WOMEN AGES 50+ for April



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Ladies:

    Back from Florida vacation and weather here is not too bad. Friends picked us up from
    the airport and it was 61 yesterday. Nice weather to come back too.
    Exercised everyday while I was away and did yoga on the beach twice. I gained only
    1.2 lbs. while away, Yay Me!! Now back to losing and the next level I want to attain.
    I hope everyone is doing well, I did not get to all the posts because I am doing
    laundry and puttig stuff away from the vacation. That will be my exercise today.
    I will have to catch up later. Have a great Sunday everyone!!

    Thanks Jeannie for the advise it will get me back into the losing mode again.!!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Today it warmed up, so I can take my bike ride, just checking in, and i did not look at the scale today, just going to drink my water and continue forward... thanks for all the encouragement..
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Natalie I did look over your diary like you asked. I see a couple of things. First let me say I am writing this because you asked for help. No criticism just friendly comments.
    I only looked a few days but you did go over calories on a few days. First thing I would do is put your calories at whatever fitness pal says you should. Mine is at 1200. also you may want to try for a week to see if it makes a difference. Cut out all processed foods. Eat lean meat grilled or baked and lots of veggies and a couple servings of fruit a day. try to eat your fruit before 2 pm. if you cut out the processed foods I really think you will see a difference. some people can eat anything as long as they stay in calorie level. I have to cut out certain foods or I dont lose. I also have to exercise every day or I wont lose. also make sure your portion sizes are right. sometimes that is what gets us. if you try this weigh yourself when you start and not again until end of week. If I know I am going to weigh in I try to be good for the whole week. I hope this helps. If not you may need to get your thyroid checked out. You may have an underlying problem.
    Have a good evening.
    Vicki M

    I have to do the same with my eating. Really, when I eat processed foods they seem to stick, even when I'm at my calorie level. I see the scale move when I move and eat basically fruits, veggies, poultry and fish.

  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hello everyone,

    To all the newcomers to MFP here are some things that helped me over the last couple of years:
    - Always check the website of a restaurant before you go there. If they don't have a website, then ask for nutritional information when you first get there. Beware of what may sound low calorie. The plainer the sounding the dish, the better chance you have of no hidden calories.
    -If you are just starting back to exercising after many years of not doing much, be realistic in what you commit to. Yes, 30-45 minutes 5-6 days a week may be best for a healthy heart, but it can be very depressing to set goals then not be able to make them. Start back slowly, be consistent and when your goal becomes too easy, up it.
    -Remember what works for me may not work for you. While there are some basics like drinking water, watching the sodium, etc. We are each different and have different needs. I admire some of the stuff the ladies here in this tread do, but I know I could never do it myself. Find what works for you and stick to it. (E.G. whole wheat pasta and brown rice. lol)
    -I never ate less than my BMR and lowered my daily calories slowly adjusting every 10 pounds or so.

    Good luck and this is a life long journey,

    Great advice Jeannie, thanks for this - I've been watching my sodium and seem to have got it down considerably, possibly coincidentally, I have found myself drinking less water, though still above the 8 glasses advised here I wonder if the two are related?
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Natalie - hope you enjoyed your bike ride!
    Sally - funny thing about that muffin yesterday... I was drinking coffee again today WITHOUT the muffin and I found myself being SOOO self-righteous!!! As though I could have had the muffin but didn't!! Funny thing about being bad - makes you feel very very very good when you do the right thing!! Who knows how the mind works?? :smile: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Well, I walked another 6 miles today (as well as thee walking round the shops which I never count) Managed to have coffee without eating anything - have to say, if I felt like it I would . Then went swimming, got in another 1/2 mile which burns soooo many calories! They've put the price up at my local pool so it tends to be fairly quiet, ironically, since there is such a big push on for people to get fit and healthy :noway: Weather-wise I got to wear my Birkenstocks for the first time this year - one of my shopping missions was to get a new pair and I did - at a bargain price too! Great day out for shopping!! :happy: :laugh:
    Good luck to all on their mission today :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    I had a very productive day. We started out the day at the gym after light breakfast. then we picked up some of grandkids and came home to plant some roses. ( I bought one to plant for each of the 7 grandkids) we then worked a little on the pool. basically stayed outside all day and just came in to clean up and get some supper. Had a very light day eating. Jeannie great advice. everyone is different and we all need to find what works and stick to that. Unfortuntely there is some trial and error involved with that. Lorri yes I have to stay with good whole foods to lose. I feel better that way too but sometimes you just want that junk. I hope all are doing well and staying well. talk to you later.
    Vicki M
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    I love reading all of the advice and everyone has great tips.

