WOMEN AGES 50+ for April



  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Does anyone know what happenned to Lynn, she just disappeareda few days ago?
    I just checked and her account has been deactivated. I wonder what happened.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    As I recall, there is something that you need to eat with the spinach. Is it some citrus? It helps with absorption of a mineral, I think. Maybe it's some oil. Does anyone know? This is really bothering me.


    "Simply eat spinach with any foods containing iron absorption enhancers. Here are some examples:

    Iron Absorption Enhancers

    Meat, fish, or poultry
    Fruits: Orange, Orange Juice, cantaloupe, strawberries, grapefruit and other Vitamin-C rich fruits
    Vegetables: Broccoli, brussels sprouts, tomato, tomato juice, potato, green & red peppers
    White wine "

    Got to run--I'm running late today (but I love spinach, too!).
  • lovediets
    lovediets Posts: 375 Member
    My goal for April is not to eat after 8:00 p.m This is the hardest time for me. I just get the munchies and if I have calories left I tend to think that it is ok to use them!
    Jean 5/13/47
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    On the subject of weather: ours is nasty today. Wind is blowing at 50-60 mph. It is cold and this morning it was raining/sleeting/snowing. An electrical line had blown down in our yard this morning and it was blowing around sparking and smoking. I had to call 911 and they came and disconnected it. Glad it didn't start a fire while I was sleeping.

    I have sent a message to someone that I suspect may be Lynn with her account name changed again. I'll let you know if I hear back. If it isn't her, someone is going to think that I am pretty strange!
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :smile: Kackie, I make green smoothies with spinach or kale, frozen fruit or other veggies. Some of my favorites are:

    Baby spinach, honeydew and kiwi
    Kale, avocado, cucumber
    Spinach, cucumber, avocado and basil

    :smile: Vicki, thanks for the tip about the grout mix.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Not much news here - picking away at the pounds I added when feeling under the weather last month. I'm almost back to my ticker loss. I hope to lose at least one NEW pound this month. I think I can. I think I can.

    Dee, I am sooooooo jealous of you and your blue birds. I too am a bird nut and feed them year round. I have lots of beautiful birds in our huge yard but can not for the life of me attract blue birds to nest here.

    I have done research on their likes and needs but nothing has worked well so far. In the five or more years we have been trying, we have had one nesting pair. One. We have three houses and that's all we have managed to attract. :frown:

    After that brief success I got DH to make me a cedar meal worm feeding stand and I took up raising meal worms. (I do tend to get carried away when enthused about something :embarassed: ) Well, the feeder was a bust. Not one single meal worm was eaten from the feeder and they never nested for us again.

    After a year of raising the meal worms, I gave up on it. I do have the little buggers visit the bird baths occasionally. I think just to tease me and remind me that I am a failure at bluebird hospitality. What is your secret to attracting them?

    I need to get out and plant a few things before time to hit the gym. I'm going to try sweet potatoes this year and maybe peanuts if I can find the seed. Hopefully it's not too late to plant peanuts, we'll see. I have kohlrabi, onions, radishes and lettuce that we are eating now and eggplant and several varieties of peppers planted. I am going to get some okra, more kohlrabi, the sweet potato sets and cantaloupe in the ground today. So I guess I better get going!

  • glendaaus
    glendaaus Posts: 27
    Hi ladies, thanks for the good wishes on the job hunt. I am going to be fussy this time - I tend to jump too easy and end up somewhere that doesn't work for me. I have a lot of skills but not the education - so I am doing some other courses online to help me out.

    I am with you Jean - eating at night is my problem. This was a learned behavior with me from my childhood. My mother was always busy and that was the time we spent together - eating - so that is what I associate with love. I don't beat myself up over it anymore - otherwise it gets worse. I try to get on the treadmill and walk slowly in front of the TV now when I get the urge - some days it works others it doesn't.

