holliehhobbie Member


  • Been there..... I figure if I over analyze when I can then the times where I can't (food at work, restaurant, etc) it evens out. But I even count sugar free gum.
  • A bite makes them die. (my guess is from a different kind of infectoion) So they turn into a zombie faster.
  • I read a lot big things that say you aren't a 'great match' for each other. If you want marriage and kids...he doesn't, that's big. If he says there are communication problems, then maybe there is more he hasn't said or he feels that you haven't heard what he is saying. In the end YOU have to decide what will make you…
  • He may or may not be a jerk or playing you. But his actions (or lack of) does not suit your personality or what you want from a partner. So move on. Find that person that is the right fit for you.
  • People need food to survive. Our body craves food based on what nutrients our body needs. (if you do not over eat). Does artificial flavoring hinder that natural process...probably if you are craving cheese and you eat cheese flavored chips. If you are craving yogurt for the calcium and it's artificially flavored with…
  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Since you are getting up earlier are you going to bed earlier? If your body is not getting enough rest it will mess with your weight. But I agree with everyone else, don’t give up. It’s not about weight but being healthy. Something I did notice about myself, I could eat the right…
  • I use what gave me the lowest calories burned. When I did research on it I found that you have to have an accurate weight, height, and heart rate to determine calories burned. And that the heart rate monitors in gyms need regular calibration to be accurate. I have seen many posts on MFP where someone uses 2 different…
  • I'm 5'7" and have always been curvy. (large hips, butt, and tighs but a smaller waist and chest) at 202 - size 18 or 20 at 185 - 14 at current weight 168 - 12 (are loose, but 10's are not comfortable, my husband bought me some skinny jeans in a 12...they fit like a size 8!!) years ago at 145 - 150 - size 8 or 10 many years…
  • I've been on two cruise lines and on both tipping was done at the very end of the cruise for the cabin guy and another for our wait staff. I suggest you read thier web site, it should tell you or when you get on the cruise ask. They are all so very nice and helpful. Main advice.... 1. Ask about what is included in the…
  • I have 2 weeks every month that I gain a pound or two and drop it then go back up. Then I loose all of it and a couple of pounds more. Mother nature is just not nice to women. I've been using MFP and iPeriod since Feb and I noticed my body's pattern. Just hang in there. The other thing to rememebr is that it's more than…
  • Both my husband and myself use the EA Sports Active 2. It's great. It doesn't burn as many calories as running but it makes up for it with the toning. We like it so much we got the NFL training camp version! With the arm and leg band it seems to pick up your movements better and make you do the exercises correctly. And…
  • I make fresh mojitos and when I add the ingrediants to make one comes out ot be 230 calories a drink and 30 sugars.
  • I like the box game and the hula hoop one. But for a real work out you can get the EA Sports Active 2 for Wii and it has a 9 week program. I have had good over all results and so has my husband.
  • I've done Atkins before and I had the same issue, variety. When I am craving something darn it I want it!! And I felt like I could not stick to the diet. And I was constantly planning. Same with weight watchers and Nutra-System. I have stuck with MFP for 4 months now and lost 25lbs. I feel like I can eat what I want as…
  • I had the same issue when I started working out. All the research I did said I needed better arch support and shoes. My feet roll in b/c I have high arches and my knees turn in. Now the correct muscles hurt! I went to a specialty foot/show store and got custom shoe inserts and shoes. You can go to any sports store and get…