rlzwakenberg Member


  • A lot of people will start losing weight, without seeing the number change. Especially if you are working out regularly. It just means your body composition is changing. Keep with it and let the loose pants be a reminder that the number doesn't matter! :) you got this!
  • My fear is that that will be to open ended. I'm not working on a dead line, and I always do much better on a dead line. Maybe i will just try that. Also, what do you even do to reward yourself for meeting your goals. Obvi, I wont order 3 pizzas and a gallon of ice cream. But, what do most people do? Go shopping?
    in Goals Comment by rlzwakenberg March 2015
  • Did you use any kind of calculator to determine your correct caloric intake? Are you making sure you get enough water? When are you weighing? I'm not going to come here and say "are you weighing everything you eat?" because the fact of the matter is you don't always have to weigh your food. It is FAR more accurate to…
  • Thank you to the rest of you. While I am not saying I am taking my self worth based off of others, it does certainly have an affect on it. I know that it shouldn't but that's a deeper emotional issue that needs to be dealt with on it's own. On the bright side of things, this wont keep us from being friends, or keep me from…
  • MWM 977 Marcy 150 Pound Stack Home Gym http://www.overstock.com/Sports-Toys/Marcy-150-Pound-Stack-Home-Gym/7307379/product.html?refccid=KSTUVZXA7SQ33QCDJEOYDV7FPM&searchidx=10 That's the one I have. :)
  • I work at an office and sit in front of a computer all day too. the only thing I can suggest is to try and get up and move around as much as possible. Stand in front of your desk instead of sit. Walk circles around the break room on lunch break. Really anything that involves more movement than sitting in front of the…
  • Awesome. Thanks for the responses! So, the foam fest is a foam, mud, and obstacle 5k. Sounds like there really wont be THAT much running involved. At least not all running. I would just love to find something suited for both a beginner like me, and a veteran like my Dad.
  • I love all the info you are giving me, but you just added like 30 minutes to my cook time, and I hate you a little. HAHA! Just kidding, of course. Well, I suppose I could get a food scale and start measuring my recipes. I just, I don't take the time to weigh every ingredient every single time I make a recipe. I measure it…
  • Thank you for the information. I mean, I don't have a food scale. I tried to get one, and it was broken from the get go, so I got discouraged and never went back. I also don't understand how to use a food scale in the event you are eating something with more than one ingredient, like a recipe. I make many recipes I find on…
  • Frankly, (as embarrassing as it is) I have no idea what ketosis is. Or really carb restricting. Heck, I hardly understand the whole macro thing. I just went to iifym.com and used the macro calculator, as I was instructed to do by someone else on here. I have no idea how it calculated those number, or why. Is there a better…
  • I use a cheat day once a week. Sometimes twice if I'm feeling particularly frisky. Usually the weekends as that's the time I have the most temptation. In my personal opinion, 500 net cals is WAAAYYYY too low, and there's a reasont hat you feel 10x better with more energy when you eat at a higher rate. I haev heard people…
  • Gosh. Thanks for all the info. Read a good bit of bonytobulky and it sounds like he wrote it about my fiancé. Haha. I got the tdee from iifym.com, but I put it no exercise, as he doesn't exercise, but he is very active at work. Wasnt sure how to put that in.
  • nobody?
  • It's a brand new scale. Only a few months old. My weight fluctuates like this and did even with my old scale. I really don't think it's the scale itself. Could be though, I don't know.
  • That level of change only happened once. it's usually 10lbs or under. But it does fluctuate a good bit
  • Yes same exact spot everyday. And I've weighed myself 4 times in a row and got consistent results, so I assume it's calibrated fine. Even had my fiancee do the same thing and he gets the correct numbers as well.
  • To be honest, I'm not entirely sure. I've been trying to get used to jsut counting calories before I add in macro counting as well. It's a little over whelming. Would water weight account for that level of fluctuation?
  • But what I'm saying is I'm not weighing throughout the day. We're talking 257lbs at 6:00am one day and 242lbs the next day at 6:00am. I know through the day food and water can weigh you down. That's why I only weigh in the mornings.
  • Thank you for your encouraging words. I am a little overwhelmed. I just, I just want to be beautiful on my wedding day. I don't want to hate my wedding photos for the rest of my life, ya know? I just feel like, I need a plan. i need something to stick to. Because in the end, "making better choices" doesn't work for me. I…
  • Yeah, I mean I agree. The only differences are, like, it basically says that because I'm type O, I'm sensitive to things like gluten and dairy. It lines out which foods you shouldn't eat and which you should. It's not like a diet plan, per se.
  • I don't know much more than most. I do know that our bodiescan get used to a particular workout regimen and that will cause them to not burn as many calories. Do you shake up your workouts by targetting different muscle groups and using different motions to do so? That's my best idea. I've read that when you plataeu, the…
  • Ill have to check that out! Thanks!!!
  • Very true. That's what I plan to do, is take it very easy. In high school a severely sprained this same ankle and heard the shpeel from the doctors then. I try to take very good care of my ankles because of being injured previously. For the most part however, I don't think it's a particularly bad injury. At least not as…
  • As a gerneal rule, I stay under my calories anyways. I try to eat back, but usually finish the day with 100-200 cals remaining, exercise or not. I guess that'll be my best bet. I just missed exercise a few times this week and feel bad. :( haha.
  • Nope, no access to a pool. I'm sure my ankle will be better in a day or so. It's really not that messed up. I just don't want to risk hurting it any worse, and I don't want to miss out on my workout
  • Thank you all so much! :)
  • Oh my goodness! It feels so good!!! I am way enjoying it. Hopefully it lasts longer than that last little cold tease we had.