Anxious for first weekend!

Hey all--

so Ive been on myfitnesspal for a few days. It's great, and it's easy during the week. However, as is always my hard part, the weekend is approaching. I'm a little anxious to derail my efforts, as I always have some drinks on the weekend. Its how I unwind! Needless to say, I'm a little nervous cause I'm sure my weekend drinks are whats keeping me from loosing weight. My plan is to find out beforehand how many drinks I can have before I go out and stick to that. Hopefully it goes well!


  • DancingHeidi
    I'm with you - Weekends are tough. Maybe making your own wine "spritzer" with white wine and club soda would help keep the drinking calories down and still let you relax and enjoy yourself? Wishing you well!
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Or if you are an ale or beer drinker - do your research online to find out what calories / carbs are in them and go from there. :bigsmile: You will do great! :flowerforyou:
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    This weekend is mega difficult, with Valentine's Day and all...I intend to run and swim in order to eat within limits! Good luck! We can get pass this weekend.
  • CareyT
    CareyT Posts: 43 Member
    Something that helps me is getting a whiskey or some other liquor in a small glass with ice. I buy slightly better stuff and sip it for a long time. Then I have a water before maybe getting another drink. And I only have drinks on Saturday night. I know absolutely that since I quit drinking beer I've lost a LOT more weight. It's just too easy to drink 800 or 1000 calories of beer on a weekend night. Then I tend to give into to bad ideas like late night pizza, chicken or noodles. I wake up feeling crummy and then don't want to get out and play on the weekend. For me, quitting beer has helped a lot. I still go out, but sometimes I have herbal tea, water, or nothing and just dance. It's still fun. Good luck.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Knowledge is power. Figure out how much each drink is worth calorie wise and stick to your numbers.

    Now, just so you can understand a little more what is going on, here's some information. When you drink, your liver stops metabolizing fat and other foods So basically, when you drink (and until the alcohol is totally out of your system) your body stores anything you eat. This does NOT have to be devastating to a diet, but it may make the progress slower than it would be otherwise. I am not trying to tell you to stop drinking. I just want you to know what is going on and why (besides the calories) your drinking may affect the speed of your weight loss. If you would like to get more information about this, SHBoss1673 had a great post about this just a week or two ago. Search the boards for "alcohol" and you should probably pull it up. SHBoss did not start the post, but he's posted on a lot of those listed. He explains it very well.

    Here's to good decision making!:drinker:
  • DPBrown0818
    I posted a similar question under food and nutrition earlier today.. adult beverages or alcoholic libations or something like that hahah

    I got a few drink ideas if you want to check it out...

    running theme seemed clear liquors with club soda or water, diet or light sodas or juices.

    I would suggest just work hard at the gym during the day.. go into the night with a drink in mind and how many calories it is and set your limits

    and avoid late night take out!!

    have healthy food at home waiting for the inevitable ;)
  • aly23999
    Thanks everyone! You're all so supportive and I really appreciate it! I'm going to the gym today after work and going to plan out what drink I'm going to have and how many before I go out... I'm thinking Michelob Ultra (95 cals each).

    Another question.. I'm usually a vodka/diet tonic drinker. I've read MANY conflicting things online about how many calories is in vodka. Any solid facts? And if so.. is beer a better route than vodka, or are both about the same? Only reason I was thinking of going my first weekend with beer was because they're standard bottled, whereas vodka drinks can vary depending on how much vodkas put in it.
