

  • You can add me! I'm 5'3" and weigh 134-136, goal is 125. mother of 1 age 32. Highest weight while prego was 192, highest weight not prego was 163.
  • How much are you eating on days you lift? You should be eating your body weight times 10 in calories just to function in your day to day activities. THE RIGHT CALORIES, I'm not saying to eat 2700 calories of fast food and carbs!! Lean meat, fruits, veggies and complex carbs!! If you are lifting you need to feed your…
  • The reason a calorie of one item of food is better than another is because of what your body does with the food. I was 163 pounds and thought I was eating alright and not over eating. I got P90X the home workout program and started that. I followed it almost to a T with the nutrition and workout program for 40 days. The…
  • pretty much anything from Taco Bell disgusts me! Most fast food tastes good, but after I eat it I feel disgusting....not just because I realize how bad it is to eat it but because of how bad it makes me feel:( used to hate olives, feta cheese, swiss cheese, avocados, sweet pickles but after being prego I could make a meal…
  • The HCG diet is very dangerous! Please be careful! I have a local doctor here in my town that had a women in the hospital because of the stress a 500 cal a day diet put on her heart! You want the same results with just as hard of work? Put in the time working out and eating a healthy 1200 cals a day! It works and stays off…
  • 1-2 pounds a week is what I have been loosing when I do loose which stays off really well! A really good, clean and healthy detox I was taught by a personal trainer was this! Fresh deli cut Lean meats, fruits and veggies! Oh, and water. You can have oil/vinegar for dressing. For ONE week eat nothing but these things and…
  • It's the good old fashion way lady! It's not easy but every day is new so remember that! if you log your food and get your body moving even just for 30 min's a day is better than none. Do something your body isn't used to and the weight WILL come off! Log log's so important! Loosing weight is 20% about what you…
  • Spend the money and buy P90X! It will tone in areas you never imagined! It targets muscles you have that maybe you haven't used before. Different workout every day....tons of calories burned and only a 45-60 min workout other than Yoga. I've seen such awesome results I cannot even tell you. I'll have to show you once I get…
  • Good job.....keep it up! One day at a time is all you can ask! Every day is a new day!:flowerforyou:
  • looking great.....keep it up! The reward is so worth it! :happy:
  • P90X is the way to go! It allows you to eat and also workout a reasonable amount of time. The workouts are intense and hard, you will max out the muscles you are using and feel it for days to come, but in the end the results are AMAZING! It's the only home video workout that I've bought that actually does what it says it…
  • TONY HORTON by far;) love the workouts though! Sorry Tony, but you can get old quick;) LOL
  • ANY diet that cuts out food groups completely is not a diet that is going to be good long term and I've found that this diet will help you loose but it is not realistic to stay on this diet because if you start eating things that aren't on the diet you will gain back what you've lost. The best diet is lean meats, fruits…
  • If you cannot stay accountable to yourself then a PT is worth the money. My friend is a PT and there are people I know she works with that would NEVER have lost the weight on their own. I think a lot of what holds us back from our potential is in our minds. We need to reprogram what we think and why we think those things…
  • The best feedback I can give is to EAT! You have to fuel your body with the food it needs to function as well as workout. I did the P90X challenge and the way that exercise and eating program is set up it really shows you how important it is that you eat enough in order to loose weight! I literally was doing 45 min…
  • cardio and more cardio! You can do sit ups till your blue in the face...all you end up doing is toning the muscle under the fat. In order to burn fat you need cardio. Your body will pull fat from there when it needs to. I still have belly fat and I have some ripped abs under it and you can kinda see them poking through,…
  • I have found that getting up early in the morning and getting a workout done is the best way to stay motivated all day! I know it seems impossible but for the last almost 2 weeks I have been getting up at 5am and getting a 30 min walk in. The first couple of days were hard because I HATE getting up early but it is getting…
  • If I were you I would record it as High impact aerobics! I know you can burn tons of calories doing this because I do this class with a personal trainer and one of our other class members wears a body bug and it says she burned around 700 calories in 45 mins.