WOMEN AGES 50+ for April



  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I'll add to the wishes also. Happy Mother's Day to those celebrating today! Enjoy every minute.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    :flowerforyou: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to our UK sisters!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    To all our UK Moms!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    This isn't easy but it's so worth it. I don't ever want to give up. If I do, it's basically a death sentence because I know fat people don't live as long. Really fat people REALLY don't live as long. Besides which, I don't like how I feel when I'm not eating right.

    Actually, this isn't true. Studies have fiound that SKINNY people don't live as long and that people with a BMI of 30 or more actually live longer!




    This is why I am not tring to get SKINNY--just HEALTHY! (There ARE other reasons to lose weight, after all!)

    I'm trying to catch up on the posts but a day of not reading really makes for a lot of catching up!

    I'll try to finish later. I've been sitting for long enough for now!
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Happy Mother's Day to all you moms in the UK!

    Kathy, you prompted me to do a little reading. Fitness does look like the key to longevity: "...adults over the age of 60 who are fit live longer than adults who are unfit, regardless of individual levels of body fat....death rates for those with higher fitness were less than half of rates for those who were unfit."

    The exception was two groups of participants classified as obese. I don't know whether I fit into those two groups, but am guessing I would. I moved from morbidly obese to obese then edged, just barely, into overweight, where I'm hovering. My plan is to squeak into the "healthy" bmi range (around 160), so skinny is not in the plans. :wink: For me, I enjoy moving a lot more now than I did 70 pounds ago.

    According to the study authors, it takes just 30 minutes of brisk activity a day to be in the longer-lived fit category. I can do 30 minutes!

    The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and Izzy is begging for a walk. Springtime is wonderful. Time to get going.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the UK LADIES.... what day is it actually? TODAY?
    I think Mother's Day in the USA is on May 8 this year.. daughter is having us over, whoooooo, I don't have to cook for a change.. we have 2 daughters, one is married with 3 kidlets (boys), and the other one is PREG with her 1st due in August.. we are excited, it's a GIRL, so we will ahve a cheerleader for our basketball team!!!
    Off for a ride outside for 30 mintues, (bad knee, can't walk, so bike is my thing)... then going to take the dog Zoey to do some pet therapy at the hospital (extra time this week), hubby left for golf trip, so wife shall play)!!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    YES, Happy Mothers' Day to our UK sisters! I hope it is a special day for each of you!

    I realize that while I was MIA often during February and March that I "missed" some of you, so I am trying to go back and catch up, but there is a LOT to catch up with this chatty group!

    Lindaj07: an 8 mile walk along the Ayrshire Coast just sounds delightful! And 8 MILES...good for you!!!

    Lynn: Happy Birthday tomorrow. I hope it is a happy, healthy year for you. I love your Daily Soul Goal on your signature!

    Barmbord: Good luck with your move to FL...where are you going there? Good for you for checking in and logging...we moved houses in Feb. and I am paying for it now!

    Grandee: How many grandchildren do you have? How wonderful to be with all of them AND 68 Pounds...that is fantastic!

    Mary: You are a busy, busy lady! Making a prom dress for a student? You are a nice person and I hope they appreciate you!

    Jeanne: Good for you for getting your colonoscopy! Yea!

    Lorri: What are cathe workouts?

    Amanda: Thinking of you and hoping all is well!

    Mimi: I am with you about keeping myself in a "safe" environment when I am struggling. I am on day 3 of my "get back on track" plan and I am sticking close to home too. So far, so good. The sunshine and warmer weather are helping too I think!

    Everyone have a lovely Sunday and I am thankful for each of you! Kackie:heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello my darling friends.

    I am just marking my place really and will be back soon. I am completly zapped of energy and still in quite a lot of pain from the surgery, so I haven't even updated my signature.

    Thank you all for the love and guidance you share.

    Happy Mother's day to everyone (even if it's not Mother's day in your country - we all deserve more than one anyway!)