    I was sorry to see Paul leave American Idol (for those of you who are fans) - I thought he was unique. Never mind - usually the ones that get kicked off are the ones who do better than the winners anyhow.

    Hope everyone, has a great weekend and that the weather is lovely where ever in the world you are - the sun is shining here in Southern Alberta today - but it's still cold for my Australian blood!

    Glenda xx
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445

    I am with you Jean - eating at night is my problem. This was a learned behavior with me from my childhood. My mother was always busy and that was the time we spent together - eating - so that is what I associate with love. I don't beat myself up over it anymore - otherwise it gets worse. I try to get on the treadmill and walk slowly in front of the TV now when I get the urge - some days it works others it doesn't.

    YES, eating after 8 pm is a big problem in my book, we go to alot of homes, and they come to ours, we play alot of cards, we live in a senior community, and they are always serving food... dessert.. I have gotten them to serve FRUIT now, instead of cakes and cookies... but I still don't want to eat all that food...

    I started the 17 day diet and we shall see how it goes, to jump start my metabolism, which seems to be going no where...
    Hope it works.
  • Ldspill
    Ldspill Posts: 49
    Just Popping In!!!

    This crazy weather is really making me nuts........funny, my hubby just walked by and said, "Don't blame it on the weather". Gosh, I'm sure he meant that in a nice way.

    The scale didn't move this morning (Pooh) :grumble: but I have until my monday weigh-in to drop that last pound. Maybe I shouldn't cross my fingers, it makes exercising a bit difficult.

    HEY!!!, who's gonna sing all those great old songs if Lynn is gone????? :frown:

    Hope it's sunny and warm where you are.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    natalie, if you follow 17 day diet to the letter you should lose a lot the first 17 days. Good luck with it.
    Vicki M
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Saved 307 of my 399 exercise calories! That's a first for me!! Good night all! Happy, successful weightloss! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Well, it's official. We have record setting wind. The National Weather Service has reported wind gusts of 74 mph here. That is as much wind as a hurricane. I am home from work, and refuse to leave for anything tonight!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    natalie, if you follow 17 day diet to the letter you should lose a lot the first 17 days. Good luck with it.
    Vicki M

    Right.... I am finishing DAY 1, so far so good!!
    Thanks for the encouragement.
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    Glenda, I thought Paul would be in the final four. I am losing interest in AI. The judges are “too” nice. Some of the contestants are lousy. I want Simon back on the show. With respect to your job hunt, try matching your experience with the educational objectives. You might have to look at some course description and then match your experience.
    Natalie, what is the 17 Day Diet? Good Luck.

    Mary, stay safe. We are experience lots of rain, but no actual storms.

    To all, bad weather is a good time to curl up with a book and a cup of tea. It is not a time to for comfort food.

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Glenda, I thought Paul would be in the final four. I am losing interest in AI. The judges are “too” nice. Some of the contestants are lousy. I want Simon back on the show. With respect to your job hunt, try matching your experience with the educational objectives. You might have to look at some course description and then match your experience.
    Natalie, what is the 17 Day Diet? Good Luck.

    Mary, stay safe. We are experience lots of rain, but no actual storms.

    To all, bad weather is a good time to curl up with a book and a cup of tea. It is not a time to for comfort food.


    The 17 day diet is basically as follows....

    You eat Turkey, chicken as your proteins, eggs in the morning (2) (or egg beaters), veggies if wanted (make an omelette), green tea and fruit
    You can have 2 yogurts (fat free) a day and 2 fruits (eaten before 2 PM)
    This goes on for 17 days, then you start adding carbs back into your diet...
    My doctor said this was ok, since it was only 17 days....
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Hi Everyone! Just have a few minutes until Friday Night Lights comes on. This is the final season so DH and I want to be sure to catch them all. We've really enjoyed every season.

