine recommended Fitday because she is a student working on her Masters in nutrition,
    and she recommended it. I read the negative remarks about FD tonight and wish to comment on MFP.

    Yes, many foods on MFP; BUT, who is to say the stats are correct? Frequently I find 3-5 or more similar food items with
    various differences in nutritional data, and what is worse, impractical serving portion data (Grams and Mgs or Mls) versus
    common units----also, looking at the packaging data, find it to be more often than not, differing from the similar
    product and even the product nomenclature is improperly noted. Sloppy data input by subscribers goes uncorrected and why would someone short their data? Too lazy to do it right?

    Macro units of vitamins and minerals are loggable and trackable, but not micro/trace elements with MFP. Some say that
    Micros are also important.

    Best Medical Practice would have me medicated and monitoring blood sugar, however, using MFP, I have lost 22 lbs since
    October 2013 and remain un-medicated with the result of a much lower A1C last test.