    Amanda xx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member

    I've always used food as a sedative and the more out of control I'd get, the more I relied on that sedative. I found myself starting to do that again. Something else I've done is set myself up for over-eating. Yesterday, I stopped at a fruit stand and bought Jordan almonds and pistachio nuts. Did I really think I wouldn't eat them - all of them! :laugh:

    I'm going to stay in "safe" environments for the next few weeks to help me get back on track. When my daughter couldn't go to Costco today, I thought I'd go on my own. :huh: Then an MFP friend sent an email (I’m thankful for the timing!) and that made me stop and think. Costco, with all of the snacks they hand out, is a dangerous place for me. It's not a place I need to go to alone until I'm back on track.

    This isn't easy but it's so worth it. I don't ever want to give up. If I do, it's basically a death sentence because I know fat people don't live as long. Really fat people REALLY don't live as long. Besides which, I don't like how I feel when I'm not eating right.

    I’m thankful for MFP and all the support. You keep me going and keep me coming back when I wander off track.


    Mimi, I have been thinking about this post.and wanted to respond. I think you and i have some similar relationships with food. I have gradually eliminated some foods from my eating plan because I don't have a healthy relationship with them. For awhile I had a healthy bedtime snack of Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal and plain non fat yogurt until one day I found myself eating the cereal out of the box in a mindless way. So I stopped buying the cereal. One day at the store i thought about buying myself some cereal and yogurt again as a treat until I realized that i was thinking about eating the whole box of cereal and the whole quart of yogurt in one sitting.

    about Costco :grumble: I can shop there except right before lunch but once I allow myself one treat, then I start thinking about having more

    :grumble: about nuts, chocolate, and desserts of any kind:grumble: I know that I'm not the person who can have one bite to "please the hostess" or "satisfy my sweet tooth" so I choose to stay away completely from all of that stuff

    :grumble: about bread,and pasta,----I don't do either in moderation so except for an occasional Orowheat sandwich thin, I stay away from all of it
    the same for cheese

    :bigsmile: about veggies :bigsmile: I'm much better off fixing a whole package of frozen cauliflower or broccoli or stir fry veggies and having that as a snack
    high nutrition, low calories, and a huge satisfying serving :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I have learned most of this through my friends on MFP

    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: right now I'm trying to learn more about my relationship with peanut butter

    :flowerforyou: Yesterday I was at a big meeting that required us to be up at 3AM, out the door at 5AM, and on the ferry at 6:30. I made sure to ride the exercise bike before leaving, walk around the parking lot while waiting on the ferry, walk on the ferry in spite of the turbulent water and rocking and rolling of the boat ( do you burn more calories trying to maintain your balance while walking?), walk around during all the breaks, and choose wisely at Subway when we went for lunch. We stopped at the store along the way to get a snack and got a banana and yogurt (the others in the car got bagels and cream cheese)......with some walking at home, and a lot of riding on the exercise bike, I managed to balance calories in and calories out but only because it continues to be such a high priority for me.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I am so happy to see Amanda posting and on the road to recovery :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • CarolynGSilva
    CarolynGSilva Posts: 22 Member
    :heart: :happy: Happy Mothers' Day to UK friends.
    Someone asked where in Florida me next home will be. Right now we will be in St. Pete. Trying to finish up packing the kitchen today...get the hardest part done first. :love: Barmbord
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Oh....me again.

    Viv: I meant to mention that I love you new photo!!! Good to see YOU!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I hit post by mistake and was just reading to keep up with everything, so I guess I better post something.

    Kackie - I, too, am starting back to ButNGut. Going to the gym for ab exercises proved to be too inconsistent.

    It's so nice to see old friends coming back here to post again. As Barbie says this is a journey for us to go through together or something like that.

    My main April goal is to be realistic in setting goals and making plans. I plan 48 hours of stuff into one day and then always feel like I didn't accomplish anything because I didn't get everything done. My goal today was to get the horses out of their pen. While I wish we had gone riding it is too, too windy for that after their being pen bound all winter. But, they are out of the pen running, bucking and spooking all over the property. So, I guess that goal was met.

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Amanda, I'm so happy to see you posting!!! I missed you and worried about you. I hope you feel back to your old self - and much better! - soon.

    Barbie, we do have some similarities in our attachment to food! You made me laugh with your reference to peanut butter. I think I could obsessively eat almost anything when I'm hungry. MUCH better if that's something healthy.

