WOMEN AGES 50+ for April



  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies,

    Just a note; survived yesterday, nasty stuff! Up at 4am this morning, storming like a wild party, not had one like that in a very long time.

    Recorded my diet as it currently stands, will do this only once since it will not change for a time. You will note that the calories are down but the nutrients are up, hopefull this will keep me out of starvation mode and loose some numbers on the scale.

    Hope all is well here.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :drinker: Just marking the spot for Monday, I will have to take time over lunch to catch up on what everyone did over the weekend.

    It's once again a busy week, and more work than money at the office...but that seems to be the way it is right now.

    I'll be back later after I've read the last few day.

    :smile: Laura
  • glendaaus
    glendaaus Posts: 27
    Hi ladies, hope everyone has a good week. After reading everyones posts this morning, while I remember I just want to comment on a few things. Linda, I have to eat my exercise calories, if I don't I never seem to lose as much weight - I think that comes with being dieting for all my adult life - I have lost and gained 100's of pounds - and I think my metabolism works that way.

    Natalie, I have learnt the hard way that this is a long long process - when we least expect it - the weight drops off - and since September 22 - I have hardly eaten anything processed - I try to mostly eat organic (when we can), these were the only real changes I made to my eating and exercise and I have lost 21lb. So the ladies advice here is excellent!

    Lorri, I am an American Idol fan, I knew Pia would go - I don't know how I did - but she has already been pickup up for a recording contract - so it may be to her advantage. I like Paul - I think he's different and comfortable with his talent.

    We had our visitors on Saturday night and had alot of fun, I managed to be under my calories for the day - even with a few wines!

    Yesterday was our first warmer day - we went to a golf course and hit some balls and played mini golf (I have an 8 year old daughter) - I have NEVER done this before - usually I stand back - but I decided this year to do everything that comes my way - the beauty of aging I guess.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :drinker: Marilyn, your post sounded like you wanted us to look at your food diary and see that your calories were down and nutrients were up, but your diary isn't public so I couldn't look at it......I would be interested in seeing how you are eating now:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, staying still and waiting for your body to heal is one of life's hardest challenges......I always want to be doing something and it seems wrong to me when the prescription for success is to do nothing.....i wish you the best ......I hope this resting is allowing you to read to pass the time.

    :flowerforyou: Glenda, we live in the north (not as far north as you) and we, too, would welcome a day that was warm enough for any kind of golf :bigsmile: I, too, eat my exercise calories.....if I don't, my body almost feels like it's starving

    :flowerforyou: Linda, I usually plan both food and exercise for the day before I start doing anything. On my big exercise days I include some higher calories foods (peanut butter, sweet potatoes, corn, peas etc.) and on days with less exercise I plan my food with lower calories.......occasionally after a restaurant meal or dinner with a friend, I find that I am over calories and have to ride my exercise bike or walk up and down the hall for an hour before bed to come out even but usually I plan well.

    :flowerforyou: today we pack the car and drive 20 miles north to our next destination......I had hoped for a walk along the river before we left but we woke up to rain :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: if we were home, I'd walk anyway but I didn't bring my walk in the rain coat and shoes :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I am still on an emotional eating roller coaster. I'm going to keep trying. All my Spring clothes are size 12 and I'm a size 16. I have to get somewhere in the middle soon. My activity is up and down also. I sure hope I become as dedicated as all you ladies are. It really bothers me having so much weight on, but I just can shake it. I lost my mom in August and now today I am going to a wake for a very special lady. She is the mother in law to both my sister and brother, so we are very close. It's tough for me to get through all of it. Plus, my son is divorced from his wife and now is living back with us because of his financial state. Plus, my Dad needs to be monitored also because of his short term memory loss from strokes her received about a year and a half. Thank God my family is all pitching in. Don't know what I would do with out them. We all have our jobs to keep him living on his own. :heart: Not easy for me to be happy like I was when I first joined fitness Pal. However, I will keep trying not to get so bad so I don't go over the 200 pound mark I was a few years back before MFP. Hope all my friends new and old are doing well here. My love and caring.

    Kathy (plantlady). :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning to all!

    First, a flower for Amanda :flowerforyou: and a flower for Kathy :flowerforyou:
    Both of you hang in there! I am praying that things get better for you.