    Jeannie: You are so right that what works for one may not for another AND to set goals that are realistic and that can be achieved. We are all trying to make this a lifestyle change!

    Lorri: I am with you about keeping it basic. When I really need to make the scale move, the only way I can do it is to stick to very simple, REAL unprocessed foods. And the more vegetables the better. Sister Veggie Queen is Right: Veggies = Willpower!

    Vickie: What a lovely idea to plant a rose bush for each grandchild! I spent the day in my garden today and bought 2 of the Knockout roses to add to my vegetable garden.

    Linda: Something about coffee and a muffin is making me hungry! I'd better go make dinner before I am tempted to make muffins!

    Natalie: I hope that you find your "groove". Barbie's advice to never, ever give up is the best. Good luck!

    Have a nice evening! Kackie:heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: it has been harder than I thought to go this many days without logging food and exercise......I have been logging more than 10,000 steps a day on my pedometer and doing a bit of yoga and "gut 'n' butt" but have attended entirely too many events that require sitting still and listening :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: yesterday was a bit of a food disaster (calories, not taste and enjoyment :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ) breakfast at the motel with whole wheat toast, peanut butter, banana, yogurt and raisin bran, lunch at a tiny vegetarian restaurant with homemade whole wheat bread, grilled veggies, split pea soup followed by a beautiful dinner with dark bread, potato/tofu patties with curry sauce, quinoa, and steamed veggies. I ate too much bread and brought some home for snacks today.:tongue::tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: so today I am finishing the bread and having Isagenix shakes along with apples for snacks.

    :flowerforyou: one day of indulgence is enough for me.

    :flowerforyou: for anyone who is struggling, consider giving up processed foods (anything in a package or a box) and choosing only whole foods, cut back on pasta, bread, and all cereal except oatmeal (the kind you cook, not the instant stuff in the single serving bags, limit or eliminate coffee and alcohol and drink unsweetened herb tea or water.

    :flowerforyou: also add exercise to build muscle which will jumpstart your metabolism and help your body burn calories more effectively

    :flowerforyou: if you need something sweet, eat fruit........the longer you stay away from "empty" dessert calories, the less your body will want them

    :flowerforyou: eat foods that are "nutritionally dense" so every calorie you consume will nourish your body

    :flowerforyou: remember "things take time" and don't try to change all your habits at once...stay open minded to new ideas

    :flowerforyou: after five days on the road I'm doing laundry today so I have to head back to the laundry room at the motel and finish my chores.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Natalie - hope you enjoyed your bike ride!
    Sally - funny thing about that muffin yesterday... I was drinking coffee again today WITHOUT the muffin and I found myself being SOOO self-righteous!!! As though I could have had the muffin but didn't!! Funny thing about being bad - makes you feel very very very good when you do the right thing!! Who knows how the mind works?? :smile: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Well, I walked another 6 miles today (as well as thee walking round the shops which I never count) Managed to have coffee without eating anything - have to say, if I felt like it I would . Then went swimming, got in another 1/2 mile which burns soooo many calories! They've put the price up at my local pool so it tends to be fairly quiet, ironically, since there is such a big push on for people to get fit and healthy :noway: Weather-wise I got to wear my Birkenstocks for the first time this year - one of my shopping missions was to get a new pair and I did - at a bargain price too! Great day out for shopping!! :happy: :laugh:
    Good luck to all on their mission today :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Another 6 miles, WHOOOOO, good for you... I did my 30 minute bike ride outside, and came back and drank the 8 glasses of water, we did some BOCCE ball today, so I couldn't drink this morning, no potty near the bocce courts.. we won YEAH!
    So I did have 1 1/2 pieces of pizza, but tonight for dinner, chicken and broccoli is it.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Evening,
    I hope you all had a good day. It was a beautiful day here in RI. We went to church and visited with my husband's aunt. After lunch we raked the yard (it's amazing how fast that job goes when there are two people working). I went to the gym after that....gonna make my goals this month...and had my favorite Sunday workout (riding the bike the whole time with my Kindle!). It really felt like a great balance to the day.

    Linda.....the "self righteous" feeling with the coffee shop today...I so get that!! I just felt that at dinner. We had some shrimp and the left-over of a chickpea couscous salad. I felt so "self-righteous" that I didn't just finish up the salad but had what I measured out! So funny how our thinking has shaped our habits....

    Have a good night!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    No exercise for me today. I went to church, went to a high school play, then kept my grandson for a few hours. Now I'm waiting for my high school student to come by and pick up the prom dress that I made her. I am eating pretty healthy today though, aside from the donut that I had at Sunday School. It fits in my calories for the day, though!

