Totally agree with the ironanimal on this one. I'm not a crossfit guy myself, but you have to compare it to people's options beforehand. They are doing deadlifts, squats, pull ups (maybe with a wild kip), clean and jerk, snatch, basically its putting weights in people's hands, while getting them some coaching. Compare that…
If your on a budget collared greens is a good way to get your leafy green base. You can buy a big batch for a couple bucks, way cheaper then kale or spinach, especially considering how little actual juice is produced from juicing leafy greens.
butterfly cut 6 t0 8 chicken breasts, season and broil 5 minutes each side, grab a container of spinach form the grocery store, then add some fruit, yogurt or whatever else. You can even shred the chicken using a very low speed blender or processer. I did this for years, back in the 5 to 6 meals a day times. It was simple…
Uh oh, sound the "lunk" alarm somebody is being passionate about strength and fitness!!! Funny how the ones who are scared of being judged by others while working out are so fast to judge others while working out. its a crazy world...
Yeah, I'm not a fan, they definitely don't seem to like cleans and deadlifts, I learned that the hard way. To each their own I guess, but to me it seems a little counter productive to "outlaw" functional exercises if done correctly or safely, but if people are that intimidated by guys like me training hard, I guess its…
Lifting ladies, you guys are amazing, keep up the hard work and spread the word. Were not just losing weight we are building the bodies we want to live life in! I tell woman (and men) all the time if it was just a matter of loosing weight on a scale you could just cut off a leg and be totally happy right? Much respect…
personally I think the standard MFP settings is giving you way too much carbs and to low protein (i'd at least go for bodyweight). With that being said I'm sure there is some kind of researched standard they used in designing that, and it probably has some studies behind it. For me though, a diet consisting of mostly…
Smart advice above, I also start with protein (the most filling calorie wise) then green vegetables (filling and so low calories its basically free) from there have some fun with the fat and carbs. Going over recommended allowances on fat, carb or protein wont cause to just start gaining weight without having enough…
You are awesome, keep up the good advice!
Even as a stimulate, just saying if it does noticeably increase metabolism, it still can not cause weight loss in the absence of a calorie deficit?
I have no problems with supplements, some actually do work. I'm guessing fenphedera is named after/similar to ephedra, which has been shown to work. That makes it suspicious, but does not rule out it possibly having an effect on metabolism. One of the biggest questions is always what does it actually do, and how. When you…
yeah, I tend to agree with you marty. My biggest challenge to dvds is not that they can't give you a workout (obviously not comparable to what you can do as far as building muscle with a weights), but seriously, how long to you expect to use your living room as a gym, and how long before it begins to smell like one? Some…
Crazy thing is the $$$ dvd set doesn't explain this, the nutritional basics of calories in and out plus exercise. Many in the fitness industry set a exercise routine or gimmick (some of which are absurd like ab lounge or diet pills), then set a calorie deficit, and leave users to awe in its magic... but never truly learn…
To each their own guys, gyms are definitely useful, but you can accomplish things outside too, I've done both depending on circumstance, as far as for the other members stuff, put your hat low on your eyes headphones up and handle your business, treat others with respect and decency, the way you want to be treated and…
Especially when its true, Gracias Pop star
lucky us, yup back to ya
absolutely look the part, I sing too, but only in the shower, until the neighbors complain and I have to stop
yeah. looks like a pop star
and Btw Susieoj, you are hilarious, great comment
From this madness to some of the things I've seen on here with insanely ridiculous calorie deficits its amazing what people will do to avoid eating 1700 or so calories of meat and vegetables. Crazy thing is too, when you look at the best bodies on a site like this or any other, you notice how much they actually eat real…
consider not just weight loss but building a body in general, which involves decreasing bodyfat, and adding muscle to replace it. No I don't mean becoming a she hulk. Its important to remember that we are all interested in building a body, with different goals in mind of course, its just a matter of gaining the muscle to…
sense of humor
I just started using to help pick up things on sale, meats vegetables are the base of my diet and can be expensive or cheap depending on if its a sale price, and using buy one get one free deals can add up. Plus the site is free and easy to use. The more fun stuff I just pay for on an as craved basis.
Funny, you can always tell your runners when your out on a jog as they drive by, most runners will do the best they can to give you space as they drive past you (a much appreciated courtesy), and then you have those who are either oblivious to how much it sucks getting "buzzed" as a car zooms by with a narrow miss, or just…
32. feeling great, great shape, glad to be exactly where I am
I always go high when it come to protein, now there is many suggestions as to what amount is "needed". The link the paleojoe posted is from, seriously worth reading, great suggestion, that is real information posted and available for free. A simpler way to look at is how much protein do I want,…
I think you generally looking at it the wrong way, when people say they want to loose weight (unless competing in weight class sports) they generally are refereeing to loosing body fat %. As you begin exercising and building muscle (a good thing as it will increase you resting metabolism), your body will begin to reshape.…
I always try to look at it the simplest way I can, exercise does not cause weight loss, calorie deficits do cause weight loss, exercise can help create a calorie deficit (by burning calories and possibly increasing metabolism) and obviously has health and appearance advantages, but at the end of the day, week or month the…
Yeah, why not? I usually do it to burn some calories while watching a movie, then I can eat more during the day and still hit may calorie goals. The intense stuff to improve performance. If I had to make a choice I'd take weight training or circuit style training over cardio for appearance goals.
Power rack, best and safest peice of equipment in the gym