    What is everyone's plan for the spring day? I am going to go home after work, put a meatloaf in the oven, and head to the pool for a swim. Happy Monday to everyone!
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Thanks Vicki and Barbie for advice - I think I'm on the right track but there's always room for improvement, isn't there?
    I love sweet potatoes, so will bear that in mind Barbie - makes sense! I haven't gone over my cals yet and often don't use them all, just trying to rationalise it. Thanks again!
    Mary, enjoy your swim, I'm sure you will! I've been quite lax today, back to my 3.5 miles which seems a bit of a doddle these days -
    off now to do some cooking!:flowerforyou:
    Kathy - I know how you feel about clothes - I have a lot that are too small for me but I'm trying to resist buying new ones till I'm down a size or two - hopefully, by summer we'll be getting there! Hope you feel better soon... :flowerforyou:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Hi ladies, hope everyone has a good week. After reading everyones posts this morning, while I remember I just want to comment on a few things. Linda, I have to eat my exercise calories, if I don't I never seem to lose as much weight - I think that comes with being dieting for all my adult life - I have lost and gained 100's of pounds - and I think my metabolism works that way.

    Natalie, I have learnt the hard way that this is a long long process - when we least expect it - the weight drops off - and since September 22 - I have hardly eaten anything processed - I try to mostly eat organic (when we can), these were the only real changes I made to my eating and exercise and I have lost 21lb. So the ladies advice here is excellent!

    Lorri, I am an American Idol fan, I knew Pia would go - I don't know how I did - but she has already been pickup up for a recording contract - so it may be to her advantage. I like Paul - I think he's different and comfortable with his talent.

    We had our visitors on Saturday night and had alot of fun, I managed to be under my calories for the day - even with a few wines!

    Yesterday was our first warmer day - we went to a golf course and hit some balls and played mini golf (I have an 8 year old daughter) - I have NEVER done this before - usually I stand back - but I decided this year to do everything that comes my way - the beauty of aging I guess.

    Well, I weighed in this morning, and guess what ... I gained 2 lbs, I am so frustrated, I did have Pizza yesterday, 2 pieces....didn't eat crust, it was cheese, I put in my diary, ?? I am about to give up here, and try WW, I don't know what else to do, being on this for over a month, and basically nothing happeneing...
    One frustrated, Natalie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi ladies:

    Just got back from vacation in Florida . Fabulous time and great weather in the 80's.
    Now back to reality and back to work.
    I did have a birthday last week, I know I was supposed to mention that to whoever is
    keeping track. The date was April 4th.
    Also had my anniversay on the April 6th.
    We did not know it was a Spring Break for the kids in Michigan and Indiana when we were
    in Florida so there was kids everywhere was babies to teens and some university students.
    It was a crowded week on the beach, but better crowded day at the beach than being at work. :bigsmile:

    KATHY: I had a year that you are having now. I lost my Dad this past October, he was 93 and at a
    nursing home in Florida and we live in Canada. So my husband and myself had to take care of him long
    distance and many trips to Florida for his finances. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
    When we were on vacation we lost a good friend of ours last week. We were not able to go to the funeral.
    Time does heal.
    Have a wonderful day ladies and keep on losing.
  • Ldspill
    Ldspill Posts: 49
    Good Day Ladies!

    I have been slacking in my posting lately. I am sorry and I really missed reading all the inspirational and motivational posts. I just spent a few hours reading and catching up and you all never cease to amaze me. This is the place to be for encouragement, even reading posts directed at others I learn and pick info that I didn't know I even needed. Aha moments abound.

    Even in my absence from the community I continued to log my meals. Bad thing is, I stopped exercising because of a serious cough and haven't gotten back on my game since. I'm such a bad girl but I know how forgiving you all are and I promise I will be responsible for my actions. I am seriously going to do some extreme (for me) exercise and strength training. I also plan to refine my diet and go more natural and ditch the refined sugars and processed foods. It will be a little difficult since I have one of those husbands that can eat anything and not gain an ounce and even worse, he eats like a teenager....chocolate, sodas, mac & cheese, and I have to cook for him. I've heard that..."That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger"...I ought to be a superhero when this is all over.

    Wish me luck....I'm actually shooting for 4 pounds this week. I know it sounds like a lot, but giving up sugars ought to make that goal easy. Oh, I should also mention that I am drinking only water and green tea, no more coffee, sodas or wine (whine:sad: ).

    Hope everyone has a great day and thank you for all your support and knowledge.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Kathy (plantlady):flowerforyou: {{Hugs}} for you. I understand what you are going through, as my Dad died in August 2009 and Mom this past October. It's a rough time and I'm still working through a lot of it still. I understand the feelings of not being as "up" as you were when you first got on My fitness pal, as I too am struggling with that as well:ohwell: . We can all just hope that time will heal the spots where our family leaves the holes. Enjoy your Dad while you can:flowerforyou:

    Amanda, I'm sure that being still is hard but you will heal faster if you do as you are supposed to and before you know it you will be back in the swing of it again:flowerforyou:

    Linda, to eat or not to eat....for me I never ate those exercise calories because as soon as I did i would stall in my progress, but there are a lot of people out there that say you must eat them...so I guess what you have to do is find out what works for you:drinker:


    Hubby has a job interview in Thursday and as always we will keep our fingers crossed that it develops into something. The one thing nice about him being home is how much he helps around the house:wink: I do love that.

