WOMEN AGES 50+ for April



  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, good to see everyone hard at it. Mother's Day? Was it today? Anyhoo, Happy Mothers Day ladies, sending best wishes for a great healthy day <<overseas>>.

    Had a great day in the gym today and just now had a sad read on my comp from my son. He told me to stop the crunches and back flexing exercises. I could paralyse myself. Not nice. Well he knows his stuff so I will behave, just going back to the drawing board after a great day (one in some months) seems so heartbreaking. Oh well. We both are working on a full nutrient diet with lean calories and jacked aerobics to help trim the spare tires. Looks like I'm going to have to trim some work shifts, to allow me to walk to work and not be worried about being late for the second job. It is my back afterall I am going to need it for another 30 or so years.

    Hope all is well here.

    Barmbord, you too, well I never thought about stretches, because I do them every workout in the gym. But maybe a try is in order. Something funny though, sometimes when I get these, after switching around and around in the bed for a while, I get up and it is then that I feel that my bladder is full or is soon to be. After I releave myself the sensations stop. ???? What is that? Laying in bed previous there is no hint or sensation that I need to pee. Are my wires shorting out and I am getting shorthand in the legs?
    Hope your new home is as good as the dreams you had of it. I would love to be there instead of the winter here, but I am not a traveler, day or weekend road trips are my favorite though.

    Enough gab from me, time for bed soon.

    Take care all and be true to yourself.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    frogmama - 3:30! Yowsers! Get lots of sleep. What kind of work do you do? Is this your regular schedule, or just something special?

    Did an hour on the WiiFit today doing the hula hoop. Tomorrow, I'll do a Leslie Sansone walking DVD and then take a weight class. After the class I have to stop at the bank, then I'll do a little food shopping, then maybe buy gas. I'll have to check on the price. I almost fell over today, went by the gas station and it's $3.65 (no comments, thank you, from those of you who are from Europe or Canada). Then, in the afternoon Bonnie & Clyde have an appt with the vet. Actually, I'm going to try to do the food shopping, etc. BEFORE the weight class.

    Welcome vbloc. Tell us more about yourself

    Oh, someone, and I don't remember who, mentioned about OdoBan to get rid of the cat urine smell. I got some at the store, and I had to have someone look for it, they were almost out! The man says the stuff just flies off the shelf. Anyway, does it not only get rid of the odor but also make it so that the cat won't go back in that spot? I can't wait for nice weather when I can wash the sleeping bag and quilt and put them outside to dry. Every once in a while I get a sniff of the urine smell, even tho I have the sleeping bag and quilt on this table in the kitchen (not one that we use)

    mimi - good for you having those apples first! Bet they filled you up. What kind of apples do you like best? To me, Honeycrisp are good, but also very juicy. I like fuji.

    Bowled 6 games today. Out of the 6 I broke 100 four times. Just barely, but I did manage to break 100. Vince stayed home to start to work on the taxes. When he gets into taxes, that's when I get out of the house! One other good thing is that I drink water. If I wanted tea, they would provide the hot water, but I needed to bring a tea bag. Go figure! Now I bring a 32oz water bottle, get that filled with water and then get a pitcher of water without ice. I add some "true lemon" to it just to give it a little "zing"

    Happy Mother's Day to those across the ocean!

    Boy, miss one day, and here I have three pages of posts!

    grabbit - congrats on becoming a grandma again! That must be a wonderful feeling.

    kackie - I'm sure cathe workouts are workouts by Cathe Friedman.

    Amanda - how wonderful to hear from you!

    About those "samples" at Cosco, etc. What I do a lot of times is take the sample, but I only have 1/2 of it. That's usually just enough to give me a taste.

    barbie - another earlybird, I see. You made great choices, tho. Just great!

    Vince had a late lunch so it looks like we'll be having a late dinner. I do wish he'd eat lunch earlier. I don't mind dinner at 6 but 7 is getting a little late

    Birdie - I so agree with you in that you have to do what works for you. Like I know that many people add back in their exercise calories. Whenever I did that, I NEVER lost. So it works for me not to add them in but to make a note of the exercise I've done. Also, for me, I can never go on any diet where you can't eat a certain food, even if it's just for a short time. Moderation, that's what works for me. Some people can do that (omit certain foods), but not me.

    Marilyn - I'm so sorry, but we certainly don't want you paralized! What did your son suggest in place of the ab exercises and back flexes?

