what's your weekday go-to breakfast?



  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    2 slices of soy and linseed toast, with 2 poached eggs and half an avocado, yum :love:
  • softncudly
    softncudly Posts: 722 Member
    Yesterday, I had deli turkey slices, cheese, blueberries and coffee for breakfast.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    This morning I had a Mcdonald's Egg White McMuffin with some fresh cherries and coffee...335 calories.
  • hdacmom
    hdacmom Posts: 39 Member
    egg whites and 1 whole egg with red pepper, mushrooms and spinach with one slice of cheese and salsa on top. side of turkey bacon.
  • ahawkx
    ahawkx Posts: 52 Member
    I rotate between a few -

    Sweet potato w/light butter and brown sugar
    Eggbeaters with kale/spinach and sometimes reduced fat cheese (I also sometimes put this in a whole wheat wrap)
    Various cereals with almond milk
    Chocolate malt-o-meal
    Protein Pancakes
  • IvanCasillas
    IvanCasillas Posts: 90 Member
    Chocolate protein powder and scrambled eggs w/ veggies, ham, & cottage cheese
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    PB on 45 cal. whole wheat bread

    boiled egg

    protein drink


    = D
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    Love protein smoothies. Also eat lots of eggs fixed all different ways. Baked eggs or Zuchinni tots (Skinny Taste) can be made ahead and frozen or kept in fridge. Microwave for about 20-30 seconds.
    My favorite egg breakfast is chard wilted in a hot pan with a poached or fried egg on top.
    When I have more time, I slice up a sweet potato into 1/4" slices, mist with olive oil and bake for 20 minutes at 425 degrees for "fries". Eat with an egg.
  • Derry5
    Derry5 Posts: 9 Member
    2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites
  • Efflictim
    Efflictim Posts: 147 Member
    Oatmeal, eggs, and bacon
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    If I'm in a real hurry, a protein bar or per made drink is good but I don't have them in the house often. I like Fiber One coconut almond protein bars or Atkins mocha latte protein drink.
    Iced coffee with milk and protein powder is very good,too.
    I also make a protein drink with cocoa and pb2 sweetened with stevia,and almond milk in a mason jar which I just shake to mix.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member

    1. cinnamon raisin english muffin with 1T peanut butter
    2. kashi go lean (original) with unsweetened almond milk
    3. oatmeal with 1T peanut butter

    I can't have eggs anymore and I miss them :( Also, I can NOT do "non-breakfast" foods for breakfast. My stomach can't handle veggies and usually not even fruit first thing in the morning. My stomach is a jerk.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Im obsessed with oats & peanut butter too : )

    Also like them little alpen porridge pots at the mo... Fruit & nut one : )
  • ksquaredz963
    ksquaredz963 Posts: 4 Member
  • LeeAnne210
    LeeAnne210 Posts: 40
    Jungle Flavoured oatmeal (200-ish calories)
    Muesli with low fat yogurt (300-ish calories)
    Protein shake (173 calories)
    Fruit salad (depends)
    Porridge with butter and sweetener (325 calories)
    Wholegrain rusks with coffee (195 calories)

    Yeah I like variety :bigsmile:
  • O_v_O
    O_v_O Posts: 8
    Overnight chocolate oats has been my breakfast & pre-workout meal every single day for over a year now:

    Rolled Oats
    Hemp Seeds
    Chia seeds
    Cocoa powder
    Maca powder
    Buckwheat honey
    White mulberries
    Almond milk
    2 scoops of protein
  • keithaj1
    keithaj1 Posts: 71 Member
    Fage 2% Greek Yogurt with a cup of berries
    Kefir/Banana/Berry Smoothie
  • KimsyBee
    KimsyBee Posts: 2 Member
    Usually 100 g full fat Greek yoghurt with a banana and 20 grams homemade granola - about 308 calories and SUPER filling.
    About twice a week I'll have a boiled egg with two pieces of toast, butter and marmite - around 330 calories depending on the bread.
  • unicornedtuna
    Since I have to go to work early, I prep up a nice and simple healthy meal that I drink up.

    Green Power Smoothie

    Makes 32 oz (2 tall glass) - i only drink 1 and keep the other for dinner

    Blend the following ingredients together:
    2 bananas (ripe, frozen)
    1 mango/apple, sliced
    5 ice cubes
    a bunch of green leafy vegetable (watercrest, etc)
    2 tbsp of dried malunggay leaves
    1/2 tsp maca powder

    optional: coconut sugar (if the green leaves are too strong for you.)
    top with a tsp of chia seeds when serving

    Calories: ~ 202, serves 2 tall glasses

    It's pack with all the nutrients our body needs. it's also a good cleanse to kick off your day. I also noticed that i didnt crave much sweets since the "sweetness" from this smoothie are mainly from fruits. it might look weird at first (its green!), but the taste resemble much more of the fruits you put in too. banana should always be present since it gives the smooth base to the drink.

    I'll get hungry after 3 hours, and i'll eat my AM snack which is either a softboiled egg, or boiled sweet potato.
  • Chrysalisobel
    Chrysalisobel Posts: 152 Member
    For now, it's 'apple pie' smoothie. The ingredients? An apple, a banana, 2 tbsp of Greek yoghurt, and dashes of ground cinnamon. Throw all of them into blender, and ta-dah--instant breakfast in a bottle.

    But if I have enough time to heat up the stove, then omelette or scrambled eggs will definitely be on my plate. :drinker: