

  • Hi Everyone! Wow.....I seem to be saying that a lot lately. So many new people, welcome to you all. You're certainly in the right spot for encouragment and support. I don't write every day but I do read the posts, it's become like a "fix" for me. I read, I feel recharged and I go about my business feeling so much better…
  • Mary, I can totally relate. I have an older brother and two younger brothers. When my mother was going through her therapy for cancer I had to take off work and drive 100 mi to take her to her doctors appt., my brother, that she lives with was not working, he whinned that he just couldn't deal with it by himself. What? She…
  • Good Evening Ladies! I've really been out of the loop. I just read 3 or 4 pages to try to catch up and I know I probably missed something or somebody but I beg your forgiveness in advance. It doesn't mean I love you any less. Cynthia.....WOW!! 20 pounds in 2 months? That's awesome! Whatever you're doing obviously works.…
  • I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date. To time to say hello, goodbye....I'm late, I'm late, I'm late. Talk soon , save me a spot! Lynda :tongue:
  • Good Morning everyone, what a gorgeous Monday we are having here in Missouri. I'm a little disappointed that I didn't lose the 4 pounds I was shooting for but I'm thrilled to death with the 3 I did achieve. Weight loss has always been very difficult for me and even harder having passed that 50th B-day several, several…
  • Good Afternoon Everyone! Like I said before, miss a couple of days and you have to read a small novel just to catch up. Just so much going on. Yesterday was grueling for me. Our home owners assoc. had a work day and my butt is still dragging. I bruned a hillside that only a goat should stand on. I'd prop one foot against a…
  • Just Popping In!!! This crazy weather is really making me nuts........funny, my hubby just walked by and said, "Don't blame it on the weather". Gosh, I'm sure he meant that in a nice way. The scale didn't move this morning (Pooh) :grumble: but I have until my monday weigh-in to drop that last pound. Maybe I shouldn't cross…
  • It's working! I started a new program on Monday, adding more cardio and a 30 minute strength training routine. When I weighed in this morning I had lost another pound....that's 3 pounds so far this week. Hitting my 4 pound goal may be easier than I thought. I hope this isn't just a fluke because I've changed things up,…
  • It's very obvious that all these posts prove that the subject of calories in, calories burned and exactly where you need to be to have a loss is very confusing. We all know that what works for one may not work for another. After all these years of dieting and exercise some of us still haven't found our niche. We keep…
  • It would be nice if I really knew how to reply and quote....see above. Robin, I agree with what you are saying but I think when a site says you've earned extra calories people think they have to eat them and with that I disagree.
  • Just reading some of the posts and I see several ladies questioning whether or not to eat the exercise calories....DON'T DO IT!!! This was the way a personal trainer explained it to me: :heart: A pound is equal to 3500 calories, You will have to have a 500 calorie a day deficit for a week (500 x 7) in order to lose a…
  • Good Day Ladies! I have been slacking in my posting lately. I am sorry and I really missed reading all the inspirational and motivational posts. I just spent a few hours reading and catching up and you all never cease to amaze me. This is the place to be for encouragement, even reading posts directed at others I learn and…
  • Good Afternoon Ladies! It seems like everyone is in much better spirits this Monday than last week. We've had so many struggles and illnesses and this crazy weather, it's just all too much to deal with sometimes. So nice that we have this forum to come to and knock off the dust. The weather was so beautiful this weekend…
  • I just spent several hours catching up with all the posts. I hear a ton of frustration, don't give up ladies, it's gotta get better. My last post I had no voice and a cough that wouldn't quit. My voice is finally back but my cough went into bronchitis and I am finally getting back to normal (whatever that is). Haven't been…
  • Welcome to all the Newbies and hello to all the Oldies! You know ,I wasn't going to say Oldies because I find it a bit obnoxious and absolutely not politically correct, when it comes to people. Records, oldies are good, cars, oldies still good. Someone told me that anything that's "50" is an antique, I don't care for that…
  • Good Evening Ladies, I know most of you are probably asleep but if you're not and you're out getting your groove on.....Good for you! I've been away from the board for a week and wow things are really hoppin. It's going to take me a while to catch up. My youngest daughter got laid off, she has 5 children so it was a major…
  • Hello My cohorts in crime....I just couldn't stay away. Love reading about how everyone is doing. I know, I know I was just in here this afternoon but the last time I stayed away, I had to read three pages. That's a lot to absorb. I finished on a very high note today. I was under my calorie goal by a long shot . I had 711…
  • I can't take my eyes off you guys for just a couple of days.....there's like three more pages to read and so much happening. My life has hit an all time level of crazy. You all apparently know how I feel from what I read. I hate to see you all having so many struggles but I'm glad I'm not alone. I have a habit of making…
  • Good Evening Ladies! Hope this finds everyone happy and health. It warmed up today, 44 degrees (heat wave?) and a little bit of that shiny thing in the sky. It's been so long since I've seen it I had to be reminded that it's called sunshine. This weather has been truly strange. We never know from one minute to the next…
  • Hi Everybody!!! Just had to come back for a little chat. I am one of only two full time residents in our condo complex so now that I've found you guys I feel like I have a group to talk to. I'm not saying my husband isn't great to talk to but he's never had a weight issue and he just doesn't get it. He brings donuts and…
  • Hi Everyone! Sounds like Y'all are gearing up for spring. I thought we were getting it early with a temp of around 68 yesterday and today when I woke up there was this thin layer of icky white stuff on my deck, the temp is 28 and the chance of snow is 30%..........Helloooo, if there is white stuff on the deck, isn't that…
  • Good morning everyone. Congrats to everyone who had a successful February, I haven't quite had the results I was hoping for but I will. I am working from home FULL TIME now and I'm worried about being this close to the refrigerator. So....I've put my office as far from the frige as possible and the treadmill is between us.…
  • Good Morning Ladies! Got on the treadmill this morning and was watching TV as I walked and forgot to stop. That's just ridiculous! Nobody forgets to stop doing something they don't like. Oh, maybe this is an "Aha" moment, maybe I secretly do like it but my brain hasn't engaged yet. Not the first time I've heard that…
  • Gotta go with you on this one. Just not funny and Will Ferrell....Eeeeewwww! Oh, how about Talladega Nights?
  • I think it was called Four Rooms with Antonio Banderas. He worked in a hotel and from there, I don't care to remember.
  • Well, this looks like my kind of place. As you can see by the number of posts that I have, I'm very new at this. I think I just read all of Friday and Saturdays posts, wow, there is a lot going on here. I just joined MFP on Tuesday and I'm still learning the ropes. Whoever said "you can't teach an old dog new tricks",…
  • OK...Lots of good advice out there and I think the best is still, "don't call it a diet"! If you go "on" something, you can go "off" so it has to be a lifestyle change. I'm new to the community but I have been yo-yoing for a good 40 years. My family is all huge, I'm considered the "peanut" and by doctors standards, I'm…
  • So, carl01 are you the person who is from Upper state NY? We had 26 inches of snow the first week of Feb. The most I've ever seen. Then I saw pictures of NY where people literally could'nt find their cars, they were covered. I stopped whinning. Hope you are stayin warm.
  • So a girl walks into a bar....I'm new here, looks like y'all are having fun. Can I get a Disaronno on the rocks?