what's your weekday go-to breakfast?



  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    Lately been switching back 'n' forth between 1/2 cup mashed avocado on two slices Milton's whole grain 80 cal bread (toasted), and 1/4 cup avo, 1 Tbl peanut butter, and 1 tsp coconut oil on one slice of the same bread (toasted). Both get a dusting of salt and a hefty grind of pepper. If I get bored of that, I soft scramble a couple eggs and plop 'em on the toast instead...topped with Sriracha.

    I'm more a savory breakfast type of girl for sheezy.
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    Scrambled eggs w/spinach on toast or a bowl of frosted flakes. Nothing fancy. I've just recently started getting into the whole breakfast thing as I find that I'm a lot less hungry and prone to mindless snacking later in the day or at night.
  • peggymenard
    peggymenard Posts: 246 Member
    1 scoop Lean1 choc
    1/2 FF milk
    1 small sweet potato (cooked night before and refrigerated)
    1 handful of chopped kale
    pinch of cinnamon
    8 ice cubes
    blend in a blender
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member

    Now leave me alone 'till I'm at least 1/2 through the 2nd mug
  • stardance1
    stardance1 Posts: 20 Member
    I make a shake with 1-2 scoops of chocolate protein powder, kale, a banana, almond milk, and either a tablespoon of almond butter or greek yogurt.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    Protein Smoothie
    - 1 scoop vanilla whey protein
    - 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
    - 1 cup fruit (usually from the berry family)
    - 3-5 ice cubes
    - 1 tbspn sf pudding mix for a hint of added flavor
    - a dash of splenda

    BLEND till smooth, then for added measure I leave in the freezer for 2 hours till it gets to a slushy/ creamy constancy!!!!!!
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    Greek yogurt, Banana, Granola bar and coffee. 5 days a week.

    On weekends I swap the yogurt for oatmeal and ditch the granola.
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    That sounds yummy, though way more calories than I would consume for breakfast.
  • obeey_mee
    obeey_mee Posts: 4 Member
    First post!
    A serving of oatmeal cooked in a cup of almond milk. I'm one of those wierdos who like loves plain oatmeal.
    Plus a coffee with this AMAZING hazelnut sugar free syrup that i found at the 99 cent store ;)
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    cereal and skim milk. It varies on the type of cereal. currently eating honey nut Cheerios in the morning before work. 2 cups to 1 cup milk ratio. plus a 8 oz glass of v8 v fusion juice
    Two scrambled eggs, half a cup of grits with a sprinkle of cheese and jalepeno's; two pieces of bacon and cup of coffee.
  • Mgypsygirl
    Mgypsygirl Posts: 37 Member
    Quiche-any kind you like, I like to add spinach or broccoli, tomatoes, onions, and a bit of cheese.
  • shereenajc
    shereenajc Posts: 25
    a 7-cherry tomato and 2-large egg omelette. K-Cup of Maxwell House Dark French Roast in my refillable starbucks go-cup with 2tblspn ID's Suger Free Caramel Machiatto Creamer.
  • Red_sparkling_Titania
    Eggs. I eat the whole egg. It's a shame to waste!
  • aussiegirl1990
    aussiegirl1990 Posts: 56 Member
    Mine is an omelet.

    3 eggs
    1/4 cup spinach
    1/2 mushrooms
    1 half tomato
    small amount of bacon pieces
    pinch salt.

    Small amount of cheese to serve on top :drinker:
  • RoolyBob99
    I really love Special K Chocolatey Delight-- it has little pieces of dark chocolate in it, which is my favorite chocolate, so I'm sold. :) Not the healthiest option, but fairly low in calories. I'll have that with skim milk and a banana for a nice, quick breakfast.

    I also really enjoy making oatmeal banana pancakes. Here's a link to the recipe: http://loepsie.com/2014/05/banana-oatmeal-pancakes/
    They're really quite healthy, but I haven't figured out how many calories they are yet.
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    240 mL Unsweetend almond milk
    32 g Muesli
    12 g chia seeds

    The night prior I mix all the ingredients in a mason jar. Just recently I started adding sliced banana...it's amazing, and easy to grab in the morning.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Greek Yogurt, a banana, either a) some low-fat granola OR b) a couple of slices of whole wheat toast.
  • kteacher1114
    I have been doing some overnights oats recipes I found on pinterest. 1/2 cup rolled oats, 1/2 cup plain yogurt. 1/4 cup alomond milk. Put in pint size jars. Refrigerate over night. Add ingredients that you like. Bananas, strawberries. etc I added peanut butter (natural) to the jar last night along with some vanilla, and cinnamon. This morning I put bananas and strawberries in it. It was very good.. Check pinterest for these recipes. They are very good and filling.
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    Usually an english muffin with a slice of fat free cheese and reduced fat breakfast sausage = 205 calories or

    3 pancakes with whichever ingredient I add to spice it up ( berries, choco chips, peanut butter, lemon etc..) and light syrup = 260 calories. When I add extra ingredients to the mix i never exceed 40 calories more.