WOMEN AGES 50+ for April



  • Caharleygirl
    Caharleygirl Posts: 109 Member
    yes thanks Lynn...that makes sense and I see it under my topics now. That will make it much easier to find and to keep up with any new posts.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Hi to all...I am pretty new to this site (although not new to dieting unfortunately...lol) I am loving this site as it is so much easier than manually journaling and of course I'm loving all the support & motivation from everyone on here. It looks like you all are a great bunch of ladies and I would love to join your group. So do I just watch all your posts and then reply??? Do I need to do anything else to join you? How do I keep this thread up so I don't have to keep searching for it? Thanks so much and if any of you want to friend me...that would be great, too. I hope all of you have an awesome day!!!

    Welcome also, just post whenever you want, this group is quite lively and active, and you will find 10 posts within an hour...under MY TOPICS, click on that, and you will find the message thread... that is how I keep track up it.
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi Mary (mimi7grands) If you get a chance to read this, I hope your day's been fine? Have you managed to get back on track
    yet? If not, don't be worrying! You may be temporarily losing the battle (such an awful cliche isn't it?) but the weight and fitness war goes on!
    Best wishes to all of you out there!
    L x
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Took the dog for a walk. I think we must be quite a sight, because the cats always follow along. We're just one big happy family! I also finished the prom dress for my student. Tomorrow I am helping at the middle school music festival. Good night all!
  • lovesauburn
    lovesauburn Posts: 23 Member
    Everyone recommends this site, I'm 55 and slowly taking the weight off. I love this message board & MFP. Currently I'm doing Bikram yoga 4 days week on average, on other days walk or go to high school track and trying to run 5K or ~ a little over 3 miles then 1 or 2 days a week to rest. Somedays I'm super hungry and go over my calories but just feel better not so weak. I do better with enough sleep and not getting worked up about money, college age kids, spouse and focusing on me and what I can control and letting go of what I can't control. Bikram yoga has been good stress reliever and I feel stronger and firmer and less generalized aches/pains.

    Someone mentioned with friends and social stuff harder to stay within food goal, I totally agree and think that is a big reason I've taken weight off so slowly. So challenges will be possibly a lunch out with girlfriends this weekend, Easter & daughter's college graduation in May, but I don't need to get that worked up and just need to stay in present. Also while I love logging on MFP I don't like weighing and measuring so that is a goal for me as well.

    Thanks for a great message board.
  • lovesauburn
    lovesauburn Posts: 23 Member
    Also I'd love more myfitnesspal friends so please "friend" me if you do too.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    The weather in London is beautiful today. Unfortunately I'm only seeing it from my bedroom window as I've managed to get a chest infection. Let me tell you, coughing is not pleasant after having my breastbone cracked open! I've got the doctor coming in to see me as well as a nurse each day. I will be so glad when this is all behind me and I can stop feeling like an invalid and start feeling normal again.

    I can't believe how much I miss exercising! Who would have thought I'd miss swimming??

    Anyway my friends, enjoy the weekend and be healthy.

    Amanda x
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member

    I made it to the pool today and matched my previous highest distance, I/2 mile. Yeah me! Then I came home and made a weight watcher's recipe for homemade tomato/spaghetti sauce, then worked on the ptom dress for my student. I think that I had better get to bed. Good night, all!

