New and looking for motivation

I have been on this site for about a month now. I have done well with food choices and sticking to healthy foods and the calorie intake that I am supposed too. What I am having difficulty with is the time to exercise. I am a school teacher and I work from 6:30am until 3:45pm. I am having trouble with getting the motivation to start an exercise routine.

It has to be one that I can do in my apartment because I don't have access to a gym. Does anyone have ideas for me?




  • maggie122006
    maggie122006 Posts: 2 Member
    I have kinect for xbox and use myshapefitness :) or you could just walk!! 30 mins of walking around the block burns more than you'd think!! good luck sweetie!!
  • rjs3455
    rjs3455 Posts: 67 Member
    If you dont have a gym, just walking around the block can burn major calories. I try to add a 30 min walk everyday before work!
  • MommaToFour
    Try one of the Jillian Michael's Dvds. I'm doing her 30 Day Shred and LOVE IT! It's amazing for toning during winter months. She probably has others that would be more directly targeted towards weight loss.
  • snoland81
    I have found that getting up early in the morning and getting a workout done is the best way to stay motivated all day! I know it seems impossible but for the last almost 2 weeks I have been getting up at 5am and getting a 30 min walk in. The first couple of days were hard because I HATE getting up early but it is getting easier and I find myself ready to get up more now at 5am. Don't get discouraged, the second week of getting up early was a little difficult because the weekend came and I didn't get up that early, but after Tuesday the rest of the week was a breeze. You have to just make it a commitment that you want to loose the weight and get it in your mind that if it takes getting up early to get it done then you have to do it.

  • MyBeautyIsSkinDeep
    SOOOO many dvds you can try ,,,Leslie sansone has a great walking dvd 5 miles just in your living room the biggest loser have one out about 4miles you can do it go by targets or walmart and check it out!!!:smile:
  • kanakike8
    kanakike8 Posts: 52 Member
    I am in a similar situation. I am a pre-service teacher and between classes and observations/field experience (and of course the homework and lesson planning), I have almost no time or energy for exercise. So a couple things I started doing: taking the stairs up to the third floor winds me but it's better than the elevator; park further away to add a few more steps to my day; stand whenever I can instead of sitting all day; walking around the classroom as much as possible; make extra trips up and downstairs, for example instead of stopping in the copy room on my way to the third floor, I go all the way up and then go back downstairs for copies and then back upstairs.
    When you are home try doing little things like jumping jacks, situps, or pushups for a few minutes in between your nightly activities. Don't underestimate the little chores too, such as shoveling or vacuuming. Good Luck on your journey! :bigsmile: Feel free to add me
  • HomestarRunner
    HomestarRunner Posts: 13 Member
    I am addicted to Zumba. I do it using videos on you tube. I just make them into a playlist and workout. I wish I was better at food choices.
  • blittle40
    Hey there...its awesome that your doing so well on your journey. As far as the time issue...I find that if I schedule my workouts then I am more likely to do them...I make to do lists everyday and so far its been really great. What time of day do you feel your best?
  • denise980
    I do have a pilattes DVD that I bought, which I am starting when I get back to my apartment (it's school vacation week and I didn't bring it home with me when I went to my parents house). It's a half an hour to an hour DVD and it's really easy to follow. I also walk to work every day and get to walk around the campus (it's set up like a college campus even though it's high school).

    blittle40: my best time of day is in the morning, so I am trying to get myself to wake up earlier than I already do.

    I think my biggest downfall right now is that I just graduated from college last May and I'm still stuck in college habits. But I'm not making excuses, I'm trying to break myself of old habits.

    Thanks for the advice so far!!!