ahawkx Member


  • ^ so much this.
  • I make egg muffins all the time! When I'm not eating those, I also like mine scrambled with cheese or in a burrito. For the egg muffins to just take your favorite meat (crumbled), veggies (I like peppers, onions, mushrooms), cheese, and seasoning to taste then add a good amount of uncooked eggs (scrambled) or I prefer to…
  • I was eating enough, but like you - I had terrible morning sickness because this is actually a surrogacy and I was on added hormones, making morning sickness almost inevitable. I lost weight because of it, not because of what I was/wasn't eating. I have maintained the last three weeks though, no weight loss! That being…
  • Definitely sounds like me!
  • I don't think it is unhealthy either though. If you look at my diary - I eat very well and I don't exactly go without. I eat pizza. I eat fruits and veggies everyday. I eat whatever the heck I want to on weekends as long as I stay under cals. I am not sure what maintaince is for me so I just upped my cal intake by 300 when…
  • While I really like all the Quest bars, they are too spendy. My favorite is the Balance Bar, but only one flavor! Chocolate mint cookie crunch! It tastes just like a thinmint girlscout cookie, I swear it.
  • Wow! I feel like I eat a lot... I am at 225g and still adding more each week until I stop losing weight. I was as low as 130g/daily when I was dieting and I found my food options so limited.
  • Pickles! For me, specifically baby pickles. Almost calorie free and they are my go to when I need a crunch and some salt :)
  • I rotate between a few - Sweet potato w/light butter and brown sugar Eggbeaters with kale/spinach and sometimes reduced fat cheese (I also sometimes put this in a whole wheat wrap) Various cereals with almond milk Chocolate malt-o-meal Protein Pancakes
  • 1) 24 years old 2) 5'7 3) Currently 148lbs but started at 215lbs 4) Active job, I clean all day and night and chase after a toddler and baby. I spend an hour in the gym rotate between cycling, walking on the treadmill, elliptical, lifting by the 5x5 program, and some basic body exercises. I don't sweat much or get my heart…
  • I always recommend the Balance Bar - but ONLY the mint cookie flavor. It is seriously the protein bar version of a girlscout thin mint cookie.
  • Balance Bar - but ONLY the mint cookie version. It literally tastes like a girlscout thin mint cookie! It is the only bar I will eat now!
  • I plan my whole dang week out... easier not to cheat and every day has perfectly set macros I can't stray from. There have been times when I would accidentally forget my lunch at home or something and have to improvise but even then I stick close to the same foods anyway.
  • Usually it is 10tbsp egg whites scrambled with 1c chopped fresh baby spinach, and 1/4c fat free cheddar cheese, sometimes with a slice of wheat toast if I have enough carb allowance for it. My other go to is a sweet potato with light butter and brown sugar, or cereal (kashi or fiberone, the protein varieties) with skim…