    A half mile swim Mary! Excellent! You've given me motivation! I've been thinking I need to get my weekly swim in sometime over the weekend and now I will! Thank you!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    thanks for all of the nice comments about my workout yesterday. We have a big yard and while mowing I had to stop and clean up branches from the bad weather the other day. the mower is self propelled but was not working fully so had to push that is why extra calorie burn. we went to eat supper after hubby got home and I had just chicken, green beans and small piece cornbread and was totally satisfied and did not even want more. then hubby said we going to gym and I said if you want so we did and I got my weight workout in for another 400 calories. ticker said if every day were like this I would weight 184 in 5 weeks. boy if I could accomplish that it would be great.
    Today I am going to go grout tile in bath so we can put finishing touches in.
    Welcome to all you new ladies. This is a great site. Great work for loses and to those struggle just hang in there. I also miss a lot of you not posting. Hope you are at least lurking. Have a great day. willl try to post again later.
    vicki M
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Morning Everyone,
    I got off to a good start today. I was at the gym by about 7:45 am..on a Saturday! I got in a good workout and then took a shower and went to get my eyebrows waxed (I can't see them well enough to do it myself...don't ya love this part of aging). I came home and made a chickpea- couscous salad from the Cooking Light boards. It is great and has some nice protein. I will definitely be bringing it to summer parties. I will put it up in MY Recipes and hopefully you can get to it if you want it. I am not sure if there is another way to post recipes here. We are going to use some gift certicates to go out to dinner /late lunch later so I will look at the websites to see the nutritional information before we leave. My husband looks like he is going to be dozing on the couch...I need to get some things done around the house...guess I lost my working buddy!!

    Amanda-- I hope you feel better soon.
    Have a good day everyone!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I am now 2 lbs more than I weighed in last Monday, almost right back where I started, and I have been sticiking to the calories alotted, 1400.... I upped it thinking that I was not losing on the 1200, Been on this for over a month now, and am almost ready to give up and maybe start jenny craig or nutrisystem....comments?
  • simone55
    simone55 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello to everyone. I have just joined the website and wanted to say "hello". It's nice to have a group of 50+ers to share with - this is my first time doing something like this and I hope it helps with the weight loss. While everyone generally can have similar weight loss experiences, each age group has it's own unique set of challenges. I have a set a goal of losing 30 pounds by the end of July, which is a bit ambitious for 17 weeks. I have done it a couple of times before, but it seems every time I reach my goal weight, life hands me a major blow (family death, cancer, etc) and the weight slowly creeps up over a few years while I cope. I am determined this time to not let that happen. We cannot avoid the emotional experiences in our life, and when the next one hits me, I need to find a different way to cope than eating to comfort myself.

    I am planning on exercising 6 days a week and tracking my calories and calorie burn. I might also join one of the challenge groups here on the website to make myself accountable to someone other than myself. Good lukc to each of you with your progress towards your goals. I look forward to chatting via this site.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Happy Saturday to all!:flowerforyou:

    Caharleygirl--Welcome..I am glad my explanation helped you. :flowerforyou:

    Glendaus-I love music :love: and that is what we do with our friends when we have a "get together." I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do!:flowerforyou:

    Mary -:flowerforyou: Your music festival sounds like a fun project. I was really happy to learn that you did musical therapy...wow!
    I know swimming must be relaxing.

    Welcome- LovesAuburn:flowerforyou: -My hair is just a little darker than yours...is that what your handle refers to ..or something else..if you don't mind my asking?

    Amanda-I really hope you are feeling better. :flowerforyou: I nursed my MIL back to health after an open heart surgery..coughing or nausea ..is NOT good. Take care...those babies are so cute!:smile:

    Vickim-:flowerforyou: You did great with all your excercise...and it is paying off. If I remember correctly, Barbie says moving is what matters. Keep moving and it will come off. I believe her. She wears a pedometer and that inspired me to go buy one. I have been amazed how it motivates you.

    Barbie-We miss you here and be safe.:flowerforyou: I am sure you are checking in on us.. Have fun!:happy:

    Sally--Wow! :happy: I am impressed..You go, girl!

    Lindaj07-:flowerforyou: glad to see you every time you post. I post every day but I like to read how everyone is doing.