    Took Mac, my Norwegian Forest Cat who was sick, to the vet for his followup today and it was all good news. I am soooooo relieved. Next week I have to take Bandit, my Ragdoll, because I found a lump behind his ear and that's really worrisome. After the vet I went on a photo shoot to a local orchard. It was a lovely day, but breezy, to there were no closeup shots today. If I got one or two good shots I'll consider myself luck.

    Went through today's posts:

    Cherub, I :heart: your day of beauty idea. I don't use polish on my nails, altho they look like it because I use one of those systems where you file and buff, but I sure do need a pedicure. Haven't had one since last summer.

    :happy: Natalie, I am sooooo glad you had good news at the dr! That sure helps, doesn't it? Lots of luck on the 17-day diet. I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes. I know nothing about it but am hoping to have time to read about it.

    Linda, I've been walking but forgetting to keep track. I think I may be up to 12 miles. What are you up to now, 112? :bigsmile:

    :cry: I miss Lynn terribly. She was good for us all with her upbeat spirit. She helped me not to take me and everything else so seriously.

    Faye, I dearly love my bluebirds and would share them with you if I could. I'll tell you what, I will post photos of them I like and let you know when I do so you can go see them. :wink:

    Mary, don't blow away!!!!!:noway:

    Have a nice evening and a great weekend.

    Dee :flowerforyou:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Today was a very busy day. It was a day that I planned to not go to the gym and it is amazing how the day fills up. I had to go to a party tonight and I planned to have dinner before I went. I brought chocolate covered strawberries to the party...knowing how to count them if I had anything. I am relieved that I basically dropped in, enjoyed the people, drank my water and said I'd wait on the margarita (until summer or so!!). It was great. I got to enjoy the people and the party but I didn't feel like I would be spending the next two weeks "catching up". I think because I had that recent gain and then my lovely "surprise" period that it feels good to feel that my body is more predictable right now.
    My husband works this weekend so I am planning to get some cooking done so that meals are ready for during the week.

    Natalie...I hope the 17 day diet helps in your wellness journey. Glad that the first day goes well....one day at a time!
    Mary...I hope the storm and the winds calm down.

    Have a good day, all!
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Everyone!

    Lynn's account was probably deactivated by 'My Fitness Pal' through a weird glitch. It happened to me and when I went to sign in it wouldn't let me use my username or password. I had to create a brand new name and re-enter everything I had lost. Food, friends, measurements everything! She is probably going through the same thing I did and maybe trying to contact the site. She'll be back. Lynn wouldn't dessert us.

    Well I am officially beginning my moving for May 6th to our new senior apartment. This weekend I am beginning to pack things. My books, knick knacks and such. I also have someone coming over to remove my fans and replace them with the original fixtures. then I wll box them up too. I still have this feeling of dread about this move. I just can't seem to be excited about it. I think I have just got to comfortable here. But this new place is much better. I was just informed by a bus driver that does our dial-a-ride, that where I live now, they consider it "The Projects" aka "The Ghetto". Today while walking my dogs I saw a health inspector walking the apartments and he came up to me. He asked me if I lived here and how long. I told him that I was leaving at the end of the month and where to. He said "Oh thats good because you don't look like the type that would live here." I asked him, "What type is that?" and he said, "Rich (yeah right) well spoken and my hair is styled and colored." i pointed to my shoes which the soles are loose on (they are my dog walking shoes in case I step in anything) and I said "Trust me I'm not rich." :laugh:

    Well my chinese food has arrived and I am starving so good night and all of you have a great weekend!
  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    Hey, just found this page. Hello I'm from the Willamette Valley in Oregon, 54 years old. I've been losing weight since November and I've lost almost 20 pounds so far. That's slow but I'm busy learning a new lifestyle of portion control, exercise. Quick fixes haven't worked so I'm dedicated to losing while eating as healthy as I can. April first I had to rededicate myself to this, kind of floated through March staying the same on the scale but I did notice my clothes kept getting baggier on me so I haven't been to discouraged. It will be fun to get to know ladies on here that are around my age! I would love some new friends! I will encourage you as we travel this road to slimville.