    Good to hear from you all. Have a great Sunday!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Hi All! :flowerforyou:

    We're back, happy, but tired and sore. Yesterday while hiking, we went up, literally straight up, a path in the woods and this morning I could hardly get out of bed because my buttocks and calves are so sore. Went for a walk after our 5-hour drive today thinking that I'd better keep those muscles working. We'll see in the morning, but it doesn't matter how sore I am because I have to work tomorrow. :ohwell:

    Skimmed real fast through the posts. I'll respond tomorrow. Have a good evening!

    Dee :smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: we took a short walk along the river today and I managed to get over 10,000 steps but I'm missing my really active life :cry: :cry:
  • Gramma5
    Gramma5 Posts: 15
    Good evening everybody ! Hope you have all had a great weekend ! Been cool here but our snow is slowly melting ... with some help from a shovel or two ! LOL ! Didn't do a lot of physical exercise this weekend but I did spend a lot of time doing housework . Hope to have the basement finished this week then I have to tackle my craft room ................. what a nightmare ! I am happy that I did manage to stay under my calories all weekend . I have to admit , my Dr wanted me on 1200 calories a day but I found it far to ridged and upped it to 1400 calories... far less then what MFP recommends for my weight ! I am feeling totally satisfied with 1400 and my blood sugars are staying in normal range . I hope that once the cold wind stops blowing I will get out walking ..... and I know that I will have one four-legged friend that will be more then willing to go with me !

    keep up all the great work ladies and if you are struggling with the scale not moving downward , just take it one day at a time . I have found through all the times I have lost weight , it is because I have focused on small amounts of weight loss , journaled and made an effort to move a bit more each day .

    have a great week ladies !
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy Monday my friends.

    I'm feeling pretty low at present, but at least it's keeping my mind off food and the fact that I am unable to exercise. Just lay here listening to audiobooks.

    This too will pass and I'll be back to my old self soon.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Good morning everyone! Forgot to log a cereal bar so doing so now!
    Natalie - have you thought of creating your menu in advance and checking calories? - maybe even 2 or 3 days in advance,
    so you know exactly what food/calorie intake will be? Just a thought I had...
    Dee, you sound like you're having lots of fun and getting in loads of steps - congrats!
    Mary - a day off from exercise is great, isn't it? Makes me keen to get back to it the following day (though I haven't had one
    this week yet,,,)
    Sally - 'self righteous' IS good, isn't it? You're right about thoughts and habits and I think writing down food intake helps
    this. Chickpea and couscous - mmmmmmmm! - I've been thinking about cooking some Moroccan recipes - the food is
    so good and healthy!
    Hopeful - the rain's back again here but looks like it may clear up later - Hope the weather is still fine down Oxfore way!
    Does anyone have any thoughts on using up calories burned by exercise? Yesterday was one of the days where I didn't
    come close to using up mine but didn't feel hungry either, so I guess this is ok? What I would like to know is, is it better
    or not to use up the added calories in food intake?
    Hmmmmm!! :laugh: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Have a great day everyone! Happy workouts!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Linda you have asked the age old question about exercise calories. Some eat them and some dont. You just have to do what works for you. I personally NEVER eat them. I stick to my 1200 and whatever exercise I get is just that. some eat back most of their exercise calories. They dont do all in case of error. A lot of people lose this way. I exercise later in the day and would have to eat a lot a night so it does not work for me. Hope this helps. There are a lot of posts on MFP about this subject if you want to research.
    Vicki M
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning Amanda,
    I am so sorry you are not up to par. Hang in there and you will get better. Praying for you.
    Vicki M
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning!

    Hi Linda,

    It seems some people use their exercise calories most of the time and some almost never do. I would say if you have eaten a nice variety of good, healthy foods all day and are not hungry, don't eat, just to eat. I find that some days I need to eat them if I've exercised in an intense way, or I am too weak or hungry. I also think it is good for our bodies to have to "guess" and not get exactly the same thing everyday. It seems to help my metabolism to get different amount of exercise and calories, though I don't vary it wildly. Also, it seems that MFG often puts a higher calorie used on exercise than we may actually be using, so I don't like to use every exercise calorie.

    Good luck.

    I'll check in later. Have a great day, All. Kackie
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member

    Take care! i am sure it is tough to just hang around when you want to be out and about but this time will pass. We are all thinking of you and sending our best wishes your way!
    I LOVE seeing those darling babies on your photo....I know they are good medicine for you. kackie