    Everyone have a good day and evening...drink your water:drinker: and get up and move:flowerforyou:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Linda - I really like your attitude about the muffin. That's the way it should be...enjoy it and then make up.

    Wednesday is our last night of bowling and we're getting together tonight (Sun) for a "bowlers dinner". I'm bringing a cake. Yes, it's one that I bought. It was the ONLY one I could find with a picture of bowling. Then, Wednesday the bowling alley is going to give us a cheese and a pepperoni pizza while we bowl. Evidentally, they do this for all the new leagues.

    I talked to people about a summertime league. Friday this gal recommended the Tuesday evening league. But they charge $15 per week to bowl the three games! Talk about expensive! So today I talked to this one guy who works there (he wasn't there Friday). He recommended the senior league. I explained that my goal will be to practice and, hopefully, get better. I'm really not looking to get any sort of monitary reward. Maybe after our Newcomers general meeting I'll stop by the bowling alley just to observe. I'm not that good and I really don't want to bring anyone down.

    You know, last night I had some of the cake, today I feel "yuk". I didn't want the big box the cake came in, and Vince wants the rest so I put it on a smaller plate. In order to get it to fit, I ate some of it. Now I really feel "yuk". Well, that's good, I won't be tempted.

    barbie - I wouldn't call what you ate yesterday "a disaster". Not like mine, that's for sure.... I've pretty muchly given up breads, I do like the soba noodles so as soon as I finish the dry soba noodles that I have (I only have one more serving), I'll go for the packaged one. It tastes pretty good and is much lower in calories. I can't give up ALL cereal, I do have some Kashi now that it's warmer. But, really, that's about the only cereal that I have. I much prefer the steel cut oatmeal to regular oatmeal. Actually, about the only time I have the regular oatmeal is if I'm making oatmeal raisin cookies. Oh, every once in a while I might have a bowl, but that's once in a blue moon.

    Amanda - hope you're feeling better today.

    I took a "restore the core" class today (Mon) and then I tried this class called Ripped. It's a lot of aerobics mixed in with weights. Not a real big fan, but it's good for a change. I'd forgotten how good that "restore the core" class was. Tomorrow we have a board meeting at the Y and then I'll take a spinning class.

    Kathy - ((((big hug))))

    Let's see, my schedule for tomorrow. I swear, I have to write it down or else I'm sure I'd forget something. Get up at 4, go to a meeting at the Y at 7 (be sure to take the banana bread with me), then take a spin class, stop at one food store, stop at Walgreens, come home to get the refrigerated items for the soup kitchen, go to the soup kitchen, go to the post office, go to mahjongg (be there by 1, but I guess it's not a real big deal if I'm late).

    Hope everyone has a great evening!

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Let's see, my schedule for tomorrow. I swear, I have to write it down or else I'm sure I'd forget something. Get up at 4, go to a meeting at the Y at 7 (be sure to take the banana bread with me), then take a spin class, stop at one food store, stop at Walgreens, come home to get the refrigerated items for the soup kitchen, go to the soup kitchen, go to the post office, go to mahjongg (be there by 1, but I guess it's not a real big deal if I'm late).

    I love to play Maj Jong.. don't do so well, sometimes I win, did you get the NEW card? Played on it once.. I also play bridge and canasta.. and golf (not regularly)...
    I am still tracking my food on MFP, I will continue, but it doesn't seem like I am doing something I should eh?
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi all! You ladies amaze me! I just HAD to share my good news with you! Despite that triple chocolate muffin that I went on about the other day, I weighed myself this morning and - I lost another 2lbs!!!!!!!!! I give credit to all of you! I wouldn't have done it without you!! THANK YOU!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Now I have more time, I've been reading the posts this morning (evening across the pond??)
    Michele - it certainly seems to work for me!! (so far, at least) Bound to reach a plateau at some point!
    Laura- thanks for your advice - I think maybe I'll play it by ear and start worrying later!! :laugh: :laugh:
    Lynda - good luck with your 4lb weight goal this week! Hope you make it! :flowerforyou:
    Thanks again to you all for advice and support!
    Good luck everyone!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Good Morning All! :flowerforyou:

    It's a lovely, rainy morning here. The difference about this morning is that as I look out the patio door I see cheerful daffodils through the wet glass. The temps are also a bit milder. It's worth a picture so I think I'll go get my camera and take a shot.

    Linda, That's wonderful! Let's celebrate! :drinker: You're doing great! Whatever you're doing, your body likes it.

