tinovr Member


  • 1st Dan WTF tae kwon do. Taeguek poomsae and some sip pal gi.
    in taekwondo Comment by tinovr January 2014
  • Doritos. the original nacho cheese flavor... I swear the orange "cheese" stuff is laced with powdered crack.
  • doubt it's location-related, as I also suffered from it back in my 30s when I played basketball at night.. Completely different place.. unless it's dust related which is something that's pretty much unavoidable... I was trying to avoid the Gatorade type drinks due to the calories..
  • ask my wife.. she got the recipe..
  • I made my own lunch today as wifey was sleeping... a pulled chicken black bean chili banana pear apple I think I'm in tune with my herbivorish self today. BTW.. no grapefruit for me... conflicts with my meds.
  • I do when I go to Subway.. but it's the homemade sandwiches... just too lazy to throw on lettuce tomato & pickles.. often I'll just scoop on some hots and call it a sandwich.
  • I always have a hard time with veggies.. too many quick sandwiches for dinner on the run. Lunch is whatever the wife puts in the bag, usually a fruit or 2. Doing good today though... canned Lentil soup (2) + 1 gala apple + 1 d'anjou pear = 4 servings.. 450 calories.
  • definitely consult a physician first. then maybe work with a trainer or gym familiar with post-cardiac patients... given the damage the first heart attack probably caused, I wouldn't want to have something bad happen without some qualified medical personnel or equipment (ie defib) available. I lost my mom at 64 from heart…
  • I look about 15 yrs older with a beard, as it comes in mostly grey... I had a goatee in my early 30s. It was ok until it started going grey... I'm now 43 and would easily look well into my 50s with one... no thanks.
  • pushups, situps and crunches... no equipment needed.. can do it in 1/2 hr
  • I had it done in 2007 after my 2nd.. I was 39 and we were done..... no big deal.. had it done on Friday, took Monday off as a precaution, but all went fine.. I was walking around in practically no pain the next day... no complications etc... continue to use protection until the samples come back clean.. also, get…
  • I had to find the workout that fit me... running on a treadmill.. ugh boring.. weightlifting.. ok.. but no cardio... biking alone.. again boring.. I'm not the guy that's gonna get his butt to the gym to hop on an exercise machine.. I needed something that I was "signed up for" and "on my schedule"... a few yrs ago, it was…
  • I had it as well... real bad at first.. I used the overnight brace and that helped in the morning... but still got a bit of pain during the day... Now it's very manageable... a good fitting pair of shoes with good arch support is key... I also bought an arch support band which I wear daily which helps a lot..…
  • I'm 6' 180# now... lost 25# in 4 months on a 1700 cal/day diet plus a 600-1000 cal exercise burn 2-4 times per week.. My typical work day meal plan consists of the following: Breakfast - Coffee w/ half & half and fiber one bar or fiber one yogurt. = 100-200 calories. mid morning snack - 4-5 dried figs = 100 cal Lunch = 2…
  • just shop the labels on the wraps.. we eat a lot of wraps and regular flour tortillas are around 120-140 cals... Go with a lite wrap and you'll be getting only 80-90 cal.
  • yes... home smoked meats are quite tasty... chickens are especially easy and can even be done on a gas grill.. however, I'd be VERY careful using any grill (other than electric) within a garage. Carbon monoxide can build up quickly without proper ventilation.
  • I've been doing TKD for 18 months now.. $29 is a good price, but make sure you are told the true monthly price.. include testing fees, and any necessary gear (extra doboks, t-shirts, sparring gear) as well. We have my entire family of 4 in TKD and it gets pricey. as for choosing a dojang, definitely observe a few classes..…
  • Quaker chocolate rice cakes.. good taste and they seem to fill me up. 60 cal per cake.
  • no problem.. I'm a scientist, so sometimes I need to be precise, other times not... I figure the numbers here already have some amount of "error" in the estimation that I don't have to input to the nearest gram all the time... I can see how, as an accountant, you need to be precise with the $$$. :laugh:
  • sorry.. let me clarify.. a kitchen scale is useless for measuring volume. I too have a kitchen scale, but it doesn't help me when I have to input X grams of food into MFP and the item's serving size is listed in cups.
  • so now you know the exact conversions... but how does that help.. often times we have to add our foods here "by the cup" or some fraction thereof. A kitchen scale is useless, as it measures weight, not volume. for me, I estimate 1 cup to be a bit smaller than my clenched fist. Since I'm a 6' man with fairly large hands,…
  • obviously, the sweeter the drink, the more calories.. a shot of distilled liquor (whiskey, vodka, etc) is about 65 calories.. add in an couple of ounces of juice (another 40-60 cal), you're up to about 100-125 calories.. Add the sweet syrups or an ounce of sweet liqueur (120-175 cal) and a sweet cocktail is worse than a…
  • I take Tae Kwon Do.. I usually log 10 min of mild stretching, then 40 min of TKD for our 50 minute class. Our classes also vary from relatively easy to downright difficult. I figure it all averages out in the end... My wife once used a heart rate monitor to log calories during one class and it overestimated versus MFP by a…
  • there's an article here which seems to substantiate the numbers..... http://golf.about.com/od/fitnesshealth/a/golfphysical.htm
  • hehe.. If you want to walk, walk... most places rent carts to singles at reduced rates so it won't cost him any more... and think about it, the more you're in the woods, the more walking you'll do, and the more calories you'll burn.. :) BTW, the calories are in the exercise database..
  • ask him to bring home a nice simple garden salad for you... .. have 1 or 2 slices of pizza at 200-250 cal each and load up on salad with fat free dressing, or even lower cal Balsamic Vinegar.. A 500-600 cal meal is not too bad for someone on a 1500-2000 cal diet.
  • I think Subway is one of the few places where it's easier to make good choices. The placards on the case really help... cut it to 6 inches, drop the cheese, and substitute the honey mustard for the chipotle sauce and you get a better sandwich. probably just around 300 cal. See their nutritional info…
  • I use it as a supplement, not as meal replacement... within an hour after my workout. 1 scoop Body Fortress chocolate whey protein mix with 16 oz skim milk... about 320 calories, 26 g protein. and a big can of it is only $15 at Wal-Mart...
  • just did an advanced adult class for 50 minutes, followed by a 50 minute sparring class... so.. 20 min of mild stretching and 80 min of TKD... a nice 1200 cal workout today.. can't beat it..
  • I'm an environmental consultant mainly doing permitting for sources of air pollution. My degrees are in Meteorology. I have an hour commute each way, and spend all day at a desk, so workouts are hard to fit in, especially on my own. So I take Tae Kwon Do and am accountable to my instructors.