    Natalie-Hope you had a nice Anniversary.:flowerforyou: .they are something to celebrate. You have already accomplished a great feat. Quitting smoking is not easy.
    Natalie don't despair.:noway:

    Olbies(taking liberties with words:bigsmile: ) and Newbies have a good weekend!:flowerforyou:

  • Caharleygirl
    Caharleygirl Posts: 109 Member
    Natalie...don't give up!!! I usually find when the scale isn't moving in the right direction even though I"ve been under on my calories that the culprit is too many refined carbs or sugar, could that be your culprit??? Another big culprit for me is water retention. If I eat too much sodium...I can gain 2 or 3 pounds in A DAY. Could that be your culprit??? The older we get, the more sensitive our bodies get, I think. I personally do much better on a low sugar type diet. I can't do Jenny Craig or Nutisystem cause I'm extremely sensitive to food additives & preservatives so I don't know that much about them. Anyway, don't give up...take time to go over your food journals and see if you see anything that could be a problem and work on changing it...let me know if I can help you in anyway :flowerforyou:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Ditto...that is my case too.:smile:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Take a look at my diary, what am I doing wrong... I am doing 8 glasses of water a day, peeing constantly... last night we had hors de ourves, I ate celery and some eggplant dip (onions, egg plant, olive oil, olives mixture), grapes (8) no dessert when everyone else was eating key lime pie, .... had a salad for dinner... didn't log that stuff, couldn't find it... anyway... today is a new day...
    been biking 30 min a day, doing upper body every other day, (can't go much more, bad knees)...
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    I am now 2 lbs more than I weighed in last Monday, almost right back where I started, and I have been sticiking to the calories alotted, 1400.... I upped it thinking that I was not losing on the 1200, Been on this for over a month now, and am almost ready to give up and maybe start jenny craig or nutrisystem....comments?
    I'm sure you've heard this before, Natalie but maybe you should ignore the scales for a week or so and concentrate on
    a healthy diet? Please don't give up!
    I had a 'senior moment this' afternoon! I started well with my diet then met a friend in town for coffee. She brought me a HUGE
    chocolate muffin and I ate it! Completely forgot I should be counting my calories!! I had to do more walking in penance for what wasn't exactly 1000 calories but may as well have been for the amount of guilt I was feeling! :noway: :noway: :laugh:
    (Costa Triple Chocolate Muffin!) I held my hands up and recorded it! Now I have to make up for it tomorrow too!:laugh:
    Have a great day everyone!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    It is so windy today we are trapped at home. My SUV kept wanting to go it's own way home coming back from town this morning. Everyone is having allergies and sinus problems. It has been so windy for over a week now. We have one door that keeps blowing open on it's own.

    Today I get back to exercising after my colonoscopy on Thursday. Yes, I'm glad I did it and very glad it is over. Thanks for all the prodding on taking care of ourselves.

    Have a great day everyone and continued success for the weekend.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Saturday and so happy to see the new faces! WELCOME, Ladies. Look forward to getting to know more about you here!

    My parents arrived last night in time for dinner. I haven't seen them since the holidays since we were in MT so long. They amaze me! We got out into my neglected garden and they helped me clear it out, weed and haul debris! I HOPE that I am still doing that in my 80s!!!!! My garden looks SO much better and I have my tomato plants and peppers ready to go in the ground!

    So far I have stayed on course...luckily, my Mom didnt bring a cake or cookies. :noway:

    have a great evening, everyone. Better go see what the folks are up to....Take care, kackie:heart:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Natalie.... I definitely can relate to how you are feeling as I am sure that many of us on this board can. This is a tough battle that we are doing. I do know that if I don't handle this or give up, I can gain 30 pounds in a blink! You are working really hard and I know how frustrated I get when it feels like I would so hard but don't see the numbers on the scale. I think some people (Donna) have really given some good advice and things to look at. ....like sodium levels (I think this is my new awareness), the processed stuff, and what time of day we are eating...so much to consider. I think the other thing I need to remember is that now, at this age, I need to work harder just to maintain. As much as I don't like it, I know its true. There is a book called Younger Next Year (I think) and the author talks about get a moderate level of exercise for 45 minutes a day 5 or 6 days a week just to keep our bodies from "decaying"....not really what I want to hear but I think there is some merit to that idea. I read some of the posts on this board and it helps me to get moving. I can get so side tracked in doing things for others that I "forget" to take care of myself.

    Linda.....good for you for logging in the muffin. I really like tracking my food and sometimes it is very hard to enter in all the tough stuff.