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Got my walk in today. Just did 1-1/2 miles and hope to increase that during the week.:smile:

    Amanda, so glad you're home. Prayers for a speedy recovery.:flowerforyou:

    Michelle, so glad you found that OdoBan. I'm going to look for it so that I have one and my daughter has one. She has two dogs and a cat. You've got me all psyched about using the Wii more. I never record what I do on the Wii....guess I should start!

    Everyone have a wonderful evening. :happy:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Birdie... I am in RI too and it was a wonderful day here. I met my husband on his lunch break and we drove to the bay to have our lunch. I love to get near the water...every day if I can!! Hello..Neighbor!
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member

    Lorri: What are cathe workouts?


    Hi Kackie,

    Cathe workouts are mainly cardio and strenght training. The following is a link to her site:


    I love the mixture of workouts and level of training.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Birdie... I am in RI too and it was a wonderful day here. I met my husband on his lunch break and we drove to the bay to have our lunch. I love to get near the water...every day if I can!! Hello..Neighbor!

    OMG Were you near Oakland beach???? That's where we were:) (for lunch)
    It was a lovely day! We went for a ride after lunch and ended up walking Narragansett beach. We love walking the beaches of Rhode Island. They're so beautiful!!!!
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    Chiclet here. Thanks to msh (Mary) who found me posting on the March thread. I swear I thought I was on April when I posted. Thanks!:drinker:

    Now posting correctly:

    Hi Everyone! :flowerforyou:

    So much to say, but so little time...honestly. I have not been able to check in in over 6 days!

    Well today I give our 30 day notice to vacate and we will be moving on the 6th of May to our new apartment. Still uneasy about the move but I know it is for the better for both of us. I just have gotten so comfortable here (not that it is that great of a place, its not. It was my go to place after my divorce when things were rough) but I have a great group of friends in my row of apartments that all look out for each other. We borrow items from each other, sit out and chat with each other and have had my back with issues of my mother, like helping me get her up when she falls and such. So many things. I will keep in touch with them but it won't be the same. I hope they can visit, but I know it is unlikely. Although I do intend on doing so.

    Well since losing so much weight I am now drawing the attention of men again. (Which of course irritates me, because i was the same person all along, but its all about looks I guess. Sad but unfortunately true.) At any rate, I had been chatting with someone for about 3 weeks and we decided to finally meet. We both knew what either one looked like as we had traded photos and he kept saying how excited he was getting to meet me. Well Thursday night we made the final arrangements of where we were going to go and he told me he would call me at 9 am on Friday to tell me when he would be by to pick me up. He said he was nervous that I wouldn't like him and I told him not to worry, that when we met all we had to do is be honest and upfront with each other, be natural. He answered, "Upfront and honest, what am I getting myself into?" I asked, "What do you mean?" and he said, "Nothing, I was just typing what I was thinking, shouldn't do that." We then said good night to each other. The next day 9am rolls by and no phone call. by 10am I am beginning to wonder if he is okay so I text him. No reply. by 11:00 am I have text him 3 times and called him once.
    Now he knew the arrangements I had to make to be able to go out with him for most of the day. I had to hire 2 people to watch my mother while I was gone. I had prepped her so she wouldn't freak out that I was gone and planned her meals. I even made arrangements to have my puppies walked once. So when I had done the final text I mentioned to him to please let me know what was going on as i had these people coming. I even said "Just let me know either way. Yes or no, I wont get mad, I just need to inform the people." No answer. So by 12pm I had to call everyone and cancel everything, explain to friends that I had told I was going out finally that I had been stood up (embarassed) and then I went online and blocked hiim from emailing or chatting with me personally ever again. I don't care if he was in an accident or any other emergency. He should have contacted me some how, some way. Plus the way he reacted to the "upfront and honest" thing was kind of weird. I have been told by a male friend that it was obviious to him that the guy just wanted sex. He didn;t want to share and be personal. He said "Its a classic, get you into bed situation" I honeslty didn't see it. My friend asked how could you not? I guess i am just a poor judge of character. So I am back to square one. You know, it could be too that with my mother being in tow with me, it will be a major deterrent to any man. I guess I am screwed. Sorry for the term.

    Dog wise, the dog that I found while walking Boo one day was taken to the vet and checked for a chip to see if he belonged to anyone. No chip. I gave him new vaccinations, and though he was brave and did not cry, he did not like the male assistant at all. i think he was abused by a man honestly. In 3 weeks he will be going to have his family jewels removed.