    :flowerforyou: See, that's the trick. You find what works and stick to it. I remember when I started my journey, I read a book called ~Eat Right for your Blood Type~ because I was curious about it. It said that Type O bloodtype didn't respond well to wheat, but sprouted wheat was okay. Well, as an experiment, I gave up wheat and started eating sprouted wheat and spelt breads minimally. The weight started coming off. I still eat eat minimally and use spelt bread when I eat bread. Crazy, but it works. :happy: Another thing I discovered is what combo of protein and carbs works for me. If I have a piece of fruit, I need to have a little protein with it and I get the best energy boost. If you treat your body like a hobby, you can usually figure out what it responds to best.

    :love: My family is so good to me. DH gave me a Keurig coffee maker, a real luxury in my book! Oh my, I :heart: it! Every cup is like that first wonderful cup out of the pot! With my limited eating due to my tummy issues, those two cups in the morning are my last vice. DD and family gave me a mealworm feeder for my bluebirds and when I hung it out back, I discovered there's already a nest started in the bluebird house. I am thrilled. We live in a condo, but my patio is a haven for birds.

    I hope everyone is having a great start to their day! :flowerforyou:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Natalie, don't give up. You might want to track your sodium and I would suggest that you decrease your fat and up your protein. Unfortunately a calorie isn't really just a calorie. We all need to find the right balance for our bodies and it takes time to figure the right way out. Since you are doing well on calories I would try focusing on the micronutrients now and see what happens. More protien for sure. Just my opinon. It is what worked for me before and I need to get back to doing it again.

    sorry I haven't been posting much. I am here every morning reading thru the posts. I haven't hit on my magic combination yet but I am not giving up. I had an interview yesterday for a different aerospace company. It would be a good job so we will see if I get to the next step.

    Take care all.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning,
    Just checking in. Beautiful sunny, cool morning here. Will be a nice day. Congrats Linda. Great job. My weight in was yesterday and i had gained a few ounces. Just ignored it and got on again today. Today down a pound. I am learning to ignore that scale. taken me 55 years but I am doing it. I feel so bad for the biggest loser contestents when that happens to them. They do everything they can and still dont lose. sometimes our bodies just do what they want. Well have a nice day. will check in later.
    Vicki m
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Dear Ladies,

    My parents left yesterday and I was so tired all day from working with them in my garden saturday and Sunday. Wow! They are amazing. My tomatoes are in the ground and the garden is much, much neater and ready for a few more vegetables. Yeah!

    Kathy: I am thinking of you and sending some good thoughts your way. I too am an emotional eater and you have had lots of reasons this year to be emotional. I hope you find a peaceful place soon. Take care of yourself and don't beat yourself up.:flowerforyou:

    Shirley: So glad that you had a nice time in FL. Welcome back and good luck getting back on track. I'm still doing that!

    Linda: CONGRATULATIONS on your loss! You are doing so well!!!

    Michele: You are so good about trying so many different classes. That is something I need to do. I tend to find a few things I like and do them over and over. I'll bet you don't get bored!

    Dee: Your "bird haven" sounds lovely. And what a thoughtful family with their gifts. Sounds like they know you well!

    Amanda: Sending good thoughts to you for healing and good health!:flowerforyou:

    Robin: Good advice about the protein. I also find that I need more of that and far less fat in order to lose. Good luck on the possible new job!

    Vicki: Good for you for ignoring the little changes on the scale AND for losing the pound! I am trying to do that better too. Age does help with some things!

    Laura: I'm sending good wishes your way for your DH's job interview!

    DH comes home this evening. I'll drive to Savanah to pick him up at the airport. The 12 days on my own have helped me be very strict and get back into my "good" routine. I think I can stay with it now and not jump back to temptation with every glass of wine or extra piece of cheese. These are my downfalls. WISH ME LUCK...I need it!:huh:

    I have only lost 1 pound but that is just not unusual for me. I know that I have not eaten junk or too many calories and that I am logging, tracking and eating good, real food. I now just have to up my exercise until the scale moves. I am trying to do my best with each meal, each day and have a longer-term approach to this journey. It is so helpful to read what everyone else is going through and how they deal with each challenge. We are in this together!:drinker: :drinker:

    I have on my exercise clothes and need to get out the door. I need to start adding a few running minutes to my walk to shake up this slow metabolism!:grumble: :grumble: Kackie:heart:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Well, I weighed in this morning, and guess what ... I gained 2 lbs, I am so frustrated, I did have Pizza yesterday, 2 pieces....didn't eat crust, it was cheese, I put in my diary, ?? I am about to give up here, and try WW, I don't know what else to do, being on this for over a month, and basically nothing happeneing...
    One frustrated, Natalie

    Natalie--are you tracking your sodium? Pizza is LOADED with it! (Even without the crust!) Whenever I have even one piece of pizza I am guaranteed to be up in weight the next day. I find that the older I get the more I have to keep an eye on things like the sodium in food.