    I'm working now (besides just working on everything, in general) on having smaller portions. I can eat a LOT of food as you know if you've ever looked at my diary. It's usually (mostly) healthy but, still, a lot. I know I won't gain if it's good stuff. But there's something not-so-good about having to be full to the brim (and over) before I stop.

    Instead of starting out with 2 eggs, I'm starting out with 1. Instead of a huge bowl of strawberries, I'm having a medium-sized bowl. You get the picture. I must be worried, down deep, that I'm not going to get enough. :noway: Totally illogical, but there it is.

    Jeannie, I love the mental picture of your horses running around, bucking and cavorting. I love watching horses run in a pasture. I don't think there's anything more beautiful. Years ago, my daughter had a horse that we pastured with a bunch of other horses. I'd sit in the car, waiting for her, while she rode. When the horses would get to running and bucking, I felt as though I'd had a special treat.

    Kackie, it's so good to see you more. You are special to me. It's that "make new friends, but keep the old..." thing. You, and so may of the women I've gotten to know here, are gold. I feel as though I'm starting to get to know and treasure the "new" folks too. It's funny how fast we transform from new to old! (That's old in a good way, mind you. Think old shoe. Nothing more comfortable.)

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    p.s. I got in another 3-mile walk today...out in the sunshine with my little pup. No wonder I'm feeling better. I need to go to a sunny place in the winter. A friend, who lives in Southern Washington, told me they'd had 30 days of rain out of 31. I give you gals who live successfully in the Northwest (and many other places where you don't see much sun in the winter) a lot of credit. :flowerforyou:
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member

    I've always used food as a sedative and the more out of control I'd get, the more I relied on that sedative. I found myself starting to do that again. Something else I've done is set myself up for over-eating. Yesterday, I stopped at a fruit stand and bought Jordan almonds and pistachio nuts. Did I really think I wouldn't eat them - all of them! :laugh:

    I'm going to stay in "safe" environments for the next few weeks to help me get back on track. When my daughter couldn't go to Costco today, I thought I'd go on my own. :huh: Then an MFP friend sent an email (I’m thankful for the timing!) and that made me stop and think. Costco, with all of the snacks they hand out, is a dangerous place for me. It's not a place I need to go to alone until I'm back on track.

    This isn't easy but it's so worth it. I don't ever want to give up. If I do, it's basically a death sentence because I know fat people don't live as long. Really fat people REALLY don't live as long. Besides which, I don't like how I feel when I'm not eating right.

    I’m thankful for MFP and all the support. You keep me going and keep me coming back when I wander off track.


    Mimi, I have been thinking about this post.and wanted to respond. I think you and i have some similar relationships with food. I have gradually eliminated some foods from my eating plan because I don't have a healthy relationship with them. For awhile I had a healthy bedtime snack of Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal and plain non fat yogurt until one day I found myself eating the cereal out of the box in a mindless way. So I stopped buying the cereal. One day at the store i thought about buying myself some cereal and yogurt again as a treat until I realized that i was thinking about eating the whole box of cereal and the whole quart of yogurt in one sitting.

    about Costco :grumble: I can shop there except right before lunch but once I allow myself one treat, then I start thinking about having more

    :grumble: about nuts, chocolate, and desserts of any kind:grumble: I know that I'm not the person who can have one bite to "please the hostess" or "satisfy my sweet tooth" so I choose to stay away completely from all of that stuff

    :grumble: about bread,and pasta,----I don't do either in moderation so except for an occasional Orowheat sandwich thin, I stay away from all of it
    the same for cheese

    :bigsmile: about veggies :bigsmile: I'm much better off fixing a whole package of frozen cauliflower or broccoli or stir fry veggies and having that as a snack
    high nutrition, low calories, and a huge satisfying serving :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I have learned most of this through my friends on MFP

    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: right now I'm trying to learn more about my relationship with peanut butter