    Yesterday mom and I had a shopping day. I had Access pick us up and we went to lunch, went to PetSmart and got Scout ( the new dog, Rat terrier) a new collar that says "Bad to the Bone", because he weighs only 10 pounds (to Boos 30 pounds) and needs all the help he can get to look tough . Its a harley davidson collar. Also go him a harness, two new retractable leashes, two toys and a new "girlie" collar for Boo, because everyone mistakes her for a boy, because she is buffed and chubby. So a pink collar was in order.(I'm tired of saying, "No she is a girl) I even got her some bling. A pink rhinestone bone to hang on her collar. Nifty!! . Then mom and I had a nonfat yogurt nand sat outside in the sun for awhile, then went to Old Navy and I bought her some clothes for the hot weather that is coming and me a light thread sweater in XL and it fit! Shock a roo! Then we went to Barnes and Noble and bought books and I had an ice tea and mom had a latte. afterwards we went back to the restaurant to wait for Access to pick us up and I got two soups to go with a roll for dinner. A very busy day indeed for us both. Mom did pretty good. Didn't freak out at all. I had double diapered her so when she went, I just yanked off the dirty one and pulled up the other one. It went smoothely. Today I gave her a bath and she freaked out. Oh well

    Well I have to go and walk the puppies now. it looks like its going to rain and dont want to get caught in it.
    Talk to you later
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    So many wise women on here!

    Barbie and Birdie, I rely on you for your wisdom and good advice.

    Lynn, your day sounds delightful. I’m glad to know you too. I was blown away when you mentioned walking 8 miles. :happy: I hope to follow your example and get there one day.

    Lorri, I relate to your comment about the long-term relationship (with cake or any other yummy food). :laugh: You have a great sense of humor.

    Sally, it’s wonderful how we inspire each other. Good for you for getting to the gym.

    Chiclet, it’s nice to hear from you. Congrats on the move and on the XL. :flowerforyou: Feels good, doesn’t it?!

    I worked with Izzy this afternoon on “fetch” and “speak.” She’s getting good at both. I'm glad nobody could see me demonstrating "speak." :tongue:

    BTW, I got her results back from the DNA test (just $20 at Costco – couldn’t resist). They came back 50% miniature poodle and 50% bichon frise. She’s got to have a little of something else in her though to have straight dark hair on the tips of her ears and tail.

    The results surprised me but, when I looked at YouTube, I saw several other poodle/bichons that looked similar. It seems I got a designer dog for a fire sale price! Her previous owner must have been heartbroken to give her up. I couldn’t have found a sweeter dog at any price.

    Time for Izzy and me to hit the hay. Good night my friends.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Wow, lots of posts! I don't think I'm going to be able to keep up at this rate.

    I had a very uncomfortable night - my wound is extremely sore. I'm seeing my GP later today and may ask for something to help me sleep. I'm not a fan of sleeping pills, but may need a little something just to get me through for a while.

    After worrying that I would put on a ton of weight in hospital, I weighed myself this morning and have lost a pound. Hopefully I will be able to keep it off despite my enforced inactivity whilst I recover.

    The sky is blue today and I may put a jacket on and walk round the garden for a while. It's still cold, but the fresh air is welcoming.

    Have a good and healthy week my friends.


    Amanda x
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Did my 3.5 miles today in the pouring rain and HOWLING gales!! Back to winter again, after the beautiful weather we had o here at the weekend! I've included my mileage for going to and from work just now, so I don't forget them when I get home tonight, after 10pm. This will also inspire me to walk instead of taking a lift!!
    Happy workout, everyone! Will catch up later to see how everyone is doing!
    PS My weigh in is tomorrow! Wish me luck!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies!

    Well...it was the day of reckoning for me...LONG overdue, and the results of putting off the day were not pretty. I got on my scale today after far, far too long and I am up 11 pounds from my ticker. Now, I realize when I logged in my weight that I had not officially logged in my weight since OCTOBER.!!!:huh: I have always hated the scale but I KNOW that I have to be accountable by getting ON it. My doctor told me a couple of years ago that I am one of those people who needs to weigh every single day. I can let a day go into a month and then, obviously, 6 months. It doesn't work for me, so here I go again! I am my own worse enemy in this way.
    I think this behavior sort of follows the definition of insanity, doesn't it?

