Question for MEN only



  • Oh....there are a couple things to look out for.

    1.) When they are messing around down there, you'll feel it in your stomach, tugging/ dad actually got one, and became un-numb before the cutting LOL.

    So true. I thought he was ripping my f*cking stomach through my sack during the procedure. But it happens really fast and then it's over. No big deal. But someone above posted that you should take it easy. DO IT. You'll feel like you can walk around and lift stuff and be fine. If you do that, you're going to hate yourself. I'd recommend doing it sometime around when football starts again, that way you can lay around with frozen peas on your balls and watch football all day.

    Im gonna cry!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Are you sure you are done with children? Try not to get any childless young ladies to fall in love with you most want babies eventually. Oh my brother had it done and his wife comments about how great it is all the time. :ohwell: lol

    He's 45. He's probably not interested in "childless young ladies" who are silly enough to fall in love with a sterile man and still want babies - at least not interested in them longer than a few rolls :wink:
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    Oh....there are a couple things to look out for.

    1.) When they are messing around down there, you'll feel it in your stomach, tugging/ dad actually got one, and became un-numb before the cutting LOL.

    So true. I thought he was ripping my f*cking stomach through my sack during the procedure. But it happens really fast and then it's over. No big deal. But someone above posted that you should take it easy. DO IT. You'll feel like you can walk around and lift stuff and be fine. If you do that, you're going to hate yourself. I'd recommend doing it sometime around when football starts again, that way you can lay around with frozen peas on your balls and watch football all day.

    Im gonna cry!

    And this is why the women endure the pregnancies, hours upon hours of intense labor where you make noises like a cow, and pushing a small human through your vagina. And the afterbirth, and the recovery time.

    ::edit:: and the early weeks of breastfeeding before your nipples toughen up, did I mention that hurts worse than unmedicated labor?

    Go ahead and cry if you like. :laugh: :wink:
  • tinovr
    tinovr Posts: 38 Member
    I had it done in 2007 after my 2nd.. I was 39 and we were done..... no big deal.. had it done on Friday, took Monday off as a precaution, but all went fine.. I was walking around in practically no pain the next day... no complications etc... continue to use protection until the samples come back clean..

    also, get recommendations on a good urologist from your PCP.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member

    And this is why the women endure the pregnancies, hours upon hours of intense labor where you make noises like a cow, and pushing a small human through your vagina. And the afterbirth, and the recovery time.

    ::edit:: and the early weeks of breastfeeding before your nipples toughen up, did I mention that hurts worse than unmedicated labor?

    Go ahead and cry if you like. :laugh: :wink:

    No women endure pregnancy because you guys were devious and ate the apple then convinced the hubby to eat it too getting you both in deep poop with the big guy.:laugh:
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    No women endure pregnancy because you guys were devious and ate the apple then convinced the hubby to eat it too getting you both in deep poop with the big guy.:laugh:

    :laugh: A more accurate account was that Eve was deceived; Adam made a deliberate and willful choice.

    Besides, it's not our fault that we're beautiful :drinker:
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    No women endure pregnancy because you guys were devious and ate the apple then convinced the hubby to eat it too getting you both in deep poop with the big guy.:laugh:

    :laugh: A more accurate account was that Eve was deceived; Adam made a deliberate and willful choice.

    Besides, it's not our fault that we're beautiful :drinker:

    Blah! Not true. Eve believed satan and ate the apple against direct order of God, then basically handed it to Adam like "see, it's ok" so he ate it too.

    Women are beautiful and if my wife said "eat the darn fruit or your sleeping on the couch" I'd probably just eat the fruit.
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    Its a fact, there is a high rate of "V's" on the wednesday before the NCAA basketball tourney.


    Good luck man.

    LMAO my husband said .. " oh I can understand why.... hhhhmmm thats a great idea.. in bed all week watching basketball and having the wife tend to my every need" LOL MEN!!!!
  • A friend of mine (38 with 3 kids already) at work had this done not too long ago... he had it done on a Friday morning, and made the mistake of thinking he was okay to take a hike on Sunday. Needless to say, he was in extreme pain for the rest of the week. Walked like he was sitting on a melon down there. Haha! I, very evilly but also jokingly, challenged him to a race. :devil: It was funny. He smiled. :smile: :laugh: :laugh:
  • i had it done about a year ago after our third child was born. definitely get frozen peas and use them religiously for the first few days - and plan to take it easy for at least a week. definitely do not hit the gym.

    i felt the tugging in my stomache during the procedure. that is normal. make sure the doctor asks you if you feel anything more than that before they start the procedure. they had to give me a second shot of local anethesia before starting the surgery as the first shot didn't numb me enough.

    i am not sure if it is normal, but for about three months afterwards even a slight bump to the nuts would feel like a full-on karate kick to the nuts. something to be aware of.

    lastly, if i was divorced i don't think i would have done the procedure. you might meet someone new who wants kids...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Hey guys,
    Any of you have a vasectomy? Any regrets, issues, problems, concerns? I'm going to do mine sometime before the end of August, not sure when though. I already had my initial consultation so it's just a matter of making the appointment. Some background: I'm almost 45 yrs old, I have 2 kids under the age of 10, I've been single for 2 yrs (divorced), and I'm in pretty good health.

    Any input from you guys is greatly appreciated.
    Have a friend who had it done and he tells me it hasn't affected his sex life.
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    No regrets whatsoever. But I caution you. When the doctor tells you to take it easy for a couple of days, do it. Don't walk too much, just sit as much as you can. And buy some frozen peas. Sounds crazy I know. Use the bag of frozen peas as an ice pack. It allows the bag to mold around your testicles.

    Good luck.

    Agree w/ the above - defintely take it easy and avoid excesive walking for a couple of days. I had mine done on a Friday morning and was back at work on Monday - no problemd. It's a great choice to make . . .

    I had it done about 5 years ago and I have noticed no change in my libido/desire, stamina or feeling when I "finish".

    **Just remember it doesn't prevent you from catching any diseases ... so be careful out there (since your single).

    Good Luck !!!!

    My hubby had his in '95 & the advice about the peas is spot-on. (also wear that jock-strap 24/7 if you can! Will help tremendously!)

    No difference whatsoever in performance, feel, stamina, etc. If anything, much better because the fear of an accidental pregnancy was gone!

    We wanted it done so that i could get off BC pills that were making me sick. We knew that we didn't want any children, yet we had a very hard time finding a doctor to do it since we didn't have any already. The 6th one finally agreed. We figured that if by some chance we ever wanted them, we could make an informed decision (instead of an accident or in the heat of the moment). We could always have it reversed or do IV or something. Oddly enough, as soon as he had it done all thought of ever having children vanished for both of us! 15 years later & we are still so glad that we made that decision early on.

    Good luck to you!
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    not a guy, but both of my husbands (ex and current) had vasectomies. Both reported very little pain at the time of/immediately following surgery. Both had no complications. Both had more pain the next day than the day of, but very manageable plain. Off work one day (Friday, day of surgery) and back to work on Monday. XH had it done with local in the doc's office. Current husband had it done at a surgery center under general (insurance company rules).
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member

    But does it taste the same??:devil:


    Lol, sure does! :embarassed: :tongue:
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Are you sure you are done with children? Try not to get any childless young ladies to fall in love with you most want babies eventually. Oh my brother had it done and his wife comments about how great it is all the time. :ohwell: lol

    He's 45. He's probably not interested in "childless young ladies" who are silly enough to fall in love with a sterile man and still want babies - at least not interested in them longer than a few rolls :wink:

    I wouldn't be so sure of that. Most men seem to want to date women younger than themselves, which means he'd be dating women in their 30's in all likelihood. The majority of them will either want kids or have some already, and a small minority will have decided they don't ever want them.

    Also, "recently divorced" people really don't know what the hell they want for quite a long time. I'd be cautious of making any permanent decisions shortly after a divorce.
  • BuffTexan
    BuffTexan Posts: 270
    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ALL that replied!!! I read all of the replies and I am VERY appreciative of the honesty and openness!

    To re-iterate, I'm almost 45, divorced for 2 yrs, and I have 2 small kids in elementary school. I was dating a beautiful 32 yr old at the end of 2010/early 2011 and, you guessed it, she wanted family. Guys, this woman was smokin' hot BUT no way I can have kids after the crap I went through with my divorce! I ended it with her so I wouldn't waste her time... we were going in 2 different directions in our lives and I wasn't about to be the man that hindered her from her dreams of a family. She would have resented me forever.

    Fast-forward to present time: I'm just making ends meet financially, child support is KILLING me. So, if I had another child, got divorced afterwards, I would literally be BROKE. My 2 little kids, through no fault of their own, don't have a daddy at home now. I'll be damned if I do that to another innocent child. I'll be up-front/honest with any future partner so she can make up her mind to be with me or not. I can't force anyone to stay or go but I can be honest. Also, I'm not promiscuous and I do not have casual sex.

    Again, thank you ALL for your replies!!