

  • Oh.. I didn't know that. But is it as unhealthy? I mean, sweet is one thing, but agave is natural. HFCS isn't. **Edit: I misspelled agave lol
  • The FDA is still exploring Stevia. Anyone have input on that? Has anyone tried it yet?
  • Nobody has seen this topic yet?? Watch this video, it will open your eyes!!!!!
  • Well, you have to remember that as omnivores, we only absorb at most 50% of anything we eat. I've tried to be a vegetarian several times and since I'm anemic, it's landed me in the hospital more than once. It can be done but it's extremely difficult and you have to eat a LOT. There are also types of protein and iron you…
  • S#it. If you figure it out, let me know. I can't even get myself up to go to the gym most days, but I think that has a lot to do with working nights along with being manic-depressive and unmedicated. lol Frankly, it's normal to have good days and bad days. Don't expect to be exactly the same all the time because the…
  • Screw all that gram/tablespoon crap. Get yourself a lean cuisine meal or something, right..... eat it all, wash out the little plastic thingie in comes in, and then use that as a visual guideline to measure out your portions. Things don't have to be exactly 100g or whatever.... as long as it comes within acceptable…
  • Okay, well when I first went on my diet, it was all about replacing the junk I usually ate with healthier things. i.e. Cheez doodles --> Snapea Crisps White bread> wheat or honey wheat Sugar ----> honey etc, etc you get the idea. So maybe if you just need more calories, you can do the opposite. i.e. Brown rice ----> White…
  • You know muscle weighs more than fat, right?
  • Thanks, both of you. Faith, no rush, get back to me about it when you can, I've been kind of AWOL lately anyway. Good for your friend, glad he did so well because believe me, it's hell trying to work out through that kind of pain. Hope the surgery made him feel a lot better.
  • LiveLife- Wouldn't it be great if we could deal with real live people that way? Telemarketer: "Hello, I'm calling about your current mortgage rates..." Me: *delete* Boss: "You didn't turn in the TPS reports!" Me: *delete* Girlfriend: "You're an *kitten*." Me: *mute* THEN delete* Sadly, I think the original poster was…
  • Stephy- Sorry to hear it, sounds painful. But I'm glad you found a way through it. Later this week I have an appointment with a personal trainer. I don't usually like them but with any luck my gym has a pool (now that the epidural meds are starting to kick in I can finally go) and maybe he can help me not mess myself up,…
  • There are far too many people like that in this world, isn't there? Her loss; and it makes room for someone way better. Good luck.
  • Things I swear by: Dried, salted green peas: always seem a bit stale to me, but they taste good. Snapea crisps: Om nom nom, close your eyes and pretend they're cheez doodles. Wheat thins: Sadly, in real life no truck will drop off a pallate of them at your door if you tweet about it. =( Pita chips: The parmesan and herb…
  • So no back-friendly exercises? I find that hard to believe.
  • Ugh, the proverbial "silhouette in the doorway" inner persona, I hate those things. Still struggle with my internalized bully. Figured out it's useless to yell back, so I hit it with axes, ice picks and broken bottles but it always heals. *Sigh* Next I'm going to try a chainsaw. *Evil grin*
  • Don't think any less of me but I had to google C25K. (Do they include Slipknot on their podcast playlists? That would kick *kitten*.) Actually, this whole topic is news to me. I thought sweating = weight loss too. Shows how much I know. But if you really want to sweat, try either layering on the clothing while you work…
  • Hey, that's not bad. Thanks. As for swimming.......not sure if my gym has a pool. Haven't exactly been there yet... lol But I will totally go check that out when I come home from work this morning.. thanks!
  • Faith; Yeah, no that's cool. I can totally dig the "DON'T LOOK AT MEEE!!" :explode: *twitch twitch* mentality because as they say in Japan, the nail that stands out gets hammered down. And ....being stared at is creepy. The more people who are drawn to you, the better the odds are of finding all the freaks and users... but…
  • Oy, I used to be the same way. Boo-hoo, nobody loves me, I'm a fat ugly long-haired hippy jew and nobody wants to date me or be my friend. Screw that noise. The way I've approached it is to externalize. Instead of blaming and punishing myself all the damn time, I became the world's biggest *kitten* and yell out obscenities…
  • Dude, I got my digital scale at walgreens for 10 bucks.
  • Wow, you're not the only n00bler, I didn't know that either. I had an English roommate for a while that used to call his rolling suitcase a "trolley". Also, I just learned what lergy means, similar to cooties... lol
  • Valerian root tea, maybe?
  • Oh gawd... I just joined a gym the other day (haven't had time to go there yet but I will soon) and reading all these makes me nervous. Maybe I should've stuck to power walking around the neighborhood....
  • Oh hell yeah, this sounds awesome. Not a big ketchup fan but I can substitute that for stewed tomatoes or something. I'll figure it out. Great idea, and I need more vegetarian dishes to add to my dietary arsenal. Thank you. =)
  • Nice to e-meet you, bigred. I'm new here myself, this place seems cool. Good luck with the weight loss!
  • Seriously, your body goes into starvation mode and stores everything you eat as fat. Stop abusing yourself, you need to fill up your tank or you will get very sick and maybe even die. You best bet is to think of your stomach as a furnace and stoke it every 3-4 hours. Just nosh on something, even if it's carrots or…