

  • It's good that you're able to realize you are going to make mistakes...because you will. As long as you realize that they're mistakes and fix them...then you should be able to move forward! So many of us get lost with the mistakes and sabotage our own diets by the little "oh, one bite won't hurt" or "what do I have to lose…
  • Oh what an awesome display of inspiration you are!! You look FANTASTIC!!! Congratulations to the new found you! I wish you well on the rest of your journey!
  • Congrats!!! What an adventure I am sure this has been for you! You look great!!
  • msimon23...EXACTLY! My weight loss has now become my lifestyle! I don't eat bad food anymore, and when I am full I stop eating. I don't graze and over all choose healthier meals without really tracking anymore. If I feel myself slipping I will get back on here and start tracking to kick my butt back in gear, but really, my…
  • You should regularly (monthly) take pics of yourself to track progress...that's the only way I was able to tell a difference...I've kept a diary of pictures so I can look back and see where I've come is quite a journey. You look really good and can TOTALLY tell you've lost weight and toned up too! Congrats!
  • You look AMAZING! Congratulations!!! What a great journey this must have watch yourself change and morph into the new you! Well done!! :)
  • Thanks! I've also noticed...that as I lose weight, I lose years off my looks too...Now people really don't believe I am 30 and I am OK with that too LOL
  • Thanks! I'm still kicking LOL It's definitely challenging to stay inspired but soooo worth it!
  • So, I haven't had a massive amount of weight loss since my last post...but I wanted to update with a new pic. Some of you were SO right with saying the next few pounds would be the ones people started to notice...I'm down 63lbs now and it seems like everyone and there brother is noticing verses 58lbs! Crazy!
  • Thanks everyone!!! Feel free to add me if you want a buddy on this journey! This site...has really changed my perspective on weight loss and allowed me to get my life if I can make some friends along the way...all the more better! :)
  • You look GREAT!! What an amazing transformation!! Can't wait until you can share your next 50lb pics!!! :)
  • You look wonderful!!! How exciting for you!! Can't wait to see your Hawaii pictures! Congratulations!!! :)
  • That's almost 1.5lbs a week!! That's an awesome accomplishment!! Totally nothing to be disappointed about at all. I've had a slow weight loss as well. It's taken me since January of last year to lose 50lbs...whereas I've seen people dropping 50lbs in 6/7 months. It really does just come down to your body's makeup. Like the…
    in ughhh! Comment by CKMama81 May 2011
  • Thanks everyone!! I've officially reached my 50lb lost mark today, so it's onto my next 50lbs! Can't wait to post another picture (hopefully sooner than a year this time lol). :)
  • I've got a post with before/after pictures of me losing 50lbs...I mainly use ZUMBA for the Wii. However, I had previously lost 30lbs prior to beginning ZUMBA. So, with ZUMBA and walking I managed to lose another 20lbs :) I looooooooove it! But, it's a program you really have to get into and you can't "half heart" it. Ya…
  • Yeah, you sure do!!! What an awesome way to get a shopping spree!!! Congrats!
  • Oh wow! Totally see the difference! You definitely look younger, happy and awesome! Thanks for sharing with us!
  • I have done this...and sadly it's my wedding dress, unfortunately, I was at my heaviest (although that may be to my advantage since my Hubby married me at my biggest...I'll wow him when I reach my smallest...hehe) and it truly is gratifying to put the dress on and see it literally hang on me. I want to thank everyone again…
  • You can totally see the difference!! Way to go! Thanks so much for sharing your success with us! Btw, you're absolutely not ugly please take care of you and realize're beautiful lady!
  • NVM....You got it! Again, great job!!
  • Do you have a code that begins with [ i m g ]??
  • That's awesome!! I know how hard it is to cut out soda...eek! What a great success!
  • Thank you again everyone. I'm hoping these will inspire those on the fence about posting their before/during/after pics because they don't think it's go ahead an do it! I can't say enough how much I rely on this site and the people on it to keep me moving all of you as well. ETA-…
  • What an inspiration!! You've come so far! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! It truly is look amazing!
  • Congratulations!! You look wonderful! And that dress is soooo pretty! Thank so much for sharing with us!
  • You look wonderful!!! Such an awesome transformation and you can tell you're happy just from the smile on your face! Beautiful..thanks for sharing with us!
  • They're not working on here...but I was able to copy/paste the URL and you look awesome!! You can really tell you're toning up and losing weight! Great job!!
  • Omg...I love that...I've lost your three year old LOL! Fantastic comparison...really brings it to perspective when it's said like that! Thanks for the kind words everyone...this site and the people on it are truly one of the main reasons for my success thus far! Not only can I do it...we can all do it! Yaaay us! lol :)
  • You can definitely see much more definition! Also..your wrist-bands are bigger on Weird to notice that but I did! :)