EmmaFitzwilliam Member


  • As a very general rule of thumb, yes, you want to eat a lot of protein right after an extended calorie burn. Pizza isn't what I would pick, but do what works for you. The rule of thumb on MFP is eat eat back 1/2 to 2/3 the calories MFP (or another app/device) calculates you burned to allow for s margin of error. As others…
  • The only way you will "undo" what you have done is if you choose to not go back to being diligent about choices that support your goals. I've gone to Disneyland four or five times since I started my loss journey. I eat what I choose, including plenty of desserts and occasional alcohol. I typically come back from a 4-6 day…
  • Your feelings sound like a hangover from the "if you gained weight you are naughty" mindset. Sure, it's better to eat the bulk of your calories from nutrient dense foods. But life is not about ascetic deprivation. That may work for the Eat This, Not That blogger, but I would rather have the real thing in small portions…
  • For me, Ben & Jerry's is a special treat. However, for the parameters of the discussion, Ninerbuff had specified that he ate Ben & Jerry's, so I used those stats. Of course, Ninerbuff also later observed that his baseline calorie goal (before exercise) is (if I recall correctly) 2400 calories - double mine! For me, the…
  • I use a spoon. :) I also mix salsa with bay shrimp for a shrimp salad. At 9-15 calories a chip, the problem is not the calories per chip, per se. It's being able to stop after 5-10 chips instead of not realizing you've eaten 30-40. :/
  • I suspect he is, but there are other factors which may be in play. High activity level and significant muscle density/low body fat percentage seriously "up the ante" when it comes to available calories. Plus, how much ice cream? I just checked a handful of Ben & Jerry's flavors; average it out to 300 calories/ half cup.…
  • This too. Last time I went out, we ordered ceviche, which in that restaurant is served with chips. Tortilla chips are something like 15 calories each, so we asked for no chips. I like bread, but frequently we ask for no bread because bread is 150 calories a serving I'm willing to give up. (More than 150 if you add butter…
  • Nikichicken is absolutely right. Also, we can offer *support* but nobody can give you *motivation*. You have to do the hard work. http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1 http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1235566/so-youre-new-here I don't…
  • Are you over-estimating your calorie burn? Are you eating back too many of your exercise calories? My weight loss stalled for a while, and that was probably part of why. Are you eating enough protein to support muscle and tissue repair following your workout? Eat enough protein. Eat enough fat. Drink enough water. Get…
  • I just had berries (with half and half at first, and now just the berries).
  • I go out with friends pretty regularly. Some nights, like this week, I have really extravagant meals. It's reflected in my diary. I went over that day by 1000 calories. One day won't make that big a difference. I go out for Fancy Tea once a month, and have tea sandwiches, scones, and dessert. And I log every calorie. I…
  • This ^^^^^ Really wish MFP had a "like" button. :/
  • I'm fine with caffeine at night, and because, reasons, my household frequently buys the small "individual" (bundtlet) bundt cakes at Nothing Bundt Cakes, a half-bundtlet and a cup of coffee with half and half is my go-to 275 calories dessert. Or a serving of cereal (weighed out!) and 1/2 cup whole milk. Or whatever fits my…
  • ::Hugs:: I hope you are able to find ways to minimize the pain until you do lose the weight, and a method that works for you to make the progress you need to.
  • Sadly, too true. It gets harder the closer you get to your goal. Not that I've been at practically the same weight for 4 months or anything. :neutral:
  • I went over by about 1,000 calories yesterday. I had as many calories at dinner as I would normally have in an entire day. I did not, however, go over my goal by **7,000** calories (the rule of thumb number of excess calories needed to gain two pounds). So when the scale showed a two pound increase this morning over last…
  • So eat the 1400 and see if that works. Different programs use different calculations. If you don't like MFP's calculations, or if 1400 calories works for you, go with that. I'm pretty sure MFP won't be heartbroken.
  • ^^^^ Excellent insight. The diet industry wants us to believe we can apply a short term fix and then go back to what we did before. In truth, most of us need to change something fundamental in how we approach meal planning and eating, as well as activity levels.
  • Knowledge is power. If possible, skip rice, beans and chips. 9 tortilla chips are 140 calories. They add up *fast*. Rice is about 150 calories for ?3/4? cup. Beans are - if I recall correctly - 125ish for 1/2 cup.
  • I am sad for you that you have a gluten intolerance - my housemate has the same challenge. The good news is that it makes it easier to eliminate some super-charged calorie "black holes" from your diet. I had to simply choose to not eat most grains; you will actually experience a benefit from not eating those foods. My…
  • I am shocked - *shocked* I tell you - to learn there are inaccuracies in the member-editable database. /sarcasm
  • I'm short (5'1.5") and sedentary and have the same challenge. MFP won't go below 1200 calories (which is a good thing) but it means your margin for deficit may be smaller than you would like. I *am* a little surprised that it set you at 1200 at ?190? pounds to start; it started me off at about 1450 calories when I started…
  • I was stalled for 10 weeks. Eventually I decided to both stop being quite so optimistic about the number of calories burned on my walks, and to eat back fewer exercise calories. But generally speaking: drink enough water. Get enough sleep. Eat enough protein. Eat enough fat. Don't stress about it.
  • 77 pounds down, and I go out for Fancy Tea (with dessert!) once a month. Sometimes twice. I pay attention to what I eat and I practice portion control. Also, my tastes and "what I want to eat" have changed. There are some caveats. I have chosen that I do not want the consequences of having eaten as much bread and pasta as…
  • My husband repeatedly gave me the same ultimatum, and ultimately left me. And I'm much happier for it. I recommend that if you want to lose the weight, you lose it for yourself. If you try to lose the weight while still working on the marriage, congratulations, and I hope it all works for you. I can share some of the…
  • I stalled with 1 pound jumps up and down (but not below my "starting" weight) for 10 weeks. Get enough sleep. Drink enough water. Eat enough fiber. Eat enough fat. Minimize your stress.
  • Heavier bodies require more energy day to day, while lighter bodies require less fuel. I held off on recalculating my goals after I lost the first 60 pounds or so, and stalled. I needed to drop my intake to not be at maintenance. I was very sad dropping from 1400+ to 1350, and then to 1200. :( Now I just have to work…
  • Given the amount the original poster has to lose (100 pounds, as I recall) (and going from my own experience), when I started, with 90 pounds to lose, my goal for the day was on the order of 1400. 5'2", sedentary, originally 218 pounds, now 142. Still 20 to go, and now I am at 1200, but I started with 1400+calories/day.…
  • I reward myself when I hit a "0" (every 10 pounds lost). For a while I was rewarding myself on the 5s as well but I've been at or above my latest 5 for 10 weeks without making it down to the next 0. I don't have deadlines for my rewards. Just 3 days' weigh-in at xx5.0 or below (or xx0.0). Weight loss is not linear. I went…