    :flowerforyou: Yesterday I was at a big meeting that required us to be up at 3AM, out the door at 5AM, and on the ferry at 6:30. I made sure to ride the exercise bike before leaving, walk around the parking lot while waiting on the ferry, walk on the ferry in spite of the turbulent water and rocking and rolling of the boat ( do you burn more calories trying to maintain your balance while walking?), walk around during all the breaks, and choose wisely at Subway when we went for lunch. We stopped at the store along the way to get a snack and got a banana and yogurt (the others in the car got bagels and cream cheese)......with some walking at home, and a lot of riding on the exercise bike, I managed to balance calories in and calories out but only because it continues to be such a high priority for me.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I am so happy to see Amanda posting and on the road to recovery :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm glad to know that I am not the only one that has some bad food relationships. I've never met a cake that I didn't like and wasn't willing to engage in a long-term relationship.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member

    Happy Mothers Day to all of you in the UK...........mothers work so hard that every day should be Mothers Day :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member

    I'm glad to know that I am not the only one that has some bad food relationships. I've never met a cake that I didn't like and wasn't willing to engage in a long-term relationship.


    Lorri :bigsmile: I learned in some personal development training to discard the people in my life that were negative and/or dragged me down. I've done the same thing with food that drags me down and sends me to overeating. It has made all the difference :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi everyone and thanks for all the Mother's Day wishes - really makes it feel like a special day. I was extremely lazy today, out for lunch (Tuna and roasted vegetables), YUM! Still managed to stay within my calories limit. I forgot to mention that on my coastal walk yesterday, we saw a pair of nesting Peregrine falcons, high on a cliff and sadly, a poor dead seal on the beach.
    Looking forward to my walk tomorrow, Mary, you did well with your 3 miles today! You make me proud to know you!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    It's great to read all the activity on this board today. You helped me get myself to the gym this afternoon and today I just did the bike (I have arthritis in my knees so this is a good thing that I change up my exercise...walking can hurt). I really want to keep my focus on my goals and not get so discouraged by the scale. I am getting my exercise and my water in this week so that is a good thing!
    Have a good night all!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all the UK Ladies!!!!:heart:

    Viv I also love the new picture!:bigsmile:

    Today my hubby and I went out to eat as a late BD treat.:bigsmile: I enjoyed it very much because we went to a restaurant with a view of the ocean. We love eating outside in the summertime and especially love going to outdoor places on the water. This one was enclosed with huge windows (It's still a bit chilly here) but the view was nice. Then we bundled up and went for a walk on the beach. It's very sunny here in RI today.:bigsmile:

    As far as food goes, it amazes me how so many have been..... and continue to be so successful in losing the weight and maintaining......and YET have done it in many different ways! I love this website because we can all share what works for us BUT then each person has to figure out what works best for them!

    For me moderation works best...... HOWEVER I absolutely can't have certain foods in the house.:tongue: I'm a snacker and I have a sweet tooth....so to keep goodies....cake, cookies, pies, candy, pastry of any sort, ice cream, trail mix, chips etc etc etc....is simply a death wish:noway: However I DO allow it in the house for an occasion but as soon as the meal/ occasion... is over....the food leaves my house....ALL OF IT!!!!:flowerforyou:
    Because I am older and do not have children in the house, I know, makes it easier than those who have others living with you that insist on having those things around. I have a 30 yr old daughter, and if she, or my hubby wants something sweet they can pick up something at the donut shop or bakery shop.
    Drinking lots of water and exercising daily has made a huge difference also.:drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    There really is no right or wrong way of taking this journey. The "Right" thing to do, is whatever works for YOU! It really takes being honest about your behavior and choices as Barbie has shared. If eating moderately all of a sudden doesn't work for me....well...guess what!!!! I need to change that plan if I want to be successful and keep my weight off.

    One day at a time, make healthy choices, whatever that means for you, and one day will turn into a week....and then a month etc. I started on August 14, 2009 and I have never looked back. I track my food everyday....even....or should I say ESPECIALLY on bad days. If you track all your choices, and watch the trends in your eating.....then you will know if they are good or bad and only you have the power to make better choices.:wink:

    Have a glorious Sunday ladies!:flowerforyou:

    It's my one day off...so must get things ready for work tomorrow!:laugh:

    BirdieM:smooched: .