So i just made this account and uh...

Now what?

~I'm a junior in college
~I'm kind of short
~I would love some friends on here for motivation
~I am really great at being supportive: like cheerleader status

~Feel free to add me :)


  • kw1452
    kw1452 Posts: 113 Member
    Now you start logging your food and any exercise. Try to get a feel for where you are at calorie-wise before you start making changes. It helps to see how many calories are actually in innocent seeming things - like youd be surprised how many calories might be in your salad or hamburger.

    Then work on making small changes. Like cutting back on sodas and drinking more water. Eating alittle healthier one day at a time. Cutting down on portion sizes, but not so dramatically that you quit and binge.

    And start adding in alittle more exercise than you already get. If you are not active, try walking more at school or walk around your neighborhood. If you are active, bump it up a notch.

    And when you inevitably quit (we all do it at first), just realize when you are ready to get back on the diet/exercise train, and be prepared to learn from your mistakes, and grow. Learn what you liked and didnt like about diet and exercise. Do what you like. Dont just do what everyone else does - there are alot of misconceptions about diet and exercise out there. The best is to just do what makes you happy and over time those things will become habits and the weight will come off - slowly but surely.
  • mkarrington77
    I could always use cheerleader status! I'll do the same for you! :)
    I'm a junior/senior in college...sorta short too ;)
  • donthesitate
    donthesitate Posts: 255 Member
    Im not short lol but im a sophmore in college and like to motivate, feel free to add :)