    Ah, but it is an absolutely beautiful morning. Sun is shining and it is that wonderful new green color everywhere. I worked in my garden yesterday and even harvested a few nice little asparagus shoots, so it is a hopeful time of the year.

    Amanda: So good to hear from you. I hope the blue skies and a bit of time in your garden help you sleep. I find that fresh air is the very best cure for most anything. (but take the pill if you are hurting!)

    Chiclet: So good to hear from you again too

    Lorri: Yes, I can relate to the food relationship thing...I think we all can or we wouldn't be here! Thanks for the Cathe link!

    Lindaj: You are inspiring...wind and rain didn't hold you back! WTG

    Birdie: Thank you for your very inspiring post. You have done so very well and it is wonderful of you to hang around and help the rest of us, some of whom cannot seem to do this in a straight and direct way. It is always great to hear from you!

    There were so many more of you that I had in my head to respond to...but I realize I am running late to get out the door. Have a great week and take care!:heart::heart: :heart: Kackie (Ticker is now revised:cry::cry: :cry: ...but accurate!)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    (Ticker is now revised:cry::cry: :cry: ...but accurate!)
    Good for you. I can't bring myself to reset my ticker just yet because I am sure today was a fluke because I know I didn't gain 3 pounds since Saturday. However why doesn't it ever show a 3 pound loss as a fluke? only gains. I hate weighing daily but if I don't the scale really creeps up. My experiment last week with hiding the scale caused me a little too much anxiety so I think it was detremental to my weight loss. I have also figured out that I am more stressed now that I am working than when I was stressed about not working. And I don't sleep as well or as much so I think that has contributed to my weight gain. I am not sure how to conteract any of it but at least I am identifying it.

    Mimi - you and your sweet little pup make me smile

    Amanda - I am so glad that you are through your surgery and I hope you heal quickly

    Chiclet - good luck on your move, I am sure it will be great.

    Birdie - thanks for the great words finding what works for each of us is the true journey.

    to all of you wonderful women, I hope you have the greatest week ever.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Happy Happy Birthday Lynn. Have a good one. You deserve it.
    I weighed in this morning and lost 2 1/2 pounds since last week. I was very scared to weigh in because we did not get to the gym yesterday. after all I did all week I thought one day would make me gain. crazy but you never know. I worked in bathroom all day and my allergies were rampant so when hubby got home we decided to take day off from gym. he ate leftovers and I ate cereal for supper and we watched ACM awards. I guessed every award right except for entertainer of the year. Taylor Swift really. I know that a lot of kids must have called or texted in to vote. not my choice at all. My 4 year old granddaughter loves her. Her music is good and I am glad for her but she is not entertainer of the year by any means. anyway skipping gym did not hurt my progress. guess we need a break now and again. will get right back on today though. expecting bad weather here later. very windy and rain expected and cool front later. the bathroom is really looking good and will hopefully be done this week. birdie so good to have you back. Amanda glad you are doing well. take it slow and you will be yourself in no time.
    Have a good day ladies. time to eat my breakfast.
    Vicki M
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    Amanda, I hope you feel better.

    Chicklet, yeah sounds like “he” was looking for sex. I can never understand why some men can’t be honest. Having a dog helps me realize why some men are called dogs.

    Mimi, I didn’t realize that DNA test were available for dogs. We have a 2 year old cocker spaniel that we got from an animal shelter. I am constantly amazed at the products and services that are available for pets.

    Linda, a 3.5 mile walk is great.

    Kackie, you are welcome. I completed a Cathe workout this morning. Good luck with the weigh-in. I have not yet learned to deal with the ups and downs of a daily weigh in. I weigh myself on Friday mornings. Friday weigh-in helps me better deal with the weekend.

    rjadams, I always eat more when I don’t get sufficient sleep.

    Vickie, congrats on the weight lost.

    Birdie, thanks for the inspiration.

    I hope everyone has a happy Monday!

  • Ldspill
    Ldspill Posts: 49
    Good Afternoon Ladies!

    It seems like everyone is in much better spirits this Monday than last week. We've had so many struggles and illnesses and this crazy weather, it's just all too much to deal with sometimes. So nice that we have this forum to come to and knock off the dust.

