Shout out for Taekwondo!!!



  • tinovr
    tinovr Posts: 38 Member
    yeah.. I feel that it's an activity that I can grow with.. it'll keep me flexible and fit into my old age... mainly because it doesn't stop at black belt... we keep going to N degrees...

    and I sympathize with the earlier poster about the age... I'm 43.. the flexibility was gone, as was my strength and stamina...

    when I started, I couldn't do 20 pushups or situps.. couldn't touch my toes... etc... after 14 months. I can do 100 pushups, 200 crunches, 100 kicks, and then spar for 20 minutes...
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    That's one style I've not done. Some Muay Thai a couple times. I've just recently started Aikido, and I am loving it.
  • gwynh
    gwynh Posts: 160
    Hi. I and my 3 kids have been doing ATA Taekwondo for 4 years. They are all red belts. I am Red/black belt. Which is just one step below Black Belt. I am the only adult that joined with their kids (and has stuck with it).

    I enjoy the workouts, and before I joined, I was never active in any sport. I am more flexible, have better stamina, but yet I still can't keep up with the 6 foot tall 14 year old boy I tend to get paired up with to spar each week. His 200 foot long legs always kick me in the head. Oh well.

    My biggest challenge is upper body strength. I still can't do regular push ups, modified for girls on the knees, but I can do alot of them that way. Considering I could do zero 4 years ago, I have improved.

    I still can't jump kick that high, but I try.

    My kids are 12, 10 and 9.

    After joining in ATA, I also took up cycling. I love riding my bike for 25 miles each day or so. It is a great workout.
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    yeah.. I feel that it's an activity that I can grow with.. it'll keep me flexible and fit into my old age... mainly because it doesn't stop at black belt... we keep going to N degrees...

    and I sympathize with the earlier poster about the age... I'm 43.. the flexibility was gone, as was my strength and stamina...

    when I started, I couldn't do 20 pushups or situps.. couldn't touch my toes... etc... after 14 months. I can do 100 pushups, 200 crunches, 100 kicks, and then spar for 20 minutes...

    this is exactly how I is something I can do for years to come!
    i wa in the same boat as you when I started..I was so out of shape but have made so much progress..although I still can't do more than 20 push ups!
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    Hi. I and my 3 kids have been doing ATA Taekwondo for 4 years. They are all red belts. I am Red/black belt. Which is just one step below Black Belt. I am the only adult that joined with their kids (and has stuck with it).

    I enjoy the workouts, and before I joined, I was never active in any sport. I am more flexible, have better stamina, but yet I still can't keep up with the 6 foot tall 14 year old boy I tend to get paired up with to spar each week. His 200 foot long legs always kick me in the head. Oh well.

    My biggest challenge is upper body strength. I still can't do regular push ups, modified for girls on the knees, but I can do alot of them that way. Considering I could do zero 4 years ago, I have improved.

    I still can't jump kick that high, but I try.

    My kids are 12, 10 and 9.

    After joining in ATA, I also took up cycling. I love riding my bike for 25 miles each day or so. It is a great workout.

    Good for you & sticking with it..I bet your kids are just proud of their Mom!! I think it is fabulous! So when will you test for your black belt?

    Upper body strength was a real challenge for me to..but I started with a personal trainer at the end of December and it has made a world of difference!
  • NoTKD here but I've restarted Shotokan Karate which is a Japanese style and I also do Kobudo (weapons).
    Hopefully I can test for sandan (3rd degree) black next year.
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    NoTKD here but I've restarted Shotokan Karate which is a Japanese style and I also do Kobudo (weapons).
    Hopefully I can test for sandan (3rd degree) black next year.

    that is quite the achievement..way to go!
    how often do you train?
  • gwynh
    gwynh Posts: 160

    Good for you & sticking with it..I bet your kids are just proud of their Mom!! I think it is fabulous! So when will you test for your black belt?

    There are 3 levels of testing for black belt. I am about to do the 2nd set of tests. So, maybe I will get my black belt by christmas.
  • NoTKD here but I've restarted Shotokan Karate which is a Japanese style and I also do Kobudo (weapons).
    Hopefully I can test for sandan (3rd degree) black next year.

    that is quite the achievement..way to go!
    how often do you train?

    Sorry several long days at work and Monday and Tuesday are 2 of my 3 nights a week I train in Karate. At work during the day I have to workout Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Today I hit the 4 mile mark. I have 1 more Air Force fitness test to pass before I retire and I plan on scoring the the highest I can.
  • tinovr
    tinovr Posts: 38 Member
    just did an advanced adult class for 50 minutes, followed by a 50 minute sparring class... so.. 20 min of mild stretching and 80 min of TKD... a nice 1200 cal workout today..

    can't beat it..
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
  • I've recently started going to taekwondo - my boyfriend has been going for years (1st Dan black) and after spending years telling me how fun it is, I thought I'd give it a go. I'm loving it! It's such a great workout, helps clear my mind, and I can feel that I'm getting a lot more control over my body (which, given how uncoordinated I am normally, is a big deal!)

    I'm doing my grading for second yellow this weekend - wish me luck!

    (BTW our belt system goes white --> yellow I --> yellow II --> yellow III --> blue I --> blue II --> blue III --> red I --> red II --> red III --> black --> dans)
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    Great that you and your bf have a sport you can enjoy together!
    Good luck on your test!
  • tkd_tigger
    tkd_tigger Posts: 4 Member
    Good Day. I've been doing Taekwon-Do for 14 years, currently a 3rd Degree Black Belt, waiting for my 4th Degree evaluation. I train under the International Ch'ang-Hon Taekwon-Do Federation, which is a spin off of the International Taekwon-Do Federation. I've also been doing Jiu-Jitsu for 6 years.
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    That is quite the achievement!
    How often do you train?
  • tkd_tigger
    tkd_tigger Posts: 4 Member
    When I first started, I trained 4-5 days a week, 3-4 hours a day. I went anywhere my instructor did, seminars, tournaments, testings, etc. Taekwon-Do was absolutely my life.

    I've since changed careers, which has made it very hard to train or teach (I actually had to give up my club). I still manage to train twice a week for an hour a day, and teach my son whenever we have spare time.

    Taekwon-Do is still a very big part of my life, and can't wait for the day, when I can start a new club.
  • I recently started taekwondo and it's quickly become my life. Am 15 years old and absolutely love it. I wouldn't give it up for anything in the world and I've al already lost a to of weight.
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    hey fyi this is a martial arts group here called Martial Arts and sports fighting, lots of people there do TKD !
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