

  • If you're looking for an organic herb tea to try, go to your local health food store and buy some loose artichoke looks weird, and it's sort of bitter, but you can down it if you add some lavender flowers or some chamomile flowers to it! Drink once before every meal, and it should get you regular, and it's not…
  • I could always use cheerleader status! I'll do the same for you! :) I'm a junior/senior in college...sorta short too ;)
  • Well...since it's almost winter I eat a lot of soup especially for lunch! Organic tomato mostly. I eat that along with leafy greens and balsamic vinegar with a piece of toast! Pretty yummy if you're really wanting a meal. But if your like me sugar is the real problem. I love sugar and dessert. Chocolate. Anyways...if you…
  • Hi:) I'll add you! I do have to agree! It's much more fun continuing your own health journey if you see those who are working hard as well!:) it's frustrating when you've been rooting people on and then you see that they quit right away!:(
  • I'm totally chopping all my hair off :) So excited.
  • No...I don't have a lot to lose...Just 20 pounds...That picture was ten pounds ago on my wedding day ;) I just want to stay on top of things before I gain any more weight and have that infamous newly-wed weight gain. My weight does fluctuate easily, so I need to start watching what I eat before I gain any more and regret…
  • Try not to drink anything that's too processed. Yes it will fill you up and it has protein in it, but it isn't what your body is designed to take in. If you're looking for something on the go try to go the whole foods version of a shake! This is what I drink in the mornings or if I'm craving dessert. Mix up 1/2 banana 1…
  • I'm not a super newly wed..I got married in May! I allowed myself a few months to get used to married life...and in that time...boom. 12 pounds in 4 months. yup. I knew it was going to happen...but as of 2 weeks ago I'm determined to not let it get out of hand! It's just so easy to let it slip your mind! I'm also still in…