    The weather was so beautiful this weekend that my hubby and I decided to play a little baseball with the grandkids. Going into it I thought, I'll just take it easy, haven't played since last summer, no sliding, stealing bases or anything that would make it to a highlight clip on ESPN. So my 11 year old grandson is giving me some grief over the fact that I'm "Not Husseling", "Moving like an old lady"....really? I've never backed down from a good challenge, so the next ball he hit I "Husseld" over and caught. Again with the, "Wow, gramma, lucky catch". Lucky my chubby little butt! Now, I'm getting a little annoyed, I have a heckler? So, here's where the trouble started.....I think, I've played a lot of softball and although I'm past my prime for major league, I am not past my prime as a grandmother. I get up to bat, my grandson decides he's going to take over pitching from Pop, again he starts with the chatter and I'm diggin my heels in to just kill this pitch. I give it all I've got (so I think) and the ball goes right back to, that's right, the pitcher. I'm thinking, Oh, crap, I've got to run........(don't try this at home) so I take off, full tilt, bound and determined to beat this runt to firstbase. Imagine my surprise when I hit the bag before he did. The other grandkids and my hubby are all cheering and yelling, "way to go gramma!", I'm just thinking, somebody call EMS, I think I've pulled a muscle, I can't breath and I don't know where I am. Of course, nobody knew that but me and I'm acting all cool and stuff and like I'm not surprised. Once the story was being told to my daughter and her hubby it got bigger and better, or maybe I just don't remember it that way because all the blood had drained from my head and I really didn't know where I was. It all turned out good because this event just renewed my motivation for getting into shape, either that or I'm going to have to hit the ball a long long way so I don't have to run so hard.

    All of this to say.....Find your motivation, renew your outlook. Remember, although the main reason to do this is for you to live a longer and healthier life, in doing so you change all the lives around you. Does it get any better than that?

    I wish you all...Health....Happiness and a bazillion sundays playing baseball with the grandchildren.

    Lynda :glasses:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hi all,
    I did get to the gym this morning and had a good work. I mix time on the eliptical then do the weights and then end with the bike. On the MFP site it reads that I have burn a lot more calories than on the heart rate monitor so I am adding those notes to my daily food log. The scale is not moving. I am one of those people that need to weigh in everyday.....I know the number has a big range for me but it seems to not be so tramatic than when I only weigh in once a week.
    I am making a healthy lunch (tilapia stuffed with spinach and mashed cauliflower ). I am teaching two yoga classes tonight for my friend so my husband can have the fish for dinner....all this planning. I do know that it is worth it.
    Tomorrow is my weigh in at the Weight Loss Challenge I go to and last week I was up a lot so hopefully I will be down tomorrow.....
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Monday Monday:flowerforyou:

    Lynda - it's those grandkids that are keeping you young:drinker:

    Amanda - Glad to hear you are back and that you are on the road to recovery:flowerforyou:

    Lynn- I think you get the metal for longest post of recent months....not sure what day it was but you covered everyone! :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu:flowerforyou:

    My weekend was very busy and full to overflowing. Friday we had great weather so we did a bike ride around Cherry Creek Resevoir then headed down town for the George Strait & Reba Concert...it was just shy of 5 hrs and I loved it:love: Hubby "survived it"

    Saturday am we watched the grandsons and since we were cleaning the hot tub when it got down to the last 8" we stopped it and let Noah (3yr ols) play in it...it was 84 on Saturday:noway: After the kids left we did another bike ride....I soooo love the warm weather!

    Sunday we headed out the door at about 12:30 to grocery shop and it snowed for the next 5 hrs:sad: I am soooo ready for the warm weather to stay!

    Back to work today and the stress is back, hubby will apply for more jobs on line and I will try and figure out how to keep this paper work from piling up on my desk and hope the boss is able to collect more money this week...short cash flow is a killer:angry:

    Eating healthy today and getting in the exercise...gotta go get another cup of green tea.

    Everyone have a good day:flowerforyou:


    PS....Happy Belated Mother's Day to all of you in the UK:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Good morning/afternoon/evening, where ever you are in this world.....
    I did my morning bike ride, took the dog for a short walk, and then ate breakfast.
    I have some GOOD NEWS, that MEAN SCALE finally moved in the right direction.... I LOST 3 LBS!!!
    It has take ONE MONTH, can you believe that, this theory about middle age and short people was right, it took forever for me to kick start my body, hope it will continue, it obviously is going to be really slow.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I don't now how to make the ticker move.... ???? To show 3 lbs down